




1. 仙 [xiān]仙 [xiān]神话中称有特殊能力、可以长生不死的人:~人。~女。~子。~界。~境(a.仙人居住的地方;b.形容景物美好的地方)。~风道骨。~山琼阁(喻虚无缥缈的美妙幻景)。具有高超才能的人:诗~。酒~。婉称死:~去。……



汉语拼音:shén xiān










  1. 见“ 神仙 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 神僊 ”。神话传说中的人物。有超人的能力。可以超脱尘世,长生不老。

    《史记·孝武本纪》:“海上 燕 齐 之閒,莫不搤捥而自言有禁方,能神僊矣。” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·散不足》:“当此之时, 燕 齐 之士释锄耒,争言神仙方士。” 宋 梅尧臣 《读<汉书·梅子真传>》诗:“ 九江 传神僊, 会稽 隐廛閈。” 陈毅 《游桂林》诗:“愿作 桂林 人,不愿作神仙。”

  3. 宫殿名。

    《文选·班固<西都赋>》:“ 清凉宣 温 , 神仙 长年 , 金华 玉堂 , 白虎 麒麟 ,区宇若兹,不可殫论。” 李善 注引《三辅黄图》:“ 长乐宫 有 神仙殿 。”



  1. Look at him now! He's gone back to his books, and he'll be as happy as a king.


  2. At last he is at her throne's foot and she, her mind in the garden once again, dies babbling like a child.


  3. Why is the public bathroom for gods such a prosperous business? It is all due to the perpetual environmental pollution done by human.


  4. Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who lived a kind of life.


  5. The gods have indeed favoured Georgia this winter, bestowing a mild one when a harsh one might have been disastrous.


  6. It seems John Key has called on the pixies at the bottom of his garden to pay for his tax cut package.


  7. Whereas in Bhutan , thousands and thousands of Bhutanese people have no doubt that you are a living god.


  8. When Yu Benshu woke up, he knew it had been a dream, but what the god told him was so important, he wrote it down for everybody to read.


  9. But, as I've learned, logic has its limits. It's the heart not the head that governs this world under the sway of the dizzy gods.


  1. 天国的神仙

    celestial beings.

  2. 七彩神仙鱼

    Symphsodon discus.

  3. 快乐似神仙

    As happy as a king.

  4. 神仙方术观

    View of Fairy and Divination.

  5. 神仙倒没有。

    There are no immortals here.

  6. 世上没有神仙。

    There are not fairies in the world.

  7. 真有神仙吗?

    Do fairies exist?

  8. 供奉神仙的地方。

    Where the immortals are worshipped.

  9. 神仙不死的人物

    One not subject to death.

  10. 神仙道化剧

    Apotheosized and Taoist drama.

  11. 传说有一位神仙,

    Legend has it that a deity

  12. 汉赋与神仙鬼怪

    Fu of the Han Dynasty and Immortal and Ghost

  13. 传说神仙住在天上。

    Fairies are said to dwell in heaven

  14. 神仙是超自然的事物。

    Gods are supernatural beings.

  15. 道教中的一位神仙。

    The depicted character is a minor immortal in Daoism.

  16. 愿神仙保佑大家!愿神仙保佑美国!

    God bless you all and God bless America!

  17. 魏晋洞窟神仙传说

    god legend of WeLling

  18. 连神仙都会祝福它。

    The Gods do bless it.

  19. 入世济世与神仙超越

    Follow with interest the life and believe the supernatural being of Taoism

  20. 神仙故事都是幻想得。

    Fairy tales are imaginative.

  21. 神仙故事都是幻想的。

    Fairy tales are imaginative.

  22. 喜瑞七彩神仙健康颗粒

    SERA Discus Granules Discus fish

  23. 神仙故事是幻想出来的。

    Fairy tales are imaginative.

  24. 我是你的神仙教母。

    I'm your fairy godmother.

  25. 神仙上天时坐的木筏。

    As a raft used by immortals when traveling up to heaven.

  26. 神仙或佛祖的图像, 塑像

    The picture or statue of a god or Buddha

  27. 神仙世界也是戒备森严的。

    Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

  28. 她相信有大慈大悲的神仙。

    She believed in the existence of a benevolent power.

  29. 大概神仙就住在这里吧。

    Perhaps, the deity resides right here.

  30. 你相信真有小神仙吗?

    Do you believe fairies exist ie that there are really fairies?


  1. 问:神仙拼音怎么拼?神仙的读音是什么?神仙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙的读音是shénxiān,神仙翻译成英文是 immortal

  2. 问:神仙传拼音怎么拼?神仙传的读音是什么?神仙传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙传的读音是Shénxiānzhuàn,神仙传翻译成英文是 Shisenden

  3. 问:神仙台拼音怎么拼?神仙台的读音是什么?神仙台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙台的读音是shén xiāntái,神仙台翻译成英文是 Sinseondae Cliff

  4. 问:神仙岩拼音怎么拼?神仙岩的读音是什么?神仙岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙岩的读音是shénxiān yán,神仙岩翻译成英文是 Sinseonbawi Rock

  5. 问:神仙峰拼音怎么拼?神仙峰的读音是什么?神仙峰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙峰的读音是shénxiān fēng,神仙峰翻译成英文是 Sinseonbong Peak

  6. 问:神仙洞拼音怎么拼?神仙洞的读音是什么?神仙洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙洞的读音是Shénxiāndòng,神仙洞翻译成英文是 Shinseon-dong

  7. 问:神仙炉拼音怎么拼?神仙炉的读音是什么?神仙炉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙炉的读音是shénxiān lú,神仙炉翻译成英文是 Royal Hot Pot

  8. 问:神仙鱼拼音怎么拼?神仙鱼的读音是什么?神仙鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙鱼的读音是,神仙鱼翻译成英文是 Pterophyllum

  9. 问:神仙台游园区拼音怎么拼?神仙台游园区的读音是什么?神仙台游园区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙台游园区的读音是shén xiāntái yóu yuánqū,神仙台游园区翻译成英文是 Sinseondae Recreation Area

  10. 问:神仙鱼的品种拼音怎么拼?神仙鱼的品种的读音是什么?神仙鱼的品种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神仙鱼的品种的读音是shénxiānyúdepǐnzhǒng,神仙鱼的品种翻译成英文是 Angelfish Varieties; Pterophyllum scalare



“神仙”是个多义词,它可以指神仙(汉语词语), 神仙(倪匡著的科幻小说), 神仙(一般意义上的神仙)。