


送给,给予:~仕(退休)。~辞。~电。~力。~哀。~命。招引,使达到:~病。~使。以~。专心~志。样子,情趣:大~。别~。景~。兴(xìng )~。细密,精细:~密。精~。……


尊重,有礼貌地对待:尊~。致~。~重(zhòng )。~爱。~仰。恭~。~辞。~慕。~献。表示敬意的礼物:喜~。寿~。有礼貌地送上去:~酒。~香。谨慎,不怠慢:慎始~终(自始自终都谨慎不懈)。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhì jìng








  1. 表示恭敬;表达敬意。

    《左传·成公十三年》:“勤礼莫如致敬,尽力莫如敦篤。”《三国志·魏志·崔林传》:“﹝ 吴质 ﹞仗节统事,州郡莫不奉牋致敬。”

  2. 犹致祭。祭必诚敬,故称。


  3. 极尽诚敬之心;极其恭敬。

    《孟子·尽心上》:“王公不致敬尽礼,则不得亟见之。” 明 张居正 《奉谕整肃朝仪疏》:“礼莫大於君臣之交,分莫严於上下之辨。况朝参之际,天颜咫尺,尤臣子所当致敬而不可忽者。”

  4. 犹致礼。向人施礼。

    《剪灯新话·水宫庆会录》:“忽有力士二人……自外而入,致敬于前曰:‘ 广利王 奉邀。’”



  1. our weeklong conference with a tribute to those who died trying to save lives and public properties during the 2002 flood.


  2. In a Lostpedia interview, one of the show's producers confirmed that this was indeed a homage to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


  3. And for that, I tip my hat to the physicians. -Hey, Doctor, I've got to ask you about that specifically.


  4. The boss expects you to listen to what he says but he doesn't expect everyone to touch his forelock every time he enters the office.


  5. There will be a gala dinner at the end of the festival to honor the Montecristo brand, during which "Cigar Man of the Year" will be chosen.


  6. My understanding was that they remained in their life of leisure as a tribute to the tradition of royalty in Britain.


  7. The owner of the studio where Ricky cut the tracks, Mohammed Ben Salah, said he believed they were for a Michael Jackson tribute disc.


  8. The Astronomical Observatory of Mallorca said it was a tribute to "one of the greatest tennis players of all time" .


  9. one should be more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respect to others.


  1. 敬礼,致敬。

    salaam n.

  2. 向你致敬。

    I salute you.

  3. 向英雄致敬

    to do honour to the heroes.

  4. 向蝎子致敬

    A Tribute To The Scorpions.

  5. 向国旗致敬

    to pay honour to the national flag.

  6. 向毛主席致敬!

    Grateful respect to Chinamen Mao!

  7. 向毛主席致敬!

    Grateful respect to Chinamen Mao!

  8. 向国王鞠躬致敬

    to bow before a king

  9. 向女王鞠躬致敬。

    Bow to the Queen.

  10. 军官们互致敬礼。

    The officers exchanged salutes.

  11. 古老的致敬方式

    the old forms of salutation

  12. 他们向国王致敬。

    They paid homage to the king.

  13. 向死难烈士致敬。

    in honor of the martyred dead

  14. 礼炮轰响着致敬。

    The gun thundered out a salute.

  15. 我们向老师致敬。

    We pay reverence to our teacher.

  16. 向革命烈士致敬

    do honour to the revolutionary martyrs

  17. 我们随后鞠躬致敬。

    We then bow down to worship.

  18. 我们随后鞠躬致敬。

    We then bow down to worship.

  19. 结语向传统致敬!

    Closure Greeting to the Architectural Tradition!

  20. 向九寸钉致敬

    A Tribute To Nine Inch Nails

  21. 我向你脱帽致敬

    I tip my cap.

  22. 我向他脱帽致敬。

    Hats off to him.

  23. 我来向你致敬。

    I have come to pay my respects to you.

  24. 在降旗致敬的位置

    at the dip

  25. 他向她脱帽致敬。

    He took off his hat to salute her.

  26. 向黑色安息日致敬

    A Tribute To Black Sabbath

  27. 我想向你们致敬。

    I just really wanted to acknowledge you.

  28. 我应该向你们致敬。

    I must compliment you.

  29. 向我们的烈士致敬。

    We salute our martyrs.

  30. 向回归的英雄致敬。

    Hail the returning hero.


  1. 问:致敬拼音怎么拼?致敬的读音是什么?致敬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:致敬的读音是zhìjìng,致敬翻译成英文是 salute; to pay one's respects to; to pay tribu...