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1. 仙 [xiān]仙 [xiān]神话中称有特殊能力、可以长生不死的人:~人。~女。~子。~界。~境(a.仙人居住的地方;b.形容景物美好的地方)。~风道骨。~山琼阁(喻虚无缥缈的美妙幻景)。具有高超才能的人:诗~。酒~。婉称死:~去。……
汉语拼音:xiān dān
《资治通鉴·后梁均王贞明六年》:“﹝ 赵王 鎔 ﹞晚年好事佛及求仙,专讲佛经,受符籙,广斋醮,合炼仙丹。”《清平山堂话本·张子房慕道记》:“慕道修真还苦行,游山玩景炼仙丹。”
清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷二:“余甫饮一勺,如以千钧之石,将肠胃压下……未半盂,沉沉睡去,顙上微汗,朦朧中闻家慈唶曰:‘岂非仙丹乎!’” 张天翼 《清明时节》:“他主张 罗二爷 该喝点童便--这比仙丹还灵。”
FOR you must indeed be a great chemist, and the elixir you administered to my son, which recalled him to life almost instantaneously.
因为您总是正确的,您的确是一个伟大的药物学家,您用来医治我儿子的那种仙丹几乎是立刻就把他救活了过来。Xiandan interesting settings, so that you can monster or in the course of fighting monsters can be summoned to fight side by side with you.
有趣的仙丹设定,使你可以变身怪物或在打斗过程中可以召唤出怪兽与你并肩作战。A can of Dan division cure refining category five, at least five product Dan division is.
一个可以炼制五级仙丹的丹师,最少也是五品丹师。Then Lord Lao Zi put him into the Eight Trigrams Furnace, which is used for refining elixir, and wanted to burn him to ashes.
太上老君放进八卦炉,炼仙丹这对于利用他,并希望他烧为灰烬。In the class and grade of the celestial is difficult to cure hook, and, of course, if stubbornly than words.
在等级上很难和仙界的仙丹等级挂钩,当然,如果硬要比对的话。Heaven-sent health resources, the dissemination of universal love. Panacea to eradicate poverty, a domain heroic ambition!
天赐健康资源,爱心传播四海。仙丹扫除贫病,壮志得畴豪迈!if his search for the elixir of immortality was in vain, still every moment of life was good while it lasted.
即使他追寻长生不死的仙丹露药终成泡影,人生的每一刹那,只要连绵不断,也就美好可喜了。While the world does not have such a "miracle drug" , but the spur is not an incurable disease.
虽然世界上还没有这种“仙丹妙药”,但骨刺并非不治之症。The Youth Pill: Scientists at the Brink of an Anti-Ageing Revolution.