


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……





汉语拼音:chuàng shè








  1. 亦作“剏设”。设置;创办。

    明 沉德符 《野获编·词林·翰林官先奏事》:“国朝无此官,至今上始创设。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷一:“自 咸丰 季年,中西重立和约,朝廷剏设总理衙门,堂司各官如军机处例。” 叶圣陶 《城中》:“一个学校的创设,虽然算不得一件大事,却在这城里多数人的心海里掀起了波浪了。”

  2. 谓创造条件。

    毛泽东 《论人民民主专政》:“我们和资产阶级政党相反。他们怕说阶级消灭,国家权力的消灭和党的消灭。我们则公开声明,恰是为着促使这些东西的消灭而创设条件,而努力奋斗。” 徐特立 《纪念“五四”对青年的希望》:“党和国家为青年创设了良好的工作条件。”



  1. The bank created and sold Hudson Mezzanine, which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet, in late 2006.

  2. Pleasure of teaching is to create a pleasant context, to enable students to stay in a pleasant, easy to accept the learning atmosphere.

  3. The new funds are likely at first to be conservative investors, mindful of how much existing funds have suffered during the crisis.

  4. But the creation of the post of prime minister, which had not existed, was a victory for Mr Odinga.

  5. I'm beginning to see that I have been made for a very special purpose.

  6. So the Founders put out a call to all souls in all universes that had completed at least one Polarity Integration Game.

  7. After the war, most big companies created R&D labs; some, like the Bell Labs system, employed thousands of people.

  8. However, creation system has been a controversial mechanism since it was introduced by the governor, and the debate still doesn't stop now.

  9. An unlimited amount of substrate range helps you to open up different business and the creation of high added value.


  1. 环境权创设

    the establishment of Environmental Right.

  2. 创设国际大学之可行性研究。

    Study on the feasibility of an international university.

  3. 创设一个安全而开放的环境。

    Create a safe, open environment.

  4. 教师需要创设什么样的教学情境

    What Instructional Context Teacher Shall Create

  5. 创设情境、激发学生的探究欲望。

    Establish a scenario and stir up the student's investigation desire.

  6. 创设鉴赏探究的情境,情感升华。

    Establish a scenario of appreciate the investigation, the emotion sublimate.

  7. 第三, 为交流创设融洽的环境。

    Three, create a receptive environment for communication.

  8. 创设新公司颇费时间和金钱。

    It took much time and money for the promotion of the new company.

  9. 介绍了课堂情境创设的一些方法。

    Some methods of the creation of class situation are introduced.

  10. 可以创设有众层浅度的凹下。

    You can create multiple layer.

  11. 创设新教师入职教育的良好条件。

    To establish the good conditions of the new staff.

  12. 法定留置是由议会的法令创设的。

    A statutory lien is one that is created by an Act of parliament.

  13. 环境时代与宪法环境权的创设

    Environmental Age and the Introduction of Constitutional Environmental Rights

  14. 能够在创设的情景中描述家庭住房。

    Describe the dream home to the class.

  15. 数学教学情境创设的理论与实践探索

    Exploration of Theory and Practice about Creating Maths Teaching Circumstances

  16. 化学实验教学情景的创设及策略研究

    Creation of teaching situations for chemistry experiment and teaching strategies.

  17. 教师创设口语交际的情境,激发学生的兴趣。

    Setting up situations to pique their interests.

  18. 双语目标创设双语氛围,扩大学生的词汇量。

    Bilingual aims Enlarge studentsvocabulary and create a bilingual environment.

  19. 本公司是叶宽明先生于1950年创设的。

    Our company was established in1950 by Mr.

  20. 本公司是叶宽明先生于1950年创设得。

    Our company was established in1948 by Mr.

  21. 尼泊尔警察在总部创设了一个女牢房。

    The Nepal Police has created a Women's Cell at its headquarters.

  22. 我们创设了人权理事会和建设和平委员会。

    We have inaugurated the Human Rights Council and the Peacebuilding Commission.

  23. 教学中创设合作学习情境的探索与实践

    The Exploration and the Practice of Creating the Cooperative learning Situation in Teaching

  24. 小学数学教材中几何情境创设的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Establishing Geometry Situations in Elementary Mathematics Textbooks

  25. 怀特先生夸耀他创设这公司的已故父亲。

    Mr. White brag of his late father who establish the firm.

  26. 创设责问权制度是理性程序正义观的表现。

    Exception right is a kind of reason opinion of justice procedure.

  27. 创设民主平等氛围, 培养良好学习情绪和态度。

    Creating ebullient surrounding will incubate correct study emotion and attitude of the students

  28. 当前社会教育环境也为此创设了种种有利条件。

    At present, the social education circumstances also provide advantageous conditions.

  29. 情绪存在于社会所创设, 人们所扮演的角色之中

    Emotions are among the roles society creates and individuals enact.

  30. 成立,同年福尔顿创设了死亡教育与研究中心

    International Work Group in Death Education


  1. 问:创设拼音怎么拼?创设的读音是什么?创设翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设的读音是chuàngshè,创设翻译成英文是 set up; create

  2. 问:创设人拼音怎么拼?创设人的读音是什么?创设人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设人的读音是chuàng shè rén,创设人翻译成英文是 creator

  3. 问:创设判决拼音怎么拼?创设判决的读音是什么?创设判决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设判决的读音是chuàngshè pànjué,创设判决翻译成英文是 constitutive judgment

  4. 问:创设取得拼音怎么拼?创设取得的读音是什么?创设取得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设取得的读音是chuàng shè qǔ dé,创设取得翻译成英文是 constitutive acquisition

  5. 问:创设式分立拼音怎么拼?创设式分立的读音是什么?创设式分立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设式分立的读音是chuàng shè shì fēn lì,创设式分立翻译成英文是 split-up

  6. 问:创设性词句拼音怎么拼?创设性词句的读音是什么?创设性词句翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设性词句的读音是chuàng shè xìng cí jù,创设性词句翻译成英文是 words of procreation

  7. 问:创设继承取得拼音怎么拼?创设继承取得的读音是什么?创设继承取得翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创设继承取得的读音是chuàng shè jì chéng qǔ dé,创设继承取得翻译成英文是 constituted acquisition



1. 开始建立 2. 创造条件,使原来不具备条件的也能实现