




输,失利,不成功,与“胜”相对:~北。~退。~绩(a.连队溃败;b.事业的失利)。~诉。~笔。~局。两~俱伤。战胜,使失败:大~敌军。毁坏:~坏。~露。解除,消散:~火。~毒。破旧,衰落,腐烂:~絮。~落。~兴(xìng )(情绪低落)。腐……



汉语拼音:pò bài









  1. 失败;破灭败亡。

    《书·秦誓》“惟今之谋人姑将以为亲” 孔 传:“惟指今事为我所谋之人,我且将以为亲而用之,悔前违古从今,以取破败。”《后汉书·朱浮传》:“惜乎弃休令之嘉名,造梟鴟之逆谋,捐传世之庆祚,招破败之重灾。” 唐 韩愈 《论淮西事宜状》:“况以三小州残弊困剧之餘,而当天下之全力,其破败可立而待也。” 碧野 《富春江畔》:“﹝ 李清照 ﹞国家破败,亲人死亡,千愁万恨,集于一身。”

  2. 攻破击败。

    《史记·李将军列传》:“ 广 以卫尉为将军,出 鴈门 击 匈奴 。 匈奴 兵多,破败 广 军,生得 广 。”

  3. 破坏;败坏。

    宋 苏轼 《论纲梢欠折利害状》:“凡五十餘年,船场既无破败,餽运亦不闕絶。”《醒世姻缘传》第四回:“这样人就像媒婆子似的,咱不打发他个喜欢,叫他到处去破败咱?” 郭沫若 《水平线下·到宜兴去》:“但是新的建筑如不入时,又不成其为古迹,所以要它破败。”

  4. 丧失。

    宋 苏轼 《龙虎铅汞论》:“吾今年已六十,名位破败,兄弟隔絶,父子离散,身居蛮夷,北归无日,区区世味,亦可知矣。”《老残游记》第十一回:“你当天理、国法、人情是到南革的时代才破败吗?久已亡失的了!”

  5. 破落衰败。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二二:“我闻得你父子在 长安 富贵,后来破败,今日何得在此?” 茅盾 《三人行》六:“他仓皇开眼四顾,只有阴暗的屋角像在那里冷眼笑他。破败荒凉的家!当真只剩下孤伶仃的一个他了。”

  6. 残破;破旧败坏处。

    宋 苏轼 《超然台记》:“於是治其园圃,絜其庭宇,伐 安丘 、 高密 之木,以修补破败,为苟完之计。”

  7. 漏洞;破绽。亦借指妇女失身。

    明 徐渭 《女状元》第五出:“难道女儿假粧男出外,况二十年来,又妙龄正当少艾,竟保得没些儿破败。” 清 梁章鉅 《退庵随笔·读子》:“久之渐见得那边疎漏,又久之大见其破败。”



  1. There was a time when the wireless. Turns out to the site. In a bucket of gold. But today. Still falling so far.

  2. The hut, one-story tall and made of adobe, had small windows and was as worn as a sand castle.

  3. I mean, there may be 100 explanations for why Haiti is the impoverished nation it is, but there is no excuse to see that sort of squalor.

  4. When the Spanish took Naples in 1503, they found it "a very rundown city whose whole infrastructure badly needed making over" .

  5. A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment.

  6. Pyongyang is the show city, spruced up for the celebrations and visiting media, yet it remains dingy away from a few main streets.

  7. Indeed, Kim Jong-il appeared to have ruled over a country wracked by poverty and starvation.

  8. But if it continues to draw the wrong lesson from the tale of Japan, then one day its economy may look just as tatty.

  9. In those ruined pictures, we catch not the happy anticipation with console, but the worry and fear about this crazy time.


  1. 破败的村落

    a shabby village.

  2. 破败不堪的教堂

    a ruined abbey

  3. 蓝色破败病

    blue sickness.

  4. 金属破败病

    casse metatique

  5. 一座破败的山庄

    a shabby mountain villa

  6. 这楼已破败不堪。

    The building is now a ruin.

  7. 那教堂已破败不堪。

    The church has fallen into ruin.

  8. 那城堡已破败不堪。

    The castle has fallen into ruin.

  9. 葡萄酒铁破败病

    blue casse

  10. 这是座破败得山庄。

    It was a shabby mountain villa.

  11. 这是座破败的山庄。

    It was a shabby mountain villa.

  12. 葡萄酒的蓝色破败病

    blue sickness

  13. 这所学校一直破败不堪。

    The school has been in a terrible state for a long time.

  14. 这些破败的房屋将要重建。

    The houses that have fallen away will be rebuilt.

  15. 那座古庙已破败不堪。

    The ancient temple has fallen into ruins.

  16. 这些楼房肮脏凌乱,破败不堪。

    The buildings were in a state of total disrepair.

  17. 这些楼房肮脏凌乱,破败不堪。

    The buildings were in a state of total disrepair.

  18. 农舍落到了破败的境地。

    The farmhouse had fallen into a state of dilapidation.

  19. 异日萧条破败的景象荡然无存。

    The desolate scene in the former days has all gone.

  20. 各样东西都垂头丧气,窒闷,破败。

    Everything was bowed down, dejected, oppressed, and broken.

  21. 那些房屋经年失修,破败不堪。

    The old houses had fallen into disrepair.

  22. 如今的金融系统已经破败不堪。

    The financial system is broken.

  23. 那座房子破败得不成样子了。

    The house was left in a shocking state.

  24. 房子里空无一人,破败不堪。

    The house was unoccupied and in a bad state of disrepair.

  25. 穷人住在昏暗破败的房子里。

    The poor were housed in dingy, rotting buildings.

  26. 车站关闭后很快便破败不堪。

    The station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.

  27. 一天, 她来到一座破败的神庙。

    One day she fell upon a temple in disarray.

  28. 战争过后,许多修道院都逐渐破败了。

    After the war many monasteries fell into ruin.

  29. 这所医院已破败得无法修缮了。

    The hospital is so rotted that it's beyond repair.

  30. 最穷苦的人赖以栖身的破败小屋

    The mean little houses where the poorest people live


  1. 问:破败拼音怎么拼?破败的读音是什么?破败翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破败的读音是pòbài,破败翻译成英文是 declining; run-down

  2. 问:破败不堪拼音怎么拼?破败不堪的读音是什么?破败不堪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破败不堪的读音是Pòbài bùkān,破败不堪翻译成英文是 to be in ruins




拼音:pò bài 词义: ①破灭败亡:国家破败,亲人死亡,千愁万恨,集于一身。②破落衰败:破败荒凉的家,只剩下一个伶仃孤苦的小女孩。③破旧败坏;残破:村里唯一的小学校的校舍早已破败不堪。