




处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:kāi bàn








  1. 兴办;建立。

    丁玲 《在医院中》:“为了党的需要,她必须脱离学习到离 延安 四十里地的一个刚开办的医院去工作。” 魏巍 《壮行集·幸福的花为勇士而开(四)》:“我们开办了许多学校,但仍然有许多人不能升进中学或大学。”



  1. Todd thought of the difficulty with which he managed to get the amount of money he needed to start his gas station.

  2. He and his wife opened their school in 1992, and now employ five part-time teachers, some of whom are students at a local university.

  3. Nihad Fouad Majjid was one of the first to set up in Yiwu, opening his office five years ago.

  4. If I continue to play a lot of concerts over the next five year, I may be able to start a small school.

  5. "We commit ourselves to be a media with a sense of national responsibility, " she told the state-run People's Daily.

  6. When I met Michael, just a week after his departure, he was eager to pursue the presidency of a new cable network that was being launched.

  7. Personal auto loan is referred to the RMB secured loan provided to borrowers by lenders used for buying autos.

  8. A well-known local chemists, openly ridiculed Wang Yung-ching did not know what the plastic, plastic plant start-up money to be sure!

  9. But smaller wealth managers without the resources to set up their own schools or schemes have had to take a more informal approach.


  1. 不断开办诊所

    We continuously opened clinics.

  2. 开办人民币业务

    engage in RMB business

  3. 那是我开办的。

    I started that.

  4. 那是我开办的。

    I started that.

  5. 未摊还开办费用

    unamortized organization expense

  6. 妈妈决定开办日托所。

    Mother had decided to open a day nursery.

  7. 他们开办了一家药店。

    They set up a pharmacy.

  8. 他们开办了一家药店。

    They set up a pharmacy.

  9. 她开办了一个讲习班。

    Now she runs workshops.

  10. 和平医院是1958年开办的。

    The Peace Hospital opened in 1958.

  11. 我决定开办自己的公司

    I've decided to start my own agency.

  12. 我决定开办自己的公司。

    I've decided to start my own agency.

  13. 我们决定开办一家合作社。

    We decided to set up a cooperative.

  14. 他们决定开办一家合作社。

    They decided to set up a cooperative.

  15. 他开办了一项新业务。

    He has started up a new business.

  16. 开办企业有何法律规定?

    Is there any red tape involved in starting up any form of business?

  17. 他们开办了一家新公司。

    They started a new company.

  18. 开办网店须办营业执照。

    Open net inn must handle business license.

  19. 保柏在英国开办私立医院。

    Bupa runs private hospitals in Britain.

  20. 我决定开办一家咨询公司。

    I've decided to set up shop as a consultant.

  21. 为老年人开办的白天看护所

    A day care centre for the elderly

  22. 开办这样的公司有点冒险。

    Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble.

  23. 台湾第三家电视台之开办。

    The launching of taiwan's third television station.

  24. 那公司开办时仅有20名职员。

    The company started out with only twenty employees.

  25. 扶持竹业发展开办抵押贷款

    Open mortagage loan for support bamboo industry

  26. 她的公司开办了内部的托儿所。

    Her company ran its own workplace nursery.

  27. 开办关于毒品滥用问题的讲座

    Gave a presentation on drug abuse.

  28. 这家工厂开办了十五年了。

    The factory has been open for fifteen years.

  29. 在巴基斯坦也开办了一个学校。

    had started a school in Pakistan.

  30. 这个专栏到今天已经开办10年了。

    This column is ten years old today.


  1. 问:开办拼音怎么拼?开办的读音是什么?开办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开办的读音是kāibàn,开办翻译成英文是 set … up

  2. 问:开办新企业拼音怎么拼?开办新企业的读音是什么?开办新企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开办新企业的读音是kāi bàn xīn qǐ yè,开办新企业翻译成英文是 launch a new enterprise

  3. 问:开办期损失拼音怎么拼?开办期损失的读音是什么?开办期损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开办期损失的读音是kāi bàn qī sǔn shī,开办期损失翻译成英文是 initial loss




拼音:kāi bàn 词性:动词 基本解释 [open;set up; start;found] 建立;举办 开办商店 详细解释 兴办;建立。

丁玲 《在医院中》:“为了党的需要,她必须脱离学习到离 延安 四十里地的一个刚开办的医院去工作。” 魏巍 《壮行集·幸福的花为勇士而开(四)》:“我们开办了许多学校,但仍然有许多人不能升进中学或大学。”