


1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……


1. 坊 [fāng]2. 坊 [fáng]坊 [fāng]里巷(多用于街巷的名称)。街市,市中店铺:~间。街~(邻居)。旧时标榜功德的建筑物:牌~。节义~。坊 [fáng]小手工业者的工作场所:作~。古同“防”,防范。……



汉语拼音:zuō fang






作坊 [zuō fang]
  1. 从事手工制造加工的工场。也称“作场”、“坊”、“房”、“作”等。古代有官府作坊及民间作坊之分。

    《旧唐书·齐复传》:“先时 西原 叛乱,前后经略使征讨反者,获其人皆没为官奴婢,配作坊重役, 復 乃令访其亲属,悉归还之。”《资治通鉴·后汉隐帝乾佑三年》:“﹝帝﹞尝夜闻作坊锻声,疑有急兵,达旦不寐。” 胡三省 注:“作坊,造兵甲之所,作坊使领之。”《水浒传》第四四回:“再説有 杨雄 的丈人 潘公 ,自和 石秀 商量,要开屠宰作坊。” 瞿秋白 《海上述林·答复》:“叫化子似的设备的工厂和作坊,而且被国内战争破坏了一半。”



  1. Detergents used in factories and mills are also increasing the odds that some medicines will no longer be able to combat dangerous diseases.


  2. It needed a lot of TLC, but is now happily covered in a beautiful linen that I got from one of the last linen mills in Scotland.


  3. As I emerged into the main baking area I began to appreciate why these artisanal bakeries are such an integral part of restaurant life.


  4. And then, towards the end of the last century, the tide seemed to turn in favour of the innovation minnows once again.


  5. All weekend, the children had been involved in workshops, making hats to puppets and masks.


  6. Economic theorists might find it strange that the home handicrafts did not expand into workshops and weaving mills.


  7. This " good profit comes " , just a product that fits small mill production most -- cake, sold great river north and south through chain.


  8. Family cottage from the start of distributed, production scale, slowly forming clusters of a few of the larger children's wear industry.


  9. The utility model can be widely used for the drilling process in places of the family, the small mill and the like.


  1. 手工业作坊

    shop handicraftsman.

  2. 私营手工业作坊

    private handicraft workshop

  3. 家庭手工业作坊

    household handicraft workshop

  4. 注浆仿古瓷作坊

    Workshop specialized in casting the imitations of the ancient porcelains

  5. 工厂和作坊成为废墟。

    Factories and workshops were in ruins.

  6. 木匠正在作坊里锤打。

    The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.

  7. 宁波紫林文房作坊


  8. 浙江一锡箔作坊600人铅中毒。

    Lead poisoning sickens 600 in East China.

  9. 我希望继续此英文写作坊。

    I would like to continue with this writing workshop.

  10. 我说,我也有一个瓷器作坊。

    I said, I also have a pottery.

  11. 就有一家制作焰火的作坊。

    There is a mill making fireworks.

  12. 学位作坊并不是一个新现象。

    Degree mills are not a new phenomenon.

  13. 大的研究机构变成了研究小作坊。

    Institutions have turned to research boutiques for advice.

  14. 蔡司对于作坊的未来是踌躇满志。

    Carl Zeiss does not dither about.

  15. 家庭已远远不象一个作坊了。

    Home has become much less of a workshop.

  16. 关于食品小作坊监管工作的思考

    Thought about Supervision to Food Workshops in Our Country.

  17. 他嘁嘁喳喳地说要买个新作坊。

    He twittered on about buying a new workshop.

  18. 南面是作坊,厨房和酿酒的地方。

    On the southern side of the cloister were a central kitchen, Brewery, and workshops.

  19. 民间乐器作坊中的传统制笙工艺

    The Techniques of Shawm Traditional Manufacture of Folk Musical Instrument Workshop

  20. 制作和出售酱油等的作坊或商店。

    A shop making and selling sauce, pickles, etc.

  21. 出现了各种专业的作坊, 如锯木

    There appeared a variety of specialized operations like sawmills and grist mills.

  22. 首届暴洪预报工作坊的团体合照

    Group Photo of the First International Workshop on Flash Flood Forecasting

  23. 我甚至在我出生的种植园有我自己的作坊。

    I even had me my own shop on the plantation where I was born.

  24. 一间用来将半产品加工成产品的作坊。

    One uses the mill that processes half product the product.

  25. 珠宝商在他的店铺后面有一间作坊。

    The jeweller has a workroom at the back of his shop.

  26. 卫生局查抄了一批违法的土作坊。

    The Hygiene Bureau has confiscated the contents of some illegal crude workshops.

  27. 卫生局查抄了一批违法的土作坊。

    The Hygiene Bureau has confiscated the contents of some illegal crude workshops.

  28. 是在景德镇传统的手工制瓷作坊。

    At a traditional porcelain workshop in Jingdezhen.

  29. 小农经济时代已经有手工作坊出现了。

    The handcraft workshop already existed in the age of small-scale economy.

  30. 加上小作坊的冲击,婚纱品牌的位置岌岌可危。

    With the impact of small workshops, wedding brand position in jeopardy.


  1. 问:作坊拼音怎么拼?作坊的读音是什么?作坊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作坊的读音是zuōfang,作坊翻译成英文是 workshop

  2. 问:作坊式律师事务所拼音怎么拼?作坊式律师事务所的读音是什么?作坊式律师事务所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:作坊式律师事务所的读音是zuō fāng shì lǜ shī shì wù suǒ,作坊式律师事务所翻译成英文是 boutique law firms