




处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:tíng bàn







  1. 中止正在进行的某项事情。



  1. When Denver's Rocky Mountain News folded just over a year ago, some of its staffers left journalism.


  2. We therefore decided to discontinue the Forum and will advise the universities to participate in their initiatives instead.


  3. Only in 12 when 45, or delayed or end before, or next year, it seems that this administration suspended draft play hardball.


  4. But it has been abruptly abandoned after an animal rights activist threatened to disrupt the latest tournament, organizers said.


  5. By the end of its run, her (now defunct) weekly column had few readers.


  6. The Olympics have been halted during world wars but have continued amid other political strife.


  7. Of the measures it has adopted to assist young people in need of the such service after cessation of the service?


  8. Again, when a good independent school in Memphis recently closed.


  9. An unaccredited school in the U. S. may close for lack of funds.


  1. 那家报纸于1988年停办。

    The newspaper folded in 1988.

  2. 这所学校已停办三年。

    The school has been closed for three years.

  3. 我们不该再停办飞鸟祭了。

    And we ought not to overlook the flight of the birds.

  4. 自1883年以来,该校从未停办过。

    The school has been in continual use since 1883.

  5. 试析工农速成中学停办原因

    Analysis of the Reason for the Suspension of the Instant Middle School for Peasants and Workers

  6. 那学校因经费不足而暂时停办。

    The school suspended for lack of finances.

  7. 他加入的团体存在暂时停办的危险。

    The group he accompanies is at risk for suspension.

  8. 他加入的团体存在暂时停办的危险。

    The group he accompanies is at risk for suspension.

  9. 如果我是你,我就停办所有的业务。

    I should jack up the whole business if I were you.

  10. 那所学校因经费不足而暂时停办。

    The school suspended for lack of finances.

  11. 后因种种原因该厂于80年代停办。

    Due to various reasons, after the plant closed in the 80 s.

  12. 使我沮丧的是,这所大学停办了。

    To my dismay, this university was closed.

  13. 每当停办一所学校,就不得不多建一座监狱。

    Every time you stop a school you will have to build a jail.

  14. 火车服务从午夜到清晨4点停办,以便修护。

    Train service will be suspended from midnight to4 a.m.to permit repairs.

  15. 他们说如果我再来参赛,他们干脆就停办比赛。

    They said that if we entered again they would stop having the tournament.

  16. 停办或解散时,应报中央主管机关核备。

    Their suspension or dissolution shall also be reported to and registered with the central competent authority.

  17. 由于学校停办, 许多有经验得教师都失业了。

    Because of the failure of the school, many experienced teachers are now at leisure.

  18. 由于学校停办,许多有经验的教师都失业了。

    Because of the failure of the school, many experienced teachers are now at leisure.

  19. 经过长时间讨论后,委员会投票表决停办这所学校。

    After much debate, the committee voted to close the school.

  20. 还有一些人认为停办此节目的真凶是审查制度。

    Others say censorship is the real reason for the show's cancelation.

  21. 在历史上,奥运会曾有3次因世界战争的缘故而停办。

    The Olympics were not held because there were three World Wars in history.

  22. 由于该杂制停办, 许多有经验得编辑现在都失业了。

    Because of the failure of the magazine, many experienced editors are now at leisure.

  23. 由于该杂制停办,许多有经验的编辑现在都失业了。

    Because of the failure of the magazine, many experienced editors are now at leisure.

  24. 部分学校由于行将停办,故不考虑成立法团校董会。

    Some schools will cease operation soon, so they will not consider setting up an IMC.

  25. 我们现在可以接受并审理了,许多年来我们停办了这项业务。

    Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years.

  26. 在历史上,奥运会曾经有3次因为世界战争的原因而停办。

    The Olympics were not held because of a World War for3 times in history.


  1. 问:停办拼音怎么拼?停办的读音是什么?停办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停办的读音是tíngbàn,停办翻译成英文是 close down