


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:le biàn






  1. 形容对答清楚敏捷。

    《新唐书·文艺传中·李邕》:“﹝ 李邕 ﹞既冠,见特进 李嶠 ,自言‘读书未徧,愿一见秘书’。 嶠 曰:‘秘阁万卷,岂时日能习邪?’ 邕 固请,乃假直秘书。未几辞去, 嶠 惊,试问奥篇隐帙,了辩如响。”



  1. She acknowledged that error and said that "he had to do a year over" to cover.


  2. Here Rubinstein considers the optimal way for the listener to interpret statements by debates in order to elicit information from them.


  1. 对持不同看法的同志进行了辩难。

    Hence the retort of those who have different views.

  2. 那些事实加在以起构成了不容置辩的理论。

    The facts added together to build up a theory which was indisputable.

  3. 他对谋杀前妻的指控作了无罪抗辩。

    He pleaded not guilty to murdering his former wife.

  4. 两位被告对所有指控都作了无罪抗辩。

    Both defendants pleaded not guilty on all counts.

  5. 为了检验他里临公众的怯气, 他减进了黉舍的辩讲角逐。

    To test his public mettle, he then entered debate contests in school.

  6. 那件事他们辩讲了好寂小时。

    They argued the matter for hours.

  7. 不过她那副脑筋动得太粗了,根本辩不出这类细微和差别来。

    But the meshes of her brain were too wide, too coarse, to filter such small differences.

  8. 这个需要别人解答的题目我们同他们辩说了很长时间。

    We argued with them about this problem for a long time.

  9. 他们多刺的嘲笑被一个严厉的总督辩认出来了。

    Their thorny scorn is discerned by a stern governor.

  10. 就是,尤其是一辩给我留下了极好的印象。

    Yes, especially the first one who gave me a very good impression.

  11. 英国辩说伊朗已经签订了约束性商业协议。

    Britain argued that Iran had entered the binding commercial agreement.

  12. 她每天早上上班迟到, 并辩解说睡过头了。

    She was late for work every morning and excuse herself by saying that she had overslept.

  13. 出席了记者招待会, 为他辩诬。

    His manager attended the press conference to defend him against false accusations.

  14. 她受到了莫大的冤屈, 却有口难辩。

    She is suffering a huge injustice, but finds it hard to defend herself.

  15. 她受到了莫大的冤屈,却有口难辩。

    She is suffering a huge injustice, but finds it hard to defend herself.

  16. 他的经纪人出席了记者招待会,为他辩诬。

    His manager attended the press conference to defend him against false accusations.

  17. 他的经纪人出席了记者招待会,为他辩诬。

    His manager attended the press conference to defend him against false accusations.

  18. 别烦我了,葆拉。我太忙了,没时间与你争辩。

    Don't start with me, Paula. I'm too busy to argue with you.

  19. 第二章, 笔者论述了租船人对出租人过失得抗辩。

    Chapter two, defense against the fault of the shipowner.

  20. 控方和辩方律师都作了雄辩的结束陈词。

    Both prosecution and defense lawyers gave eloquent closing speeches.

  21. 控方和辩方律师都作了雄辩得结束陈词。

    Both prosecution and defense lawyers gave eloquent closing speeches.

  22. 控方和辩方律师都作了雄辩的结束陈词。

    Both prosecution and defense lawyers gave eloquent closing speeches.

  23. 相反地,如果我辩胜了,你辩败了。那就一定是我对你错吗?

    On the contrary, if I win and you lose, does it means that I am right and you are wrong?

  24. 你和他争辩了?

    Did you have a fight with him?

  25. 看来我无理争辩了。

    Well,I guess I'm in no position to argue.

  26. 他能言善辩打动了群众。

    The crowd were swayed by his eloquence.

  27. 法官权衡了双方的争辩。

    The judge balanced the contention of both parties.

  28. 他们的争辩到达了白热化。

    They got into quite a heated argument.

  29. 她靠能言善辩战胜了他们。

    They were defeated by the power of her oratory.

  30. 他雄辩地阐述了他的立场。

    He argued his case forcefully.