


1. 排 [pái]2. 排 [pǎi]排 [pái]除去,推开:~出。~斥。~水。~外。~挤。~山倒海。~忧解难。摆成行列:~列。~队。~字。~印。~笔。~场。排成的行列:~头。前~。军队的编制单位,“班”的上一级。练习演戏:~戏。竹或木……





汉语拼音:pái qiǎn








  1. 排除,遣去;消遣。

    唐 杜牧 《上宰相求湖州第三启》:“近者累得书,告以羈旅困乏,闻於他人,可为酸鼻,况於某心,岂易排遣。” 宋 史可堂 《蓦山溪》词:“如何排遣,赖有 高阳 徒。” 元 乔吉 《两世姻缘》第一折:“今日他母亲不在,我与大姐排遣去者。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶泪墨·瑟园梦略》:“七情之鬱,不可排遣。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第十章:“这不习惯于孤寂的年青学生,不知如何排遣这寂静的夜晚。”

  2. 犹斥逐。

    唐 寒山 《诗》之一○四:“富儿会高堂,华灯何煒煌。此时无独者,心愿处其傍。不意遭排遣,还归暗处藏。”



  1. Let the wife Xiao yun order no alcohol, very difficult boxed continued to a orgies, the method was wife wishes quartz.

  2. Tom's heart ached to be free, or to have something of interest to do to pass the weary time.

  3. And the removal of the team together, and I Paiqian lonely, physically and mentally relaxed way is a woman and go to bed.

  4. When grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. - S. Johnson.

  5. At the enchanted metropolitan twilight I felt a haunting loneliness sometimes.

  6. the millennium village program sends experts into african communities to improve health care , education and farming.

  7. Writing was the only way to relieve my loneliness.

  8. Elderly people may window shop, obtain prescribed drugs, bank, or walk for exercise, seek companionship and avoid loneliness.

  9. an outlet for healthy and unhampered action; a priest unhampered by scruple; the new stock market was unhampered by tradition.


  1. 我无法排遣心中郁闷。

    I cant shake off these gloomy feelings.

  2. 我无法排遣心中郁闷。

    I can't shake off these gloomy feelings.

  3. 菲比帮助莫妮卡排遣痛苦。

    Phoebe helps Monica try to relax.

  4. 据说他无法排遣他丧妻之痛。

    They say he can't get over his wife's death.

  5. 她借音乐来排遣内心的忧伤。

    She beguiled her sorrow with music.

  6. 我藉着音乐来排遣漫长的旅途。

    I beguiled my long journey by listening music.

  7. 这时候游泳也许是最好的排遣。

    Swimming is good for working off stress.

  8. 写作是我排遣寂寞的唯一方法。

    Writing was the only way to relieve my loneliness.

  9. 她痛哭流涕以排遣心中的苦恼。

    She vented the anguish of her heart in bitter tears.

  10. 她想把惊慌的神情给排遣开。

    He tried to ignore his panic.

  11. 妈妈力图排遣她女儿心头的烦恼。

    Mother tried to push her daughter's worries from her mind.

  12. 咬出了一个缺口, 排遣这寂寞。

    Bite out of a loophole, Baiqian this loneliness.

  13. 这是一种自我排遣纯粹的愚蠢

    Its an antidote. Sheer, calculated silliness.

  14. 读书帮他排遣了生病时的无聊。

    Reading helped to relieve the boredom while he was ill.

  15. 这些书有利于排遣等待时的无聊。

    The books helped relieve the boredom of waiting.

  16. 我藉著看小说来排遣漫长的旅。

    I beguiled my long journey by reading novels.

  17. 找一个地方来排遣孤寂或是首选。

    Finding a place to hide from loneliness probably is the first choice.

  18. 无法排遣的萧疏让他感觉无比孤单。

    He couldn't dispel his loneliness and felt very lonesome.

  19. 无法排遣得萧疏让他感觉无比孤单。

    He couldn't dispel his loneliness and felt very lonesome.

  20. 无法排遣的萧疏让他感觉无比孤单。

    He couldn't dispel his loneliness and felt very lonesome.

  21. 他闲得无聊,只好去看场电影排遣排遣。

    Time lay heavily on his hands, so he went to the cinema to divert himself.

  22. 他没有朋友,而是转向网吧排遣寂寞,他说。

    He has no friends, he says, and turns to Internet cafes toward off loneliness.

  23. 悲痛初生时,任何排遣的尝试只能是刺激。

    When grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. S. Johnson.

  24. 最近,他因为排遣烦心事而学会了好多种魔术。

    Most recently, he had learned because of distraction Fan Xinshi a good variety of magic.

  25. 排遣寂寞, 除了吃之外, 还有什么更好的方法呢?

    Is there any better ways to beguile loneliness except eating?

  26. 男友走后, 无论什么都不能排遣我的失落感。

    After my boyfriend went away, nothing distracted me from my sense of loss.

  27. 哭泣是人类为排遣痛苦而体验出来的重要方法之一。

    Crying is one of the important ways we have developed to alleviate stress.

  28. 随后我为心里郁积的难以排遣的种种烦恼,不禁痛苦起来。

    And then I began to weep from all the unbearable complications in my heart.

  29. 打那以后, 他们经常在一起谈笑, 以排遣苦闷得时光。

    They had many interesting talks together, after that, as the dreary days went on.

  30. 打那以后,他们经常在一起谈笑,以排遣苦闷的时光。

    They had many interesting talks together, after that, as the dreary days went on.


  1. 问:排遣拼音怎么拼?排遣的读音是什么?排遣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:排遣的读音是páiqiǎn,排遣翻译成英文是 shake … off




【读音】pái qiǎn


【出处】唐·杜牧《上宰相求湖州第三启》:“近者累得书,告以羁旅困乏,闻於他人,可为酸鼻,况於某心,岂易排遣。” 宋·史可堂《蓦山溪》词:“如何排遣,赖有高阳徒。”

【示例】元·乔吉《两世姻缘》第一折:“今日他母亲不在,我与大姐排遣去者。” 清·黄钧宰《金壶泪墨·瑟园梦略》:“七情之郁,不可排遣。”