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1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……
1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……
汉语拼音:guī gēn jié dì
I told him that I doubted whether in the end I could have much influence over him or Arthur.
我对他说,只怕归根结蒂我对他或阿瑟都不会有多大影响。But all these sum up to tie the peduncle all is diligently stems from the writer to process and the reality relations need properly.
而这一切努力归根结蒂都是出于作家妥善处理与现实关系的需要。We didn't mean to presage, for the root of all art forms is but the question of medium.
当然,这并非旨于妄谈多媒体的预言地位,因为任何艺术形式都一样,归根结蒂不过是材质的问题。In the long run, basic knowledge and technological applications go hand.
归根结蒂,基础知识和技术应用是并进的,相辅相成的。"The bottom line is that war is not a healthy thing. " Doyle said.
都勒无奈地说:“归根结蒂,战争本来就不是健康的。”That is to say, in the last analysis, it serves the economic base .
这就是说,归根结蒂,它是为经济基础服务的。From the perspective of labor economics, in the final analysis , all competing are on the basis of human competition.
从劳动经济学的角度,一切竞争归根结蒂都是人才的竞争。Ultimately, discovering the true origins of something as complex as religion will be difficult.
归根结蒂,要想弄清宗教这样复杂的东西的真正起源,将是很困难的。He and summer Locker's contradictory conflict, in the final analysis, for benefit goal.
他与夏洛克的矛盾冲突,归根结蒂,还是为了利益的目的。归根结蒂, 她还是惦念着他啊。
After all, she cared for him.
归根结蒂, 爱情是你自己的天赋。
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
Love is, above all, the gift of oneself.
But fundamentally, it was an act of aesthetics.
所以, 归根结蒂, 他可能是在恋爱了。
So he can be in love, after all.
归根结蒂, 这正是建立联合国的初衷。
That is, in the final analysis, what the United Nations was founded for.
归根结蒂, 这就是我们历史的一部分。
In the end, this is part of our history.
But fiscal stimulus by definition is temporary.
归根结蒂, 这样做法也真他妈的够呛。
After all, it is a damn sticky proceeding.
Fundamentally speaking, it is your fault and you should apologize to your parents.
Fundamentally speaking, it is your fault and you should apologize to your parents.
但是, 归根结蒂, 只有疫苗才能提供持久解决办法。
However, in the end, only a vaccine will provide a lasting solution.
这就是说, 归根结蒂, 它是为经济基础服务的。
That is to say, in the last analysis, it serves the economic base.
我认为, 政府, 归根结蒂, 并不是和个人的关系。
I don not believe that politics in the long run is about individuals.
归根结蒂, 法院的充分信誉与其普遍性直接相关。
Ultimately, the full credibility of the Court is directly proportional to its universality.
归根结蒂, 所有这些问题都是为了为人类服务。
In the final analysis, all of these issues are aimed at serving the human being.
在这方面, 看来归根结蒂双方都缺乏政治意愿。
In that respect, it seemed that there was above all a lack of political will on both sides.
In the fInal analysis, the strength In russia was on the side of the Soviets of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers.
归根结蒂, 安哥拉的人道主义危机的解决是战争的结束。
Ultimately, the solution to the humanitarian crisis in Angola is the end of the war.
The whole matter comes down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors.
归根结蒂, 这是一个关系到本组织信誉和合法性的问题。
In the end, it is a question of the credibility and legitimacy of the Organization.
我对他说, 只怕归根结蒂我对他或阿瑟都不会有多大影响。
I told him that I doubted whether in the end I could have much influence over him or arthur.
答:归根结蒂的读音是guīgēn-jiédì,归根结蒂翻译成英文是 Now standardly written as "归根结底".