


用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……





汉语拼音:bāo hán







  1. 包容含有;包括。

    《北史·隐逸传·徐则》:“夫道得众妙,法体自然,包涵二仪,混成万物。” 元 邓玉宝 《一枝花》套曲:“蜂衙蚁阵,虎窟龙潭,阑纷纷的尽入包涵。” 清 戴名世 《左忠毅公传》:“陛下如天之度,宜无所不包涵。” 李大钊 《土地与农民》:“此统计表不包函 四川 、 广东 、 广西 、 云南 、 贵州 五省。”

  2. 宽容,原谅。

    《老残游记》第四回:“不中吃,请 铁老爷 格外包涵些。”《再生缘》第十四回:“萍水相逢缘分重,今朝得罪要包涵。” 老舍 《茶馆》第一幕:“好在照顾主儿都是我父亲的老朋友,我有不周到的地方,都肯包涵,闭闭眼就过去了。”



  1. I bumped into a stranger as he passed by. "Oh, excuse me Please, " I said.

  2. The whole secret of her experience was as if enclosed in her name.

  3. Heres to you! To your health! Ill drink to that! Whatever you like! Excuse me for a minute. Hope you enjoy yourself.

  4. I did not know, when he fell ill old, can another like him the person being willing to forgive, does not mind his flavor.

  5. The last two years of an engineering program include subjects within the student's field of specialization.

  6. Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains, not because of any claims made about its source.

  7. Forgive my sarcasm, but my stimulus check hasn't come in yet, and I live only a few blocks away from The Capitol.

  8. If, this evening, the image of a certain childhood comes back to me, how can I keep from welcoming the lesson of love and poverty it offers?

  9. Chinese banquet table filled with delicious food even if the owner has always used to say a few "excuse me" and other kind words.


  1. 请多多包涵。

    You must take us as you find us.

  2. 请多多包涵。

    You must take us as you find us.

  3. 包涵体脑炎

    inclusion encephalitis.

  4. 包涵体表达

    inclusion body expression.

  5. 包涵体纯化

    purification of inclusion bodies.

  6. 包涵体笥结膜炎

    inclusion blennorrhea

  7. 多谢您海量包涵。

    Thank you so much for your generosity.

  8. 他们恳求观众包涵。

    They begged the audiences indulgence.

  9. 包涵体脓溢

    inclusion blennorrhea.

  10. 巨细胞包涵体病

    cytomegalic inclusion disease

  11. 猪包涵体鼻炎

    porcine inclusion body rhinitis

  12. 包涵体性结膜炎

    inclusion conjunctivitis

  13. 招待不周,请多包涵!

    Please forgive me for giving you such a poor reception.

  14. 招待不周,请多包涵!

    Please forgive me for giving you such a poor reception.

  15. 有不当之处,谨请包涵。

    Please excuse any improprieties.

  16. 有不当之处,谨请包涵。

    Please excuse any improprieties.

  17. 今天晚上你就多包涵包涵了。

    And you'll bear with us tonight.

  18. 中性粒细咆包涵体

    inclusions of neutophils

  19. 有什么错误,还请你包涵。

    Please excuse any mistakes there may be.

  20. 包涵体复性研究进展

    Recent progress in renaturation of inclusion bodies

  21. 我唱得不好,请多多包涵。

    Excuse my poor singing.

  22. 请包涵这顿不像样的饭菜。

    Please excuse this wretched apology for a meal.

  23. 请包涵这顿不像样得饭菜。

    Please excuse this wretched apology for a meal.

  24. 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。

    If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies.

  25. 如有怠慢之处,请多包涵。

    If I have been at all remiss, please accept my full apologies.

  26. 隐性遗传性包涵体肌病

    Autosomal recessive inclusion bodymyopathy

  27. 对不住的地方,望您海量包涵。

    I hope you will be magnanimous enough to excuse any incorrect behaviour on my part.

  28. 帮了他的忙,反落一身包涵。

    I helped him only to draw his ire.

  29. 包涵体表达蛋白的纯化方法

    Purification of Expressed Proteins from Inclusion Bodies

  30. 细胞内外见红染的包涵体。

    Eosinophilic inclusions were showed in or out the cells.


  1. 问:包涵拼音怎么拼?包涵的读音是什么?包涵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵的读音是bāohan,包涵翻译成英文是 forgive

  2. 问:包涵体拼音怎么拼?包涵体的读音是什么?包涵体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体的读音是bāo hán tǐ,包涵体翻译成英文是 cytorrhyctes, cytoryctes

  3. 问:包涵素拼音怎么拼?包涵素的读音是什么?包涵素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵素的读音是bāo hán sù,包涵素翻译成英文是 clathrin

  4. 问:包涵体病拼音怎么拼?包涵体病的读音是什么?包涵体病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体病的读音是bāo hán tǐ bìng,包涵体病翻译成英文是 inclusion disease

  5. 问:包涵囊肿拼音怎么拼?包涵囊肿的读音是什么?包涵囊肿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵囊肿的读音是bāo hán náng zhǒng,包涵囊肿翻译成英文是 inclusion cyst

  6. 问:包涵体肌炎拼音怎么拼?包涵体肌炎的读音是什么?包涵体肌炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体肌炎的读音是bāo hán tǐ jī yán,包涵体肌炎翻译成英文是 inclusion body myositis

  7. 问:包涵体脓溢拼音怎么拼?包涵体脓溢的读音是什么?包涵体脓溢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体脓溢的读音是bāo hán tǐ nóng yì,包涵体脓溢翻译成英文是 inclusion blennorrhea

  8. 问:包涵体鼻炎拼音怎么拼?包涵体鼻炎的读音是什么?包涵体鼻炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体鼻炎的读音是bāo hán tǐ bí yán,包涵体鼻炎翻译成英文是 inclusion body rhinitis

  9. 问:包涵体复合物拼音怎么拼?包涵体复合物的读音是什么?包涵体复合物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体复合物的读音是bāo hán tǐ fù hé wù,包涵体复合物翻译成英文是 inclusion complex's

  10. 问:包涵体结膜炎拼音怎么拼?包涵体结膜炎的读音是什么?包涵体结膜炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:包涵体结膜炎的读音是bāo hán tǐ jié mó yán,包涵体结膜炎翻译成英文是 inclusion conjunctivitis


