


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……





汉语拼音:chuàng zhì








  1. 创建;创造。

    《管子·霸言》:“霸王之形,象天则地,化人易物,创制天下。” 唐 韩愈 《潮州刺史谢上表》:“ 高祖 创制天下,其功大矣,而治未太平也。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第四章第一节:“ 西夏 文字的创制,对 夏国 统治的确立和经济、文化的发展,起了重要的作用。”

  2. 建立制度。

    《汉书·叙传下》:“革命创制,三章是纪,应天顺民,五星同晷。”《南史·何尚之传》:“凡创制改法,宜顺人情,未有违众矫物而可久也。” 明 方孝孺 《送河南佥事汤侯序》:“天佑人主而俾之,创制立政以开悠久之业。”



  1. He crafted organic tools of cloak and dagger, and created an insidious virus with which he afflicted Mara Jade Skywalker.


  2. This is a chance for you to practice the techniques involved in developing a set of experiments to solve a biological problem.


  3. Tea is confused, the 15th for people to eat greasy before Spring Festival period overmuch and creating something of a characteristic meals.


  4. movement to the may fourth movement is new Confucianism transformation of the stage, the stage mainly for the sun by the ancient initiative.


  5. Created in the course of the general personal right, representative of the German model and the impact of the Swiss model.


  6. In theory, an initiative can only deal with constitutional matters, but in practice they have been held on a variety of issues.


  7. The state of martial law to stem tea duck Jiande specialty unique local characteristics, has been created more than 300 years of history.


  8. During the long- period research in the field. we invented the tools for quantitative study: experimental barrels, nets and large cages.


  9. Huang Ting-jian creates his amorous poetry, out of his Zen Buddhist redemptive compassions.


  1. 宪法创制权

    constitutional initiative.

  2. 创制新的移民政策

    inaugurate a new immigration policy.

  3. 创制新的移民政策参见

    inaugurate a new immigration policy.See Synonyms at begin

  4. 为没有文字的语言创制文字。

    Create writing systems for nonliterate languages.

  5. 要有创制性和洽的球技。

    Need to be creative and have ball skills.

  6. 本文首先综述了新农药创制的方法。

    In this paper, the current approaches to pesticide discovery were reviewed.

  7. 一种由美国南部的黑人创制的宗教歌曲。

    A kind of religious song originated by Blacks in the southern US.

  8. 预期违约规则由英美法系国家创制。

    The rule of anticipatory breach of contract was created by British and American law department.

  9. 新型柑桔蜡液的创制及其生理效应研究

    Development of New Citrus Wax Coating and Its Physiological Effects on Citrus Fruit

  10. 创制权和复决权在西方运用最广。

    The initiative and referendum were used most widely in the West.

  11. 黔滇川老苗文的创制及其历史作用

    On Creation and Historical Affection of the Old Miao Script of Yunnan Guizhou and Sichuan

  12. 扁桃酸类杀菌剂的创制及其研究进展

    Recent Advance on the Research and Development of the Mandelic Acid Fungicide.

  13. 大方创制于明代,清代已入贡茶之列。

    Easy contrive Yu Ming the place of, clear generation already entered tribute tea.

  14. 通过混合两种或多种成分或部分而生产或创制。

    To produce or create by combining two or more ingredients or parts.

  15. 用旧夹克、衬衫和领带套装创制的独特提包。

    Unusual bag created out of vintage suit jacket, shirt, and a tie.

  16. 一项法律的创制理由常常都会陈述在序言中。

    The reasons for a law are often atated in a preamble.

  17. 葫芦科蔬菜作物单倍体材料创制的研究进展

    Advances in the Studies of Haploid Induction in Cucurbitaceae

  18. 其创制了联邦版权,并保证了十四年的版权期限。

    It created a federal copyright and secured that copyright for fourteen years.

  19. 创制新农药是我国十五农药科技攻关的主旋律

    Formulate New Pesticide Will Be the Main Tackle Key Problems of Pesticide.

  20. 豆沙糕创制于清末,由豌豆、栀子、柿饼制成。

    Red bean paste cake created in the late Qing Dynasty, from peas, gardenia, made of persimmon.

  21. 王工程师创制的这个产品在市场上很受欢迎。

    The product invented and made by engineer Wang is very popular in the market.

  22. 我们是否徘徊在自己创制的梦境中难以勇往直前?

    Are we wandering about in the circumstance we make our own dream so that we can't advance?

  23. 望各新老用户来电贺函洽商,共创制笔大业!

    We will found the great undertaking in making pens!.

  24. 超细嫩江蛋白石轻质页岩粉创制与应用研究

    Creative and application of Nenjiang opal shale super fine study and application in ABS

  25. 用于小麦染色体工程的蓝粒小麦单体系列材料的创制

    Establishment of a Set of blue Grained Wheat Monosomic Lines for Wheat Chromosome engineering studies

  26. 标准普尔与中信证券致力创制两个指数系列。

    Standard Puer and China Trust Securities are trying their best to create two index series.

  27. 我要像手艺人那样创制出有用而又美丽的东西。

    I wanted to create something useful and beautiful the way a craftsman does.

  28. 药膳堂师傅受此启发, 创制了这道菜, 沿用至今。

    Master of medicinal food hall suffers this to inspire, contrived this dish, continue to use up to now.

  29. 先后创制了用拉丁字母和斯拉夫字母拼写的文字。

    Has created the Slavic alphabet using the Latin alphabet and spelling words.

  30. 植物源杀虫剂的研究与开发是当前新型农药创制的热点。

    Botanic insecticide is one of the important ways to develop new pesticides at present.


  1. 问:创制拼音怎么拼?创制的读音是什么?创制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制的读音是chuàngzhì,创制翻译成英文是 To codify for the first time.; To make for th...

  2. 问:创制权拼音怎么拼?创制权的读音是什么?创制权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制权的读音是chuàngzhìquán,创制权翻译成英文是 right of initiative

  3. 问:创制者拼音怎么拼?创制者的读音是什么?创制者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制者的读音是,创制者翻译成英文是 contriver

  4. 问:创制方法拼音怎么拼?创制方法的读音是什么?创制方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制方法的读音是chuàng zhì fāng fǎ,创制方法翻译成英文是 formulating method

  5. 问:创制宪法人拼音怎么拼?创制宪法人的读音是什么?创制宪法人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制宪法人的读音是chuàng zhì xiàn fǎ rén,创制宪法人翻译成英文是 Fathers of Constitution

  6. 问:创制性宪法拼音怎么拼?创制性宪法的读音是什么?创制性宪法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制性宪法的读音是chuàngzhìxìngxiànfǎ,创制性宪法翻译成英文是 initiative constitution

  7. 问:创制性立法拼音怎么拼?创制性立法的读音是什么?创制性立法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制性立法的读音是chuàngzhìxìnglìfǎ,创制性立法翻译成英文是 creative administrative legislation

  8. 问:创制司法先例拼音怎么拼?创制司法先例的读音是什么?创制司法先例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创制司法先例的读音是chuàng zhì sī fǎ xiān lì,创制司法先例翻译成英文是 authorship

