







汉语拼音:dòng bǐ








  1. 指写作;开始写作。

    宋 苏轼 《辨黄庆基弹劾札子》:“只如其间有劳来安集四字,便云是 厉王 之乱,若一一似此罗织人言,则天下之人,更不敢开口动笔矣。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·论秦理斋夫人事》:“这几年来,报章上常见有因经济的压迫,礼教的制裁而自杀的记事,但为了这些,便来开口或动笔的人是很少的。” 巴金 《新生·四月二五日》:“你看, 静淑 叫你写的文章你还没有动笔。”



  1. The past few days is not written, its status is not a daze staring screen is aphasia wrote half will be so repeatedly had to stop doing.

  2. Often the act of writing down your problems can be therapeutic as it may give you an opportunity to think through some possible solutions.

  3. The only thing I found? A one-page outline for an intended screenplay she never began.

  4. The decision to come out was initiated a few months ago, when he began writing his memoirs, he said.

  5. My little girl is sure to ask me some strange questions at exactly the moment I put pen to paper.

  6. If I had not been angry about that I should never have written the book.

  7. Before you know it, a couple of minutes has turned into a couple of hours and you haven't written a thing.

  8. We shall occasionally ask you to use your voice as your pencil-to say things out loud.

  9. but if I were writing a book on the habits of hedgehogs , o should not commit myself until I had seen one enjoying this unappetizing diet.


  1. 每天动动笔!

    Write Something Every Day!

  2. 勤思索, 多动笔

    do some hard thinking as well as much writing

  3. 他帮我动笔写小说。

    He helped me get the novel off the ground.

  4. 晚年他甚少动笔。

    In his later years he wrote very little.

  5. 想清楚了再动笔。

    Think it all out before you start writing.

  6. 要想好答案再动笔。

    Think out your answer before you start writing.

  7. 赶紧动笔,给吉娜写信道歉。

    Put your pen on that piece of paper and write your apology to Gina.

  8. 赶紧动笔,给吉娜写信道歉。

    Put your pen on that piece of paper and write your apology to Gina.

  9. 其实,最初是为他而动笔的。

    As a matter of fact, it was for him that she started to write.

  10. 旧时指一年中开始动笔写字

    Begin writing in a year

  11. 生命的画卷一旦动笔就无法修改。

    Life is drawing without an eraser.

  12. 他一动笔,就洋洋洒洒,一发难收。

    Once he took up his pen, writings began pouring down.

  13. 动笔之前, 应列出电影的故事大纲。

    Outline your story before you start writing it.

  14. 她排除一切杂念动笔写了起来。

    She emptied out all other thoughts from her mind and put pen to paper.

  15. 你怎么还不动笔记下来啊?

    Don't you need to write this down?

  16. 他当时已经根本不能动笔了,先生。

    He was unable to write, sir.

  17. 我随手拿起了纸,开始动笔记录。

    I took out some scrap paper and started writing.

  18. 动笔前他得先把证据收集起来。

    All the evidence would have to be assembled before he could put pen to paper.

  19. 在你动笔写之前,你需要做如下事情。

    Before you start writing, you need to do the following.

  20. 成千上万的人开始动笔写这件事情。

    Thousands of people started writing about this.

  21. 在你想删除的字符处划动笔尖。

    Rub the pen tip across the strokes you want to erase.

  22. 他更乐于动笔写信而不愿口授。

    He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them.

  23. 几乎一年没有动笔做题些东西了。

    It's been almost one year did not write something.

  24. 所有的学生都在动笔写,只有汤姆除外。

    All the students begin to write except for Tom.

  25. 我想你说的对,我要开始动笔写了。

    I guess you're right, I got to go get started.

  26. 正要动笔开始写一部小说。对话中的

    Start out to do something, Cathy is starting out to write a novel. Cathy

  27. 有些作者在动笔前完全打好了腹稿。

    Some authors make through mental preparation, before they put pen to paper.

  28. 写作文前要仔细构思,不要草率动笔。

    There's no point putting pen to paper before you have organised your thoughts.

  29. 动笔写书面稿是你通向成功的第一步。

    Writing your script will be the first step toward success cold call.

  30. 你不想马上动笔写那个双胞胎的故事吗?

    Don't you wanna get started on that story about the twins


  1. 问:动笔拼音怎么拼?动笔的读音是什么?动笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动笔的读音是dòngbǐ,动笔翻译成英文是 take up the pen or brush; start writing or pa...




【注音】:dòng bǐ
