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1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……
汉语拼音:zhōng ěr
The best option is usually no antibiotics at all, except in the case of acute otitis.
除急性中耳炎之外,治疗耳部炎症的最佳选择往往是干脆不用抗生素。Otitis media was one of the major causes of intracranial infection before the advent of antibiotics.
在抗生素发明前,中耳炎是颅内感染之主要来源;An instrument for examining the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum, consisting essentially of a magnifying lens and a light.
耳镜,检耳镜检查耳内部(尤其是中耳)的仪器,主要包括一个放大镜和光源。Otitis Media (middle ear infections) generally occur as a response to a viral, bacterial or other type of respiratory infection.
中耳炎(中耳感染)作为对病毒,细菌的反应或其他类型的呼吸道感染普遍发生。But even after antibiotic treatment for an episode of acute otitis media, fluid may remain in the middle ear for up to several months.
但是对急性中耳炎、在抗生素治疗使用过一段时间之后,液体依然会停留在中耳内数月。Way to stop the long-term treatment of acute otitis media to chronic unhealed even one of the reasons.
中途停止治疗是急性中耳炎长期不愈甚至转为慢性的原因之一。Allergy may be related to the pathogenesis of OME or to another etiological factor.
变态反应可能与渗出性中耳炎的发病机理或者另一致病因素相关。You're basically opening up the tubes that drain fluid from the middle ears, which have had them reliably full.
基本上,我们打开自中耳排出液体的管子,它们充满了液体。If it's not moving, you have one more clue that fluid is collecting in the middle ear and that it may be infected.