


有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……





汉语拼音:líng yào







  1. 指传说中的仙药。

    《海内十洲记·长洲》:“ 长洲 ,一名 青丘 ……一洲之上,专是林木,故一名 青丘 。又有仙草,灵药,甘液,玉英,靡所不有。” 唐 李商隐 《常娥》诗:“ 常娥 应悔偷灵药,碧海青天夜夜心。” 明 屠隆 《綵毫记·游玩月宫》:“我乃虚无一气化成,何藉 金母 之灵药。”

  2. 有灵效的药。

    清 吴伟业 《赠辽左故人》诗之四:“儘有温汤堪疗疾,恰逢灵药可延年。” 叶圣陶 《穷愁》:“一缕希冀,直透心窝,如久病之饮灵药,海夜之觏明灯也。”



  1. He said that though this was no panacea, it would definitely be the right thing to do.


  2. 'We just have to see about that, whether it works in Africa, ' he said.


  3. The pair, who starred in Brokeback Mountain together, play a pair of mismatched lovers who end up in bed for a large part of the movie.


  4. However, leptin did not turn out to be the amazing cure-all for which scientists, physicians, and patients had hoped.


  5. So it is often with our hope, our faith, our ambition, our aspiration.


  6. Of course, this half a month to pour also received some common, but a lower bound to get these a, is to compare the same gourmet.


  7. This piece allows the medicine of Eagle to be administered to all whom come into contact with her alter.


  8. She turned round to open her treasure box, took up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.


  9. The name meant little until Anistatia was researching botanicals used in traditional elixirs.


  1. 灵药,特效药

    sovereign remedy.

  2. 没有抗癌灵药。

    There is no magic bullet against cancer.

  3. 万灵药的发现

    the discovery of the panacea.

  4. 普遍的救济万能灵药

    A universal remedya panacea.

  5. 药剂师爱是万灵药。

    Apothecary Love is catholicon.

  6. 爱是治疗心灵创伤的灵药,

    Love is a panacea that cures spiritual wounds.

  7. 这些选项都不是万灵药。

    None of these is a panacea.

  8. 它们应该向东方看齐,寻求灵药。

    They should look east for a cure.

  9. 传说中这种灵药可以治百病。

    According to the legend, the panacea can cure all kinds of diseases.

  10. 传说中这种灵药可以治百病。

    According to the legend, the panacea can cure all kinds of diseases.

  11. 但子规则并不是万灵药。

    The subrule is not a panacea however.

  12. 这种补药, 壮阳滋阴, 是回春灵药。

    This sort of tonic, which can strengthen yang and nourish yin, is a wonderful remedy.

  13. 爷爷说那是一种万灵药。

    Grandpapa says it is a panacea.

  14. 如果有一种速成的灵药就好了。

    If only a crash panacea!

  15. 商人10两黄金可以买恢复生命的灵药。

    Merchant 8 gold for Elixir of life.

  16. 笑是补药,是缓解和终止痛苦的灵药。

    Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain.

  17. 多谢你拿来了缓解我疼痛的灵药

    Thank you for bringing the medicine that alleviates my pain.

  18. 国家经济弊病百出,并无万灵药可以医治。

    There's no single panacea for the country's economic ills.

  19. 哪个是你确保消除心情不好的灵药呢?

    What one thing is your sure fire bad mood buster

  20. 国家经济弊操出,并无万灵药可以医治

    Theres no panacea for the countrys economic ills.

  21. 但他坚持认为, 合伙制模式并非万灵药。

    But he insists the partnership model is not a panacea.

  22. 国家经济弊病百出,并无万灵药可救治。

    Theres no single panacea for the countrys economic ills.

  23. 当然, 即使人民币升值也不是一剂万灵药。

    Even a revaluation will not be a panacea.

  24. 莫悠说,我们不得不观察灵药在非洲是否有效。

    We just have to see about that, whether it works in Africa, he said.

  25. 旁人赞赏的目光是他的灵药,尽管他可能不承认。

    Seducing Admiring looks from others are a drug to him, even though he might not admit it.

  26. 旁人赞赏得目光是他得灵药,尽管他可能不承认。

    Seducing Admiring looks from others are a drug to him, even though he might not admit it.

  27. 他的这个建议真如一剂灵药,使公司起死回生。

    His suggestion was like a panacea, which has raised the dying company.

  28. 英平诸痹灵药酒中铜锰镍含量的分析

    Determination of the Content of Cu, Mn and Ni in Ying Ping Zhuubiling Medicinal Liquor

  29. 引起旁人赞赏的目光是他的灵药,尽管他可能不承认。

    Admiring looks from others are a drug to him, even though he might not admit it.

  30. 国际法可起到一定作用,尽管它并非什么万灵药。

    International law could play a role, although it is no panacea.


  1. 问:灵药拼音怎么拼?灵药的读音是什么?灵药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灵药的读音是língyào,灵药翻译成英文是 A legendary medicine that was made by fairy;A med...