







汉语拼音:dì zào








  1. 经营创建。

    《宋书·谢庄传》:“使弛坠之构,更获缔造。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷二:“乘篮舆,度六桥,先至 理安 ,时已尽燬於贼,正在缔造。”

  2. 指创立大事业。

    《辛亥革命前十年间时论选集·<大同日报>缘起》:“先祖茹苦含辛缔造之业,扫地以尽。” 吴晗 《论老当益壮》:“我们的祖先以这种优良的品德缔造我们的国家,世代相承。” 茅盾 《右第二章》二:“﹝ 李先生 ﹞想到他十年来艰苦缔造的快乐家庭转眼就要沉没在残酷的炮火中,忍不住也滴了两点眼泪。”

  3. 构谋。

    宋 杨亿 《君可思赋》:“乍缉缉以翩翩,竞翕翕而訿訿,结合阴邪,缔造疑似。”



  1. As long ago as the very beginning of our republic, its founders saw that the cities were danger-spots in their plan.


  2. Boris Vian is usually categorized as an existentialist, who wrote only one absurd play, Empire Builders.


  3. The beauty of the convention, he said, was that it was global, theoretically creating a level playing field.


  4. With all the wonders of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make a time machine?


  5. President Obama said the nation can forge a better economic future if it unleashes workers on infrastructure projects.


  6. But the Nobel committee could have made a braver, more difficult, choice by declaring that there would be no recipient at all.


  7. But he also says the Scottish company has always been a brand builder itself.


  8. Do not blame God for having created the tiger, but thank Him for not having given it wings.


  9. Being able to reinvent yourself personally as a leader is just as important as reinventing the company and its strategy.


  1. 前途也要人来缔造。

    The future is what men make it.

  2. 帝国是靠战争缔造的。

    Empires are forged by the war.

  3. 企业使命缔造绿色的温暖。

    Corporate MissionGreating grean warmth.

  4. 联合凝聚力量,专业缔造未来!

    Union Prouduce Power Profession Creat Future!

  5. 演绎现代优雅, 缔造精致生活。

    Interpretation of modem elegance to create a fine living.

  6. 他是共和国的缔造者。

    He is a founder of the republic.

  7. 浓缩植物精华,缔造人类健康!

    Concentrate the natural elite, Dedicate to the Human Health.

  8. 让他去缔造一个新时代

    Dwell on for a new age

  9. 但是最终证明他们缔造了和平

    but rise in the end they did.

  10. 精英汇聚缔造线缆行业奇迹

    Elites Gather to Create New Miracle of Cable Industry

  11. 传承绿色文明、缔造永续发展。

    Green civilization heritage and create sustainable development.

  12. 他自称是神的缔造者

    He was the founding father of the only God

  13. 人是自己命运的缔造者。

    Man is the architect of his own fortunes.

  14. 孙中山先生缔造了中华民国。

    Dr. Sun Yatsen. founded the Republic of China.

  15. 北客京华缔造优良客车新风尚

    Beike Jinghua ushers in a new trend in bus design

  16. 艺术家是美的事物的缔造者。

    The artist is the creator of the beautiful things.

  17. 我缔造了世界上最强的军队。

    I have built the greatest fighting force in the world.

  18. 爱国男女的捐躯缔造了新兴民族。

    and from the graves of patriot men and women spring living nations.

  19. 他们是我们缔造和平进程中的伙伴。

    They are our partners in the peacemaking process.

  20. 他企图缔造一项金式世界纪录。

    He attempts to set a Guinness World Record.

  21. 缔造完美双峰,就在您弹指之间。

    Create your perfect twin breasts just in a flash.

  22. 人人都是自己命运的缔造者。

    Every man is the maker of his own fortune.

  23. 他们都希望叁与缔造香港的历史。

    They want to take part in the making of history.

  24. 用科技引领生活,缔造控制新理念!

    Use technology leading, create a new concept control life!

  25. 他是这个共和国的缔造者之一。

    He was one of the architects of the republic.

  26. 我们愿意与您携手,缔造新的辉煌!

    We are willing to work together with you to create new brilliance!

  27. 此时, 谁有缔造了冒犯他人得气氛呢

    Who, then, has created an offensive environment for whom

  28. 此时,谁有缔造了冒犯他人的气氛呢

    Who, then, has created an offensive environment for whom

  29. 据说索思通过语言的力量缔造了自己。

    Thoth is said to create himself through the power of language.

  30. 据说索思通过语言得力量缔造了自己。

    Thoth is said to create himself through the power of language.


  1. 问:缔造拼音怎么拼?缔造的读音是什么?缔造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔造的读音是dìzào,缔造翻译成英文是 found

  2. 问:缔造美丽拼音怎么拼?缔造美丽的读音是什么?缔造美丽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缔造美丽的读音是,缔造美丽翻译成英文是 Beauty Flash



【词目】 缔造

【拼音】dì zào


【英译】 [found;create]

【近义词】创造 创建 制造 成立 创制 创设

【基本解释】 造业、建造、创立、建立,(多指伟大的事业):共和~和平与繁荣的21世纪。 创建:缔造者|缔造共和国