


1. 缴 [jiǎo]2. 缴 [zhuó]缴 [jiǎo]交纳,交付:~付。~销。~款。~纳。迫使交付:~械。~获。缠绕,扭转:“只一~,那后生的棒丢在一边”。缴 [zhuó]系在箭上的丝绳:“一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓~而射之”。……


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:jiǎo fù






  1. 交付。

    茅盾 《子夜》五:“ 吴荪甫 虽然对于一星期内就得缴付资本二十万元一款略觉为难……可是他到底毅然决然同意了 孙吉人 他们的主张。”



  1. The only thing is, we don't know who the mystery buyer is or how much they've paid for it.


  2. A husband may claim deduction for payments made by his wife, and vice versa.


  3. Lonely and poor bedfellows, let me feel more helpless is going to pay the next month's rent.


  4. Do not speak to the driver other than to give instructions. Do not try to pay directly to a driver while he is driving.


  5. The company has to pay a heavy rent for the land if it is located the shopping center of the town .


  6. How much do you usually pay for the bills of mobile phone services per month?


  7. The Company reserves the right to terminate service and the balance of any prepaid service plan shall be refunded to the Customer.


  8. There might be handling clearing charges imposed by the bank.


  9. NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of 100% of tour price is required at time of booking. The price is only refundable when tour cannot be confirmed.


  1. 缴付利得税

    payment of profit tax.

  2. 暂缴税分期缴付制度

    provisional tax instalment system

  3. 已评定但未到期缴付

    Assessed but not yet due

  4. 缴付欠缴的任何费用。

    Paying any moneys due from him.

  5. 表1。由国家缴付的捐款

    Table1 Contributions by States

  6. 表1。由国家缴付得捐款

    Table1 Contributions by States

  7. 递交申请无须缴付费用。

    No application fee is chargeable upon application submission.

  8. 您可以按月缴付租金。

    You can pay the rental by the month.

  9. 所有费用在注冊时缴付。

    The full fee is payable on enrollment.

  10. 缴付利得税证明书

    certificate of payment of profit tax

  11. 豁免利息缴付利得税

    Exemption from Payment of Profits Tax on interest

  12. 你必须为这项物品缴付税金。

    You have to pay duty on this.

  13. 检验巴士须在验车中心缴付

    To Kwa Wan Vehicle Examination Centre

  14. 琼斯先生说他会缴付500美元。

    Mr. Jones said he would kick in with 500 dollars.

  15. 他满心不服的照税额缴付了。

    He paid the tax demand over protest.

  16. 如有需要, 这时必须缴付定金。

    If requested, a deposit must be paid at this stage.

  17. 办理工程质量监督委托时缴付。

    Collected when handling entrustment for supervising constructed engineering quality.

  18. 利息收入豁免缴付利得税

    Interest income exemption from payment of profits tax

  19. 护照费用须于递交申请书时缴付。

    Passport fee is payable at the time of application.

  20. 这可以豁免缴付一定的税款他们。

    This can then exempt them from paying certain taxes.

  21. 假如承租人没有缴付租金怎么办?

    If how tenant does not have capture to pay hire to do?

  22. 缴付的税额与税前纯收入的比率。

    Tax ratio The ratio of income tax expense to net income before taxes.

  23. 公司如有损失, 则无需缴付所得税。

    When a company has losses, it does not have to pay income tax.

  24. 申请者必须在开课前缴付学费。

    Applicants are required to pay up the required course fee before course commencement date.

  25. 逃避缴付或少付使用费的附加费

    surcharges for toll evasion or underpayment

  26. 请注意所有费用需于开课前缴付。

    Please note course fees are payable in advance.

  27. 被判处缴付罚款的上诉人的担保书

    Recognizance of Appellant sentenced to a Payment of a Fine

  28. 另外42个会员国只缴付了部分摊款。

    Another42 Member States had made only partial payments.

  29. 款项应按照背面所载的指示缴付。

    Payment should be made according to the instructions set out overleaf.

  30. 款项应按照背面所载得指示缴付。

    Payment should be made according to the instructions set out overleaf.


  1. 问:缴付拼音怎么拼?缴付的读音是什么?缴付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴付的读音是jiǎofù,缴付翻译成英文是 pay, submit money

  2. 问:缴付不足拼音怎么拼?缴付不足的读音是什么?缴付不足翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴付不足的读音是jiǎo fù bù zú,缴付不足翻译成英文是 underpayment

  3. 问:缴付资本拼音怎么拼?缴付资本的读音是什么?缴付资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴付资本的读音是jiǎo fù zī běn,缴付资本翻译成英文是 payment of capital

  4. 问:缴付认缴股本拼音怎么拼?缴付认缴股本的读音是什么?缴付认缴股本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴付认缴股本的读音是jiǎo fù rèn jiǎo gǔ běn,缴付认缴股本翻译成英文是 payment of subscription




拼音:jiǎo fù

注音:ㄐㄧㄠˇ ㄈㄨˋ