







汉语拼音:yāo mó








  1. 妖精魔怪。亦以喻邪恶势力。

    宋 欧阳修 《读<徂徕集>》诗:“存之警后世,古鑑照妖魔。”《西游记》第八三回:“运用神力,法降九十六洞妖魔,神通广大。”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·行军总要》:“如后队妖魔十分作怪,要点兵前去护阵,总听佐将号令,必俟杀灭后方准起行。”



  1. And he went on, warming his hands again, and thinking about them, like an old man or a young goblin.


  2. "Into the oven with you, " said the ogre's wife, bundling Jack in and shutting the door after him.


  3. Well, the ogre's wife was not a bad sort, though she had been hardened by having an ogre for a husband.


  4. A country that has been built on immigrant labour is now building fences and demonizing foreigners, almost as if it did not need them.


  5. The leader of this political party said to his counterpart from another party that they should not demonize one another.


  6. Like the legend of the snake-shaped genie who protects the gold from prospectors and holy men trying to exorcise it with tricks and prayers.


  7. Jack tore down the road like the wind, with the ogre after him.


  8. Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites.


  9. By the 1930s it had fallen into disrepute, and an intense lobbying campaign demonized "reefer madness. " In 1937 the U. S.


  1. 妖魔击磬之迷

    The Puzzle of Ghost Chiming

  2. 还是海底的妖魔,

    Nor the demons down under the sea

  3. 妖魔大斗小神州。

    Big Trouble in Little China Special Edition.

  4. 听见他被妖魔化。

    I heard him demonized.

  5. 听见他被妖魔化。

    I heard him demonized.

  6. 她加入了妖魔的舞蹈。

    She joins the diabolical dance

  7. 他明白这妖魔要烹煮他!

    He realized that the ogre was going to cook him!

  8. 这些动物当时被妖魔化

    These animals, they were being demonized.

  9. 那妖魔对他的乞求置之不理。

    The ogre did not listen to Pinocchios pleas.

  10. 双方都开始把对方妖魔化。

    Each side began to demonize the other.

  11. 我们一定要使这些妖魔显露原形。

    We must make these monsters show themselves in their true colours.

  12. 他们更可能被妖魔化, 边缘化。

    They are more possibly to be stigmatized and marginalized.

  13. 我怎样能逃离在我的头里的妖魔吗?

    How can I escape from the demons in my head?

  14. 据说那个妖魔能引诱人去做坏事。

    The devil is said to tempt people to do wrong.

  15. 用这个您可以暂时封住任何妖魔。

    With this you can temporarily seal off any kind of evil.

  16. 妖魔巨大的身躯使豆茎猛烈晃动

    Madly the beanstalk tottered and swayed under the ogres weight.

  17. 他是德高望重的妖魔和很高的排名。

    He is highly respected among the Demons and very high ranking.

  18. 我听说你是一个非常厉害的妖魔。

    And I hear that you are a very powerful ogre.

  19. 他保护神灵和人类不受妖魔的侵害。

    He was the defender of gods and mankind against the forces of evil.

  20. 最后认定有妖魔插了一杠子,破了咒语。

    And finally decided that some witch had interfered and broken the charm.

  21. 到了里面, 那妖魔正在大厅的另一端,

    Inside, the ogre was at the end of the hall.

  22. 我们已经把您家的妖魔永远地消灭了。

    We've killed the family ghost for ever.

  23. 食人妖魔传说或神说中食人的巨人或妖怪

    A giant or monster in legends and fairy tales that eats human beings.

  24. 这时, 妖魔的妻子打开炉门让杰克出来。

    Then the ogre's wife opened the door of the oven and let Jack out.

  25. 这时, 妖魔得妻子打开炉门让杰克出来。

    Then the ogre's wife opened the door of the oven and let Jack out.

  26. 这附近方圆几英里的土地都是这个妖魔的。

    This particular ogre owned all the land for miles around.

  27. 浩劫再起,妖魔横行,仙剑出鞘,天下归心!

    Disaster again, running demons, kept unsheathed, and the world to the heart!

  28. 而妖魔则是作者所否定、鞭挞的反面形象。

    But evil spirit then is the reverse side image which the author denies, whips.

  29. 她表示, 我们不能把妖魔放回瓶子里去。

    She says you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

  30. 无论是上界的天使们,还是海底的妖魔鬼蜮,

    And neither the angels in Heaven above, Nor the demons under the sea


  1. 问:妖魔拼音怎么拼?妖魔的读音是什么?妖魔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妖魔的读音是yāomó,妖魔翻译成英文是 monster

  2. 问:妖魔鬼怪拼音怎么拼?妖魔鬼怪的读音是什么?妖魔鬼怪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妖魔鬼怪的读音是yāomóguǐguài,妖魔鬼怪翻译成英文是 demons and ghosts; all sorts of evil-doers...

  3. 问:妖魔化拼音怎么拼?妖魔化的读音是什么?妖魔化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:妖魔化的读音是,妖魔化翻译成英文是 demonize



“妖魔”是个多义词,它可以指妖魔(动画作品), 妖魔(汉语词语), 妖魔(《大剑》中的种族)。