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1. 识 [shí]2. 识 [zhì]识 [shí]知道,认得,能辨别:~辨。~破。~相(xiàng )。~途老马。所知道的道理:知~。常~。辨别是非的能力:见~。远见卓~。识 [zhì]记住:博闻强~。标志,记号。……
汉语拼音:shí pò
宋 文天祥 《赠莆阳卓大著顺宁精舍三十韵》:“人生天地间,一死非细事。识破此条贯,八九分地位。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部三》:“此一段主意,凡诗家、画家、文章家,皆当识破,不独书也。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部六:“而是想着越快越好地跑回家里去,免得人瞅见,识破他是临阵逃跑的。”
But the scarab beetle saw through this trick. He made, a pellet of dung, took flight, and when he got above the lap of Zeus he let it fall.
屎壳郎识破了这一诡计,就滚了一个粪蛋,飞到宙斯那儿,把它丢进他的怀里。Fraud may I just leave home today, just call to my head, among the loopholes, had to call interrupts lest be found.
可能诈骗人没想到我今天正好休假在家,就正好拨打到我的头上了,结果中间漏洞百出,就只好挂电话中断以免被识破。When the recession struck, hitting revenue in Texas just as it did everywhere else, that illusion was bound to collapse.
当衰退袭来,像席卷其他州一样席卷德州的时候,这种假象必然会被识破。He often fought in disguise, but he was always recognized because no other knight had as much courage and skill as he.
他常常化装出战,但总能让人识破,因为他的胆量和武艺无人能比。He took for a decent piece of trickery.
他认为这是一个容易识破的阴谋。We'd expect low trusters to be more on the lookout for deceptive behavior and yet they don't perform as well as those who are more trusting.
我们期待低程度信任者更善于识破欺诈行为,但是实际上并不比那些高程度信任者做的更好。Gerald really snowed Brenda, and she believed every word. I hope she finds out the truth about him.
杰拉尔德确实在哄骗布伦达,她相信他说的一切。我希望她能识破他的真面目。Drawback: This strategy is better than admitting a flaw, but it's so widely used, it is transparent to any experienced interviewer.
缺点:这种回答比直接承认一个缺点要好,但是因为太多人应用了,所以很容易被有经验的面试官识破。It would stop him in his tracks. I was surprised that in 37 (previous) fights no one could figure that out.