







汉语拼音:yì chū








  1. Sometimes magma reaches the surface through volcanoes. Then the molten rock is called lava.


  2. There was an artful configuration of a sink that, when filled, could be tipped up so that its contents would spill into the toilet below.


  3. The cause of the overflow is often too many changes in a short period of time, causing the internal notification buffer to overflow.


  4. Rolling his shoulders back, he felt her reaching out to him in that simple phrase, and his tired, wrinkled face sparkled.


  5. By sending a malformed request, it is possible to carry out a buffer overrun attack against an affected system.


  6. He took this video of water flowing out of the pools during the earthquake.


  7. Meanwhile, he added, "spillovers to other countries from slower US growth have so far at least been minimal" .


  8. The results showed that domestic-funded enterprises did not gain significant technology spillover effect from vertical specialization.


  9. He took off his glasses, picks up a picture of her look, twitch, once again let tears from the eyes overflow.


  1. 存储器溢出

    storage overflow.

  2. 溢出检测器

    overflow detector.

  3. 溢出了锅子

    to slop over the pot.

  4. 溢出或泛滥

    An outflow or overflow.

  5. 呼叫信号溢出

    call spill over

  6. 油性皮脂溢出

    seborrhea oleosa

  7. 程序栈空间溢出。

    Out of program stack space.

  8. 溢出奇偶性

    overflow parity.

  9. 牙合溢出道

    occlusal spillway.

  10. 变元表溢出

    argument list overflow.

  11. 顺次溢出法

    progressive overflow method

  12. 干性皮脂溢出

    seborrhea sicca.

  13. 后向链接溢出

    Backward Linkage Spillovers

  14. 河水溢出堤岸。

    The river brimmed over its banks.

  15. 溢出化学品围栏

    chemical spill containment boom

  16. 啤酒溢出了酒杯。

    The cup overflowed with beer.

  17. 牛奶溢出了杯子。

    The milk is overflowing the cup.

  18. 分流水溢出河岸。

    A distributary overflows its banks.

  19. 水从桶中溢出。

    Water spilled from the pail.

  20. 河水从堤岸溢出

    The river overran its banks.

  21. 酒溢出坛边。

    The wine ran over the edge of the jar.

  22. 牛奶从杯中溢出。

    The milk is overflowing the cup.

  23. 一些水溢出桶边。

    Some water slopped over the side of the pail.

  24. 啤酒从酒杯中溢出。

    Beer flooded from the glass.

  25. 啤酒沫溢出玻璃杯。

    The beer foam overflowedthe glass.

  26. 可变溢出增量调制?

    VSDM Variable Slop Delta Modulation

  27. 小溪中,水溢出岩石。

    Water runs over the rocks in the stream.

  28. 小溪中,水溢出岩石。

    Water runs over the rocks in the stream.

  29. 满得要溢出来

    to be full to overflowing

  30. 绘制溢出按钮的背景。

    Draws the background for an overflow button.


  1. 问:溢出拼音怎么拼?溢出的读音是什么?溢出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出的读音是yìchū,溢出翻译成英文是 overflow

  2. 问:溢出位拼音怎么拼?溢出位的读音是什么?溢出位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出位的读音是yì chū wèi,溢出位翻译成英文是 overflow bit

  3. 问:溢出区拼音怎么拼?溢出区的读音是什么?溢出区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出区的读音是yì chū qū,溢出区翻译成英文是 overflow field

  4. 问:溢出块拼音怎么拼?溢出块的读音是什么?溢出块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出块的读音是yì chū kuài,溢出块翻译成英文是 overflow block

  5. 问:溢出泉拼音怎么拼?溢出泉的读音是什么?溢出泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出泉的读音是,溢出泉翻译成英文是 boundary spring

  6. 问:溢出物拼音怎么拼?溢出物的读音是什么?溢出物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出物的读音是yì chū wù,溢出物翻译成英文是 overspill

  7. 问:溢出的拼音怎么拼?溢出的的读音是什么?溢出的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出的的读音是,溢出的翻译成英文是 gushy

  8. 问:溢出量拼音怎么拼?溢出量的读音是什么?溢出量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出量的读音是yì chū liàng,溢出量翻译成英文是 spill

  9. 问:溢出阱拼音怎么拼?溢出阱的读音是什么?溢出阱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出阱的读音是yì chū jǐng,溢出阱翻译成英文是 overflow trap

  10. 问:溢出面拼音怎么拼?溢出面的读音是什么?溢出面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出面的读音是yì chū miàn,溢出面翻译成英文是 escape surface

  11. 问:溢出中断拼音怎么拼?溢出中断的读音是什么?溢出中断翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出中断的读音是yì chū zhōng duàn,溢出中断翻译成英文是 overflow trap

  12. 问:溢出位置拼音怎么拼?溢出位置的读音是什么?溢出位置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出位置的读音是yì chū wèi zhì,溢出位置翻译成英文是 overflow position

  13. 问:溢出信号拼音怎么拼?溢出信号的读音是什么?溢出信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出信号的读音是yì chū xìn hào,溢出信号翻译成英文是 spill over

  14. 问:溢出功率拼音怎么拼?溢出功率的读音是什么?溢出功率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出功率的读音是yì chū gōng lǜ,溢出功率翻译成英文是 spillover power

  15. 问:溢出回流拼音怎么拼?溢出回流的读音是什么?溢出回流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出回流的读音是yì chū huí liú,溢出回流翻译成英文是 flood back

  16. 问:溢出字段拼音怎么拼?溢出字段的读音是什么?溢出字段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出字段的读音是yì chū zì duàn,溢出字段翻译成英文是 overflow field

  17. 问:溢出异常拼音怎么拼?溢出异常的读音是什么?溢出异常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出异常的读音是yì chū yì cháng,溢出异常翻译成英文是 overflow exception

  18. 问:溢出技术拼音怎么拼?溢出技术的读音是什么?溢出技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出技术的读音是yì chū jì shù,溢出技术翻译成英文是 overflow technique

  19. 问:溢出报警拼音怎么拼?溢出报警的读音是什么?溢出报警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出报警的读音是yì chū bào jǐng,溢出报警翻译成英文是 overflow alarm

  20. 问:溢出指示拼音怎么拼?溢出指示的读音是什么?溢出指示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溢出指示的读音是yì chū zhǐ shì,溢出指示翻译成英文是 overflow indication



溢出是黑客利用操作系统的漏洞,专门开发了一种程序,加相应的参数运行后,就可以得到你电脑具有管理员资格的控制权,你在你自己电脑上能够运行的东西他可以全部做到,等于你的电脑就是他的了。 溢出是程序设计者设计时的不足所带来的错误。