


1. 斡 [wò]2. 斡 [guǎn]斡 [wò]转,旋:~流。~运。~旋(调解,把弄僵了的局面扭转过来)。斡 [guǎn]古同“管”,主管,掌管。……


1. 旋 [xuán]2. 旋 [xuàn]旋 [xuán]转动:~绕。~转。~舞。~梯。~律。盘~。天~地转。回,归:凯~。不久:~踵(喻极短的时间,如“~~即逝”)。~即。表示与各方来往或来往于各方之间:周~。斡~。古同“漩”,漩涡。姓……



汉语拼音:wò xuán









  1. 运转;扭转。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十六:“作诗要健字撑拄,要活字斡旋。”《三国演义》第三七回:“将军欲使 孔明 斡旋天地,补缀乾坤,恐不易为,徒费心力耳。”《儿女英雄传》第三三回:“﹝公子﹞极力要斡旋这句话,便道:‘人有不为也而后可以有为。’”

  2. 周旋;奔走活动。

    《宋史·辛弃疾传》:“经度费鉅万计, 弃疾 善斡旋,事皆立办。”《醒世恒言·李汧公穷邸遇侠客》:“足下一时被陷,吾不过因便斡旋,何德之有?” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·小梅》:“ 王 素慷慨,誌其姓名,出橐中金为之斡旋,竟释其罪。” 郭沫若 《芍药与其他·小皮箧》:“﹝ 央克列维奇 ﹞想把他历年来所搜藏的中西书籍拿来趸卖。他曾经托我为他斡旋。”

  3. 指调解、调停。如:他们两人矛盾很深,你从中斡旋斡旋。

  4. 谓曲折含蓄,有回味。

    宋 张端义 《贵耳集》卷下:“ 山谷 词:‘杯行到手莫留残,不道月斜人散。’《诗话》谓或作‘莫留连’,意思殊短。又尝见 山谷 真蹟,乃是‘更留残’,词意便有斡旋也。”



  1. By the same token, Mr Browne always seems to know just the American or British politician to turn to in a scrape.


  2. But that will require the kind of diplomatic effort that this Administration has been reluctant to pursue.


  3. Norway had a torrid time trying to mediate between the Tamil Tigers and the Sri Lankan government.


  4. He understood that we could not mediate effectively until it was clear that our actions had not been extorted by Soviet pressure.


  5. With U. S. mediation, the two sides have recently begun a new round of talks, with the goal of agreeing on all major issues within a year.


  6. Other investors speculated that Unibanco faced big hidden losses and was guided into a merger with the help of banking authorities.


  7. A Middle East ceasefire could be in the offing during a week of high diplomacy. But Israel has mixed feelings.


  8. Truth, then, is correspondence between our entire lives and God's heart, words and actions, through the mediation of the Word and Spirit.


  9. The Gengzi Incident once provided him with a glimmer of hope, fantasying that he himself came forward to mediate with the great powers.


  1. 斡旋委员会

    committee of good offices.

  2. 通过他的斡旋

    through his good offices

  3. 论斡旋受贿犯罪

    On the Mediate Bribery Crime

  4. 斡旋于两国之间

    mediate between the two nations

  5. 为和平而从中斡旋

    to intercede for peace

  6. 我会努力从中斡旋。

    I'll try to smooth thing over.

  7. 在两交战国间斡旋。

    mediate between two countries which are at war

  8. 欧洲立法者斡旋小组

    Good Offices Group of European Lawmakers

  9. 他斡旋于两国之间。

    He mediates between the two nations.

  10. 接纳新会员国斡旋委员会

    Committee of Good Offices on the Admission of New Members

  11. 第5条斡旋调解和调停

    Article5 Good Offices, Conciliation and Mediation

  12. 支持和平进程和斡旋工作

    Support for the peace process and good offices.

  13. 在两个交战国之间进行斡旋

    mediate Between two warring countries

  14. 斡旋受贿犯罪若干问题探析

    Analysis of Some Issues about Crime of Mediatory Acceptance of Bribe

  15. 联合国已经通过斡旋实现了停火。

    The UN has mediated the ceasefire.

  16. 他敦促美国继续进行和平斡旋。

    He urged the United States to persist with its efforts to bring about peace.

  17. 律师设法在公司与工会之间斡旋。

    eg. The lawer managed to mediate between the company and the union.

  18. 他来恳求他出面跟革命党人斡旋。

    He came to beg him to intercede with the revolutionaries.

  19. 斡旋人不应该为党提供法律建议。

    A mediator should not offer legal advice to a party.

  20. 他设法在同事和管理阶层之间斡旋。

    He tried to mediate between his colleagues and management.

  21. 她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋达成共识。

    She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues.

  22. 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。

    The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue.

  23. 我们希望秘书长出面斡旋,排解这场纠纷。

    We hope the Secretary General and intervene the dispute.

  24. 经过他的斡旋,两国签署了停战协议。

    Following his mediation, the two countries signed an armistice.

  25. 经过他的斡旋,两国签署了停战协议。

    Following his mediation, the two countries signed an armistice.

  26. 联合国总部将继续履行核查与斡旋职能。

    Verification and good offices functions will continue to be carried out by United Nations Headquarters.

  27. 两方会谈是合作或者谈判,三方会谈则是斡旋。

    Two talks are to cooperate to perhaps negotiate, tripartite talk is mediate.

  28. 由于他从中斡旋,双方的争端得到了解决。

    Through his mediation, the dispute between the two parties was settled.

  29. 斡旋与两个冲突的人或事物发生关系

    To have a relation to two differing persons or things.

  30. 他们也许能在不同利益政党之间进行斡旋。

    They may be able to mediate between parties with different interests.


  1. 问:斡旋拼音怎么拼?斡旋的读音是什么?斡旋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斡旋的读音是wòxuán,斡旋翻译成英文是 mediate

  2. 问:斡旋者拼音怎么拼?斡旋者的读音是什么?斡旋者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斡旋者的读音是,斡旋者翻译成英文是 conciliator

  3. 问:斡旋委员会拼音怎么拼?斡旋委员会的读音是什么?斡旋委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:斡旋委员会的读音是wò xuán wěi yuán huì,斡旋委员会翻译成英文是 good offices committee


