


1. 兴 [xīng]2. 兴 [xìng]兴 [xīng]举办,发动:~办。~工。~学。~建。~叹(发出感叹声,如“望洋~~”)。百废待~。起来:夙~夜寐(早起晚睡)。旺盛:~盛。~旺。~隆。~衰。复~。~替(兴衰)。天下~亡,匹夫有责。……


处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:xīng bàn







  1. 犹创办。

    《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七八回:“他从前在 广东 时候,竭力提倡蚕桑,一个月里头,便动了十多回公事,催着兴办。”



  1. I suggest to Young that perhaps the school is his attempt to recast himself into something of which his father would approve.


  2. So , what I though I 'd do is -- in honor of Emmanuel -- is, what I can do is to launch today the first TED Global auction .


  3. The local authority ~ed the company an interest-free loan to start up the new factory.


  4. Those which establish manufacturing enterprises, especially export enterprises and technologically advanced enterprises.


  5. more avenues FOR operation to increase employment opportunities within the framework of the laws and administrative decrees.


  6. The establishment of small-scale thermal power plant where N, and the total installed capacity of nearly one million kilowatts.


  7. Efforts are being made to establish more departments and schools of Tibetan culture covering Tibetan language, medicine, art and history.


  8. In addition, return initiate processing factory of a batch of small winery, small oily plant, rice and a slap-bang shop.


  9. The state encourages enterprises and undertakings, public organizations, and citizens to run and support sport cause.


  1. 兴办合资企业

    set up a joint venture

  2. 兴办集体福利事业

    initiate collective welfare work

  3. 在全国兴办了学校。

    Schools were opened throughout the country.

  4. 政府兴办集体福利事业。

    The government initiates collective welfare work.

  5. 安徽公学的兴办及其影响

    Establishment and influences of Anhui public school

  6. 国家兴办了一批民族院校。

    The state itself runs a number of ethnic institutes and schools.

  7. 清末福建官脑局兴办始末

    The Whole Story on Building the Offical Camphor Bureau in Fujian Province at the End of the Qing Dynasty

  8. 伦敦多数大旅馆都兴办除夕舞会。

    Most of the big London hotels have a New Year's Eve dance.

  9. 大力兴办老年人服务性的经济体系。

    Vigorously establishes the senior citizen service economic system.

  10. 税收方面1 鼓励外商兴办工农业生产项目。

    One, taxation respect 1, encourage foreign initiate and agriculture to produce an item.

  11. 新疆维文会兴办民族教育及其作用

    On the National Education by Xinjiang Uyghur Culture Advancement Society and Its Effects

  12. 大多数学校都是私人兴办,由学费支持。

    The majority of schools are privatelyprovided, sustained by fees.

  13. 完全同意你兴办一家新公司的想法。

    I go all the way with your idea for setting up a new company.

  14. 我需要一些财务赞助来兴办这一企业。

    I need some financial support for this venture.

  15. 他兴办那个慈善机构以纪念他已故的妻子。

    He founded the charity in memory of his late wife.

  16. 各行各业都要来支持教育事业,大力兴办教育事业。

    Every trade and profession should support it and try to establish its own schools.

  17. 在上洞村兴办中药材吴萸和蔬菜基地。

    In the traditional Chinese medicine Wu Tung Village, set up bases in cornelian cherry and vegetables.

  18. 第17届世界杯是在两个亚洲国家兴办的。

    The 17th World Cup was held in two Asian countries.

  19. 第17届世界杯是在两个亚洲国家兴办得。

    The 17th World Cup was held in two Asian countries.

  20. 他兴办那项慈善事业以纪念他已故的妻子

    He found the charity in memory of his late wife

  21. 晚清德式军事学堂的兴办及其教育特色

    The rising of German military schools in China and the features by the end of Qing

  22. 她非常能干,她决心兴办的这个买卖一定会成功的。

    She was so efficient that it was certain she would make a success of the adventure.

  23. 试析清末蒙古王公兴办实业的新思想

    A Discussion on How Mongolian Nobles Ran Enterprises with New Ideas in Late Qing Dynasty

  24. 我们镇刚刚兴办了一家专门生产弯头的企业。

    A new enterprise that produces connector bends has just started business in our town.

  25. 我们镇刚刚兴办了一家专门生产弯头的企业。

    A new enterprise that produces connector bends has just started business in our town.

  26. 稷下学宫的办学特色及对当今兴办高校的启示

    On the distinctiveness of Ji Xia School and its implications for founding institutions of higher learning today

  27. 兴办女学高潮与浙江近代女子教育体系的建立

    The Upsurge of Running Girls Schools and the Establishment of the Modern Education System for Women in Zhejiang.

  28. 政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格的中医师。

    The goverment set up the Imperial Medical Bureau for training and bringing up qualified TCM workers.

  29. 政府兴办了太医局训练和培养合格得中医师。

    The goverment set up the Imperial Medical Bureau for training and bringing up qualified TCM workers.

  30. 除了兴办近代工业企业,容闳还十分注重培养西学人才。

    Besides, he directed full attention to the training of people with western learning.


  1. 问:兴办拼音怎么拼?兴办的读音是什么?兴办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:兴办的读音是xīngbàn,兴办翻译成英文是 set … up




拼音:xīng bàn 基本解释 [initiate;set up] 兴起创办 兴办新式工业 详细解释 犹创办。 《二十年目睹之怪现状》第七八回:“他从前在 广东 时候,竭力提倡蚕桑,一个月里头,便动了十多回公事,催着兴办。”