


1. 汤 [tāng]2. 汤 [shāng]汤 [tāng]热水:~雪。赴~蹈火。扬~止沸。煮东西的汁液:米~。参(shēn )~。烹调后汁特别多的食物:鸡~。菜~。清~。专指温泉(现多用于地名):~泉(温泉)。~山(在中国北京市)。中药……





汉语拼音:tāng zhī






  1. 食物加水煮出的汁液。

    《水浒传》第三八回:“﹝ 宋江 ﹞拿起箸来,相劝 戴宗 、 李逵 吃,自也吃了些鱼,呷了几口汤汁。” 碧野 《没有花的春天》第七章:“半桶热汤不到吸几筒烟的工夫就分得连桶底倒挂起来也滴不出一滴汤汁了。”



  1. Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot.


  2. Currently, all cutting board are not easy to clean after soaked with pickle juice.


  3. It is first boiled, and then dipped in a soup made of soy sauce, salt, sweet sake, and bonito shavings as it is being eaten.


  4. Hold the shell between thumb and first two fingers, place against lower lip and slide the oyster and its juice out of the half shell.


  5. This version stands out with the quality and quantity of the soup filling.


  6. STOCK The liquid in which meat, poultry fish or vegetable have been cooked, brown or white foundation of good sauce.


  7. Stir the butter into the bouillon and when it has melted add the tarragon leaves. Spoon a little into each plate.


  8. BRAISE , braiser To brown foods in fat, then cook them in a covered casserole with a small amount of liquid.


  9. Cook the good fish and all big basins that the soup juice pours into a just prosperous bean sprout in.


  1. 用小炖锅炖,收一半汤汁。

    Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.

  2. 用小火煮到汤汁收浓。

    Simmer until mixture reduces.

  3. 用盐调味, 汤汁过滤后便成虾汤。

    Season with salt and strain the broth. This is now your prawn stock.

  4. 否则汤汁滴在桌布上,极为不雅。

    Otherwise sauce collected in the tablecloths, grossly indecent.

  5. 猪肉切片, 淋上汤汁, 便可奉客。

    Slice the pork, pour sauce over and serve.

  6. 混合后, 用小火煮, 直到汤汁变稠。

    Mix again and simmer until thickened.

  7. 汁得水份已经被蒸发, 汤汁变得很稠。

    Strain the gravy through a sieve to remove the vegetables and the herbs.

  8. 然后像这样咬上一口,把汤汁倒出来。

    Then you take a little bite like that, and pour out the soup.

  9. 我们是面条世家, 血管中都流着面条汤汁。

    We are Noodle folk, broth runs deep through our veins.

  10. 将肉放回锅中,使肉的表面沾满汤汁。

    Return meat to pan; toss to coat.

  11. 汁的水份已经被蒸发,汤汁变得很稠。

    Strain the gravy through a sieve to remove the vegetables and the herbs.

  12. 将蚬放入锅, 加入煮蚬时留下的汤汁再煮。

    Add the clams to the pan, together with their strained cooking liquid.

  13. 接着用纱布滤出汤汁即成柴鱼高汤。

    Pour the liquid through a cheesecloth to discard the dregs.This is the bonito soup broth.

  14. 鱼盛在一个大盘子里,以防汤汁洒出来。

    The fish is laid out on a large serving plate to catch the juices.

  15. 把甜菜放入装有汤汁和果酱的大锅中。

    Place the beets in a large, heavy pot and cover with the broth and juice.

  16. 把甜菜放入装有汤汁和果酱得大锅中。

    Place the beets in a large, heavy pot and cover with the broth and juice.

  17. 这碗面的汤汁是用老汤调制的, 味道鲜美醇厚。

    The soup in this bowl of noodles is made of bree. It tastes thick and delicious.

  18. 这碗面得汤汁是用老汤调制得, 味道鲜美醇厚。

    The soup in this bowl of noodles is made of bree. It tastes thick and delicious.

  19. 这碗面的汤汁是用老汤调制的,味道鲜美醇厚。

    The soup in this bowl of noodles is made of bree. It tastes thick and delicious.

  20. 大约20分钟之后,汤汁变的越来越浓,此时便可起锅了。

    The liquor will be thick enough in approx. 20 minutes, then its time to serve.

  21. 清汤用熬好的汤汁做的清汤,可加大米,麦片,肉或蔬菜

    A thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat, or vegetables may be added.

  22. 如果喜欢比较浓酌的汤汁,可以加入一些太白粉混和。

    If you prefer more thicken gravy, can add in some corn flour and stir it with the gravy.

  23. 继续加汤汁, 直到米饭柔软, 但是仍要保留一点点的硬度。

    Carry on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a slight bite.

  24. 继续加汤汁,直到米饭柔软,但是仍要保留一点点得硬度。

    Carry on adding stock until the rice is soft but with a slight bite.

  25. 最后把豆腐用抹黄油的刀片成厚片, 倒入汤汁即可。

    Finally the bean curd with buttered blade into thick slices into soup, can.

  26. 如果汤汁用完了, 但是锅里仍需要水份, 那就加开水。

    If you run out of stock before the rice is cooked, add some boiling water.

  27. 过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。

    Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot.

  28. 开大火略收乾汤汁, 上碟, 可配白饭或煮熟的意大利面。

    Thicken the sauce over high heat. Remove to a plate, serve with cooked rice or spaghetti.

  29. 以蒸煮出的蛤蛎汤汁做成鲜味青酱, 并拌甜椒增加味觉层次。

    Clam and sweet pepper cooked with Pesto sauce and steamed clam soup.

  30. 移出苦瓜并倒扣入盘, 汤汁倒入锅内勾芡, 再淋在肉面上即可。

    Remove balsam pear and turn down to plate. Pour gravy in wok, thicken with corn flour water, and sprinkle over spareribs. Serve.