


1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……



汉语拼音:pái jiě








  1. 排除危难;调解纠纷。

    宋 文天祥 《罗融斋墓志铭》:“乡隣有难,毕力排解。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致孙用》:“中间经人排解,乃约定先将稿费送来我处。”

  2. 宽慰;排遣。

    《镜花缘》第九四回:“我无著己之亲,只得寡母一人,今忽远隔外洋,不能侍奉,惟望妹妹俯念当日结拜之情,替我早晚照应,善为排解。”《红楼梦》第四六回:“人家有为难的事,拿着你们当做正经人,告诉你们,与我排解排解;饶不管,你们倒替换着取笑儿。” 曹靖华 《飞花集·“电工”鲁迅》:“有时唱得悲从中来,互相抱头痛哭,无法排解。”

  3. 解释;解脱。

    清 沉起凤 《谐铎·鬼妇持家》:“某自悔失言,再三排解。” 艾青 《旷野<又一章>》诗:“黑色的岩石,不可排解地纠缠在一起。”



  1. "Nope, " I said, and meant it, and I knew Japhy would agree with me. "All Japhy's doing is amusing himself in the void. "

  2. If I feel depressed when I would shout out loudly cried my heart out of the depressed mood troubleshooting easy for a lot of natural feel.

  3. Every time I came to clean his house, I would try to converse with him to distract him from loneliness.

  4. Whether you're troubleshooting a problem with a bad install or are just curious, you may at times want to see a list of those files.

  5. The pain coursing through American families is all too real and no one seems to know what to do about it.

  6. s the matter, honey? " he may feel insulted or repulsed . He feels as though she doesn't trust him to handle things. "

  7. His way of coping was to throw himself into work, and he began to reinvent himself.

  8. Indeed, after serious thinking of these things, I should be very melancholy, and sometimes it would last a great while.

  9. Topaz: Helps to break up stagnation of energy within the body, and assists with the elimination of toxins. 3rd chakra and higher.


  1. 他为我排解烦恼。

    He eased me of the worry.

  2. 你怎么排解你的愤怒?

    So what do you do about the anger?

  3. 她毅然出面排解纠纷。

    She sailed in and settled the dispute.

  4. 哭能让人排解悲伤。

    Crying takes the sad out of you.

  5. 来排解我的心理包袱。

    To carry my emotional baggage.

  6. 朋友排解了他们的纠纷。

    Friends mediated between them in the dispute.

  7. 他是位排解争端的能手。

    He is an expert at troubleshooting.

  8. 我排解他的饥渴, 融入他的心扉

    I quench his thirst and submerge his

  9. 把压迫从肿胀得头脑中排解。

    Drain the pressure from the swelling.

  10. 生活充满忧虑,但你要排解这些忧虑。

    Life is full of concerns,but you work through them.

  11. 心情不好时选什么方法排解适宜?

    What method untangle to choose when is the mood bad appropriate?

  12. 锻炼身体是排解工作压力的好办法。

    Exercise is a good safety valve for the tension that builds up at work.

  13. 我们希望秘书长出面斡旋,排解这场纠纷。

    We hope the Secretary General and intervene the dispute.

  14. 所以你可以有困扰而同时能够排解压力。

    So, you can keep the pressure and get rid of the stress.

  15. 但我学会了在我的歌中排解那些烦恼。

    But I learned to channel that annoyance into my music.

  16. 我要是哪天不顺心,就去做饭排解一下。

    If I've had a bad day I'll work it off by cooking.

  17. 她快步走了一会儿,以排解心中的沮丧。

    She went for a brisk walk to work off her frustration.

  18. 她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。

    She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life.

  19. 为了排解心中的苦闷, 他找到了镇上的牧师。

    To pour out his grievance, he went to the priest in the town.

  20. 政府建立的该政治机构是用来排解产业纠纷的。

    The political apparatus set up by the government is used to settle industrial disputes.

  21. 我请了一位心理学家来帮你们排解压力。

    I hired a psychologist to help you handle stress.

  22. 丰富的现场操作经验和全面的现场分析和疑难排解能力。

    Rich hands on site experiences and strong trouble shooting and diagnosis capabilities.

  23. 那些长期以来悬而未决的争端因此得到了顺利的排解。

    The long outstanding questions have thus been successfully adjusted.

  24. 你可以在这里找到所需资料去排解你的地产疑难。

    Here you'll find resources to assist you with all your realty needs.

  25. 其中最好的一个方法就是通过体育运动来排解怒气。

    One of the best ways to do that is to release it is through physical exercise.

  26. 排解自己积愤的方法有很多种,不一定要喝酒呀。

    There are many ways to dispel your pent-up fury besides drinking!

  27. 唯一可以排解的是,找到甲,把他痛骂一顿,让他难为情。

    The only consolation is marches up to A, gives them a rocket and watches them squirm.

  28. 我奉劝你别去排解那两个醉汉的争吵。不然你会受伤的。

    I would advise you not to intervene between those two drunks. You might get hurt.

  29. 现在是下午三点。护士正在纪录布朗先生的饮食和排解。

    Its three p.m. The nurse is recording Mr. Browns intake and output.

  30. 遭遇不顺的时候,我在这里默契地干活,排解心中的郁闷。

    When experience is not suitable, I work tacitly here, in untangle heart depressed.


  1. 问:排解拼音怎么拼?排解的读音是什么?排解翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排解的读音是páijiě,排解翻译成英文是 mediate; dispel

  2. 问:排解纠纷拼音怎么拼?排解纠纷的读音是什么?排解纠纷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排解纠纷的读音是páijiějiūfēn,排解纠纷翻译成英文是 reconcile a quarrel



排解,指调解[纠纷];排除危难。见文天祥 《罗融斋墓志铭》:“乡隣有难,毕力排解。”