







1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:xī hé dà gǔ






  1. 曲艺的一种。起源于 河北 大清河 、 子牙河 流域。流行于 河北 、 山东 、 河南 以及东北、西北的部分地区。

    清 道光 年间在木板大鼓、弦子书基础上发展形成,约有一百多年历史。一人演唱,自击鼓板。伴奏乐器有三弦、四胡等。曲调淳朴爽朗,唱词基本为七字句和十字句。



  1. At the early stage, stories were mostly medium length or long, such as the Generals of the Yang Family and Generals of the Hu Family.


  1. 我们会敲大鼓

    We can play the bass drum.

  2. 怀孕的腹部像个大鼓。

    Pregnant bellies look like a drum.

  3. 我的大鼓, 他们喜欢听我敲大鼓。

    My bass drum bass drum, they love to hear my bass drum.

  4. 我得大鼓,他们喜欢听我敲大鼓。

    My bass drum bass drum, they love to hear my bass drum.

  5. 最后是大鼓、笙、唢呐等民间乐器配乐。

    Finally, bass drum, sheng, suona music and other folk instruments.

  6. 短笛大魔王又生出了一个新的怪物, 他的名字叫作大鼓。

    There's a new beast in town and his name is Drum.

  7. 众多的进行曲的大水壶鼓。

    Multitudes are marchin to the big kettle drum.

  8. 使葫芦胀大,鼓起了榛子壳。

    To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells.

  9. 铁生沟煤矿运输大巷底鼓治理

    Floor Heaving Treatment in Mine Main Transportation Roadway of Tieshenggou Mine

  10. 我需要鼓起更大的勇气去见他。

    It takes more guts than I've usually got to go and see him.

  11. 她鼓起最大的勇气凑在两个男人身边。

    She hung around the two men as much as she dared.

  12. 他们也不可能鼓起多大的勇气来保卫蒋。

    But they could not summon much energy to defend Chiang either.

  13. 硬膜鼓起,压力太大了。

    His dura is bulging, there's too much pressure.

  14. 三面鼓依次由小到大从上而下垂直排列。

    Three drums are arranged vertically with the largest one at the bottom andon top.

  15. 起落架舱门明显鼓起以适应更大的机轮和轮胎。

    The landing gear bay doors bulge slightly by design to handle the larger wheels and tires.

  16. 起落架舱门明显鼓起以适应更大得机轮和轮胎。

    The landing gear bay doors bulge slightly by design to handle the larger wheels and tires.

  17. 近处鼓声大作。

    Drums are banging somewhere.

  18. 经闭腹大如鼓

    amenorrhea tympanites.

  19. 饥民得腹部常鼓得大大得。

    The stomachs of starving people often distend.

  20. 风把船帆鼓得大大的。

    The wind bellied the sails.

  21. 船帆在风中鼓得大大得。

    The ship's sails bellied in the wind.

  22. 鼓空声高, 狂妄话大。

    As an empty drum makes a loud sound, so an arrogant man talks big.

  23. 鼓空声高,狂妄话大。

    As an empty drum makes a loud sound ,so an arrogant man talks big .

  24. 饥民的腹部常鼓得大大的。

    The stomachs of starving people often distend.

  25. 她鼓起勇气来大声发言。

    She amassed her courage to speak up.

  26. 她鼓起勇气来大声发言。

    She amassed her courage to speak up.

  27. 船帆在风中鼓得大大的。

    The ship's sails bellied in the wind.

  28. 来自大连,擅长萨克斯和架子鼓。

    From Dalian, to be good at sax and group drums.

  29. 想必是鼓足了极大的勇气。

    It must have taken an awful lot of courage.

  30. 那只大鸟鼓翼向河上游飞去。

    The large bird flapped up the stream.