


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……


处理:~公。~事。~理。处分:惩~。法~。首恶必~。置备:~置。~货。创设:创~。兴(xīng )~。……



汉语拼音:chuàng bàn








  1. 开始举办。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第九章三:“他们又在各处设立简易图书馆,书报供应处,甚至创办民众学校。” 巴金 《关于<海的梦>》:“不久 施蛰存 同志创办《现代》月刊,托 索非 向我组稿。”



  1. Ilana Goor was born in Israel where she attended the Bezalel School of Art in Jerusalem which had been co-founded by her grandfather.

  2. The bank enables Tumaini account holders to start their business by providing loans of up to 110% of their savings.

  3. Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world.

  4. She was one of the founders of Girton College, and worked hard at opening the medical profession to women.

  5. As you know, the company was started over forty years ago by Mr. Harris Senior.

  6. Capacity permitting, the founder of this website will repay accumulated funds to her hometown for recreation of a charitable institution.

  7. It was the kind of pioneering spirit she was to display when building her own companies.

  8. Wealthy families and industrial groups from the oil-rich Gulf countries make up the majority of the bank's founding shareholders.

  9. Gloria Steinem, the founder of Ms magazine, says that "Palin shares nothing but a chromosome with Clinton" .


  1. 创办新的企业。

    Get a new business afloat, ie start it.

  2. 创办一项新事业

    to start a new business

  3. 他着手创办新企业。

    He embarked on a new enterprise.

  4. 个人很难创办大学

    It's very difficult to start a private university.

  5. 创办国立艺术大学案

    the National University of Arts Foundation Plan

  6. 他创办了这家公司。

    He founded this company.

  7. 他创办了这家公司。

    He founded this company.

  8. 这家公司创办于1999年。

    This company was founded in 1999.

  9. 他们创办了一所大学。

    They founded a college.

  10. 日元创办一家新公司?

    Set up a new company for a yen?

  11. 他决定创办一份报纸。

    He decided to start a newspaper.

  12. 他们创办一家新公司。

    They floated a new business company.

  13. 他打算创办一份报纸。

    He is thinking of starting a newspaper.

  14. 这所学院创办于中世纪。

    The college dates back to medieval times.

  15. 公司的创办人和总裁

    the founder and president of the company

  16. 巴肯是花园的创办人。

    Ivna Bucan is the founder of the garden.

  17. 联合创办的印度马口铁公司。

    Tinplate Company of India Lid.

  18. 富勒神学院创办于1947年。

    The Fuller Seminary opened in 1947.

  19. 法界佛教总会创办人

    The Founder of Dharma Realm Buddhist Association

  20. 他所创办的集美学村。

    Jimei School Village, which was founded by him.

  21. 从创办之日起持续成长

    Continuously Growing from Opening Day

  22. 这座医院是去年创办的。

    The hospital was founded last year.

  23. 这座医院是去年创办得。

    The hospital was founded last year.

  24. 我们的大学是在1948年创办的。

    Our university was established in1948.

  25. 我们得大学是在1948年创办得。

    Our university was established in1948.

  26. 我渴望创办一家零售巨头。

    I aspire to create a retail giant.

  27. 我渴望创办一家零售巨头。

    I aspire to create a retail giant.

  28. 他们自己创办了这家公司。

    They founded the company themselves.

  29. 凝聚了创办者张謇的心血,

    It embodies the painstaking effort of its founder, Zhang Jian

  30. 他的叔父帮他创办了事业。

    His uncle started him in business, ie helped him, eg by supplying money.


  1. 问:创办拼音怎么拼?创办的读音是什么?创办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办的读音是chuàngbàn,创办翻译成英文是 establish; startup company

  2. 问:创办人拼音怎么拼?创办人的读音是什么?创办人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办人的读音是chuàngbànrén,创办人翻译成英文是 founder

  3. 问:创办费拼音怎么拼?创办费的读音是什么?创办费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办费的读音是chuàng bàn fèi,创办费翻译成英文是 initial cost

  4. 问:创办事业拼音怎么拼?创办事业的读音是什么?创办事业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办事业的读音是chuàng bàn shì yè,创办事业翻译成英文是 undertake an enterprise

  5. 问:创办企业拼音怎么拼?创办企业的读音是什么?创办企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办企业的读音是chuàngbànqǐyè,创办企业翻译成英文是 startup company; to establish a company

  6. 问:创办公司拼音怎么拼?创办公司的读音是什么?创办公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办公司的读音是chuàng bàn gōng sī,创办公司翻译成英文是 floatation of a company

  7. 问:创办成本拼音怎么拼?创办成本的读音是什么?创办成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办成本的读音是chuàng bàn chéng běn,创办成本翻译成英文是 start up cost

  8. 问:创办投资拼音怎么拼?创办投资的读音是什么?创办投资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办投资的读音是chuàng bàn tóu zī,创办投资翻译成英文是 initial investment

  9. 问:创办资本拼音怎么拼?创办资本的读音是什么?创办资本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办资本的读音是chuàng bàn zī běn,创办资本翻译成英文是 initial capital

  10. 问:创办人利润拼音怎么拼?创办人利润的读音是什么?创办人利润翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办人利润的读音是chuàng bàn rén lì rùn,创办人利润翻译成英文是 promoter's profit

  11. 问:创办人股份拼音怎么拼?创办人股份的读音是什么?创办人股份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办人股份的读音是chuàng bàn rén gǔ fèn,创办人股份翻译成英文是 promoters' shares

  12. 问:创办资本值拼音怎么拼?创办资本值的读音是什么?创办资本值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办资本值的读音是chuàng bàn zī běn zhí,创办资本值翻译成英文是 initial capital cost

  13. 问:创办资本投资拼音怎么拼?创办资本投资的读音是什么?创办资本投资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创办资本投资的读音是chuàng bàn zī běn tóu zī,创办资本投资翻译成英文是 initial capital investment




拼音:chuàngbàn 词性:动词 英文:establish 词义:开始举办。
