




1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:gāo diào








  1. 谓调弦使紧,发出高音。

    《文选·马融<长笛赋>》:“若絙瑟促柱,号鐘高调。” 刘良 注:“絙,急絃也。号鐘,琴名。言竹声如急瑟促柱、鸣琴高调也。” 唐 白居易 《夜招晦叔》诗:“高调 秦 筝一两弄,小花蛮榼二三升。”

  2. 高雅的曲调。

    唐 骆宾王 《和道士闺情诗启》:“俯屈高调,聊同《下里》。” 宋 梅尧臣 《寄题郢州白雪楼》诗:“始唱千人和,再唱百人逐,至此和者才数人,乃知高调难随俗。” 明 何景明 《雪中简贾长教》诗:“知君 郢中 曲,高调和人稀。”

  3. 指诗文的高格调。

    清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷五:“见其画笔高妙,直逼 云林 ,诗亦 唐 人高调。”

  4. 指高尚的品格。

    明 皇甫汸 《过武城言子祠作》诗:“谁谓千载殊,可以同高调。”

  5. 提高调门;强调。

    郭沫若 《断断集·社会发展阶段之再认识》:“只是无批判地根据着旧材料的旧有解释,以作 中国 社会史的研究而高调着 中国 的特异性,这一种根木的谬误是应该彻底清算的。”

  6. 比喻脱离实际或不去实行的论调。

    陶行知 《社会大学颂》:“为老百姓造福,不靠高调唱得响。”



  1. For decades they met once or twice a year, in relative obscurity, to talk over technical issues, exchange gossip and renew old friendships.


  2. For a small but increasingly high-profile number of young women in modern-day China, true love is all about the numbers.


  3. "But we didn't hang in the same social circle, and his high profile job consumed too much of his time, " she said.


  4. Yet despite HNA's increasingly high profile, it remains something of a mystery, with a convoluted corporate structure.


  5. When he made his sudden and spectacular appearance on the European business scene in early 2006, Mr Mittal was still a relative unknown.


  6. Given that broad, high-altitude view, let me now zoom in by proposing a specific program idea along the lines of what I'm talking about.


  7. Ms Whitman is best known as the former boss of eBay, where she had a mixed record but a high profile.


  8. He looked momentarily stunned, as if he hadn't expected his research animal to pipe up with an opinion.


  9. In her comments, Ms. Fu conspicuously echoed some of the arguments that Chinese economic policy makers have been making for months.


  1. 唱高调的演说

    a gusty speech

  2. 动听的推销员高调。

    a clever sales pitch

  3. 尖声唱出高调

    to shrill out a high tune

  4. 灯光高调低调明暗对比

    Lighting high key lowkey and chiaroscuro.

  5. 我唱不出那高调。

    I couldn't sing the high notes.

  6. 我唱不出那高调。

    I couldn't sing the high notes.

  7. 你这个马尾辫太高调了

    You're wearing an alarmingly high ponytail.

  8. 你要将吊杆上调借是高调?

    Do you want the derrick adjusted upwards and downwards?

  9. 但你也不能如此高调。

    But you cannot go around attracting attention like that.

  10. 他们高调宣传了自己的研究结果。

    They hyped their results.

  11. 飞贼装扮成这样太高调了吧

    Thats a brazen costume for a cat burglar.

  12. 菲尼明显是一个高调得反叛者。

    Mr Fini was ostensibly a highminded mutineer.

  13. 菲尼明显是一个高调的反叛者。

    Mr Fini was ostensibly a highminded mutineer.

  14. 你是否高调?你会让人心潮澎湃吗?

    Are you an up attribute? Are you something that gets the blood flowing?

  15. 没有高调的吹擂,没有隐喻,没有精彩的结语。

    No fanfare, no metaphor, no brilliant final words.

  16. 玻璃碴子公司高调安排了接待事宜。

    Blizzard pulled the daylong funfest together in days.

  17. 老练圆通和高调浮夸同样具有表现力。

    Tact can be as expressive as bombast.

  18. 谱号后表示基调的高调或低调。

    The sharps or flats that follow the clef and indicate the key.

  19. 这些隐喻的夸张,带着天真的高调

    this extravagance of metaphors, with its naive BomBast

  20. 新来的经理就会唱高调, 不会干实事。

    Our new manager is not a man of action but empty talk.

  21. 玻璃窗里得高调, 触手碰不到得温度。

    Glazing of highprofile, tentacle didnt touch the temperature.

  22. 玻璃窗里的高调,触手碰不到的温度。

    Glazing of highprofile, tentacle didnt touch the temperature.

  23. 行高调整到适合行标头的内容。

    The row height adjusts to fit the contents of the row header.

  24. 他们高调的奢华生活很快就结束了。

    The expansiveness of their extravagant life style was soon curtailed.

  25. 他们高调的奢华生活很快就结束了。

    The expansiveness of their extravagant life style was soon curtailed.

  26. 对州参议员女儿的高调定罪更有兴趣

    in a highprofile conviction of a state senator's daughter.

  27. 广播电台高调播放朗朗上口的革命歌曲节目。

    Radio stations blare an impressive repertoire of catchy revolutionary tunes.

  28. 该委员会的主席批评了警方采取的高调姿态。

    Chairman of the committee criticized the policeman who are adopt high attitude.

  29. 该委员会的主度批评了警方采取的高调姿态。

    The chairman of this committee critized the sharp pos of policemen.

  30. 该委员会得主度批评了警方采取得高调姿态。

    The chairman of this committee critized the sharp pos of policemen.


  1. 问:高调拼音怎么拼?高调的读音是什么?高调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高调的读音是gāodiào,高调翻译成英文是 big talk

  2. 问:高调的拼音怎么拼?高调的的读音是什么?高调的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高调的的读音是,高调的翻译成英文是 high-key

  3. 问:高调或调2拼音怎么拼?高调或调2的读音是什么?高调或调2翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高调或调2的读音是gāodiàohuòdiào'èr,高调或调2翻译成英文是 high, pitch 2


高调,指声调或口吻太高。比喻脱离实际或不去实行的论调。 高调是张扬,是将某东西放大化。比喻语出《文选·马融》:“若絙瑟促柱,号钟高调。”