


1. 矜 [jīn]2. 矜 [qín]3. 矜 [guān]矜 [jīn]怜悯,怜惜:~悯(怜悯)。~惜。~恤。自尊,自大,自夸:~夸。~伐。~恃。骄~。庄重,拘谨:~持。~重(zhòng )。矜 [qín]矛柄。矜 [guān]古同“鳏……





汉语拼音:jīn chí









  1. 竭力保持庄重。

    南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·雅量》:“ 王 家诸郎,亦皆可嘉;闻来觅壻,咸自矜持。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·声容·习技》:“不知妇人登塲,定有一种矜持之态。自视为矜持,人视则为造作矣。”

  2. 自鸣得意;自负。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·名实》:“有一士族,读书不过二三百卷,天才钝拙,而家世殷厚,雅自矜持,多以酒犊珍玩交诸名士,甘其饵者递共吹嘘。” 金 王若虚 《文辨二》:“ 退之 《行难篇》言取士不当求备,盖言常理无甚高论,而自以为 孟子 不如,其矜持亦甚矣。” 明 柯潜 《<归田诗话>序》:“老而弥篤,非寻常浅学輒矜持其所有者为可及也。”

  3. 约束。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《答客》诗:“爱赏好偏越,放纵少矜持。” 明 冯梦龙 《挂枝儿·从良》:“铁心肠一逕自从良了去,做偏房,受多少矜持。” 叶紫 《星》第二章:“她很能够矜持她自己。她可以排除邪恶的人们的诱惑,她可以抑制自家的奔放的感情。”

  4. 拘泥;拘谨。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮·宋》:“矜持於句格,则面目可憎;架迭於篇章,则神韵都絶。”《恨海》第九回:“自己不该过於矜持,叫他不肯同坐一车,以致失散。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·柔石作<二月>小引》:“他极想有为,怀着热爱,而有所顾惜,过于矜持,终于连安住几年之处,也不可得。”

  5. 恪守;守正。

    郭沫若 《塔·万引》:“我矜持了半生的道义不是完全破产了吗?” 方志敏 《可爱的中国·清贫》:“而矜持不苟,舍己为公,却是每个共产党员具备的美德。”



  1. Compressed air flows beneath silicone skin, triggering actuators that raise her arms and lift the corners of her mouth into a demure smile.


  2. We don't expect a girl skillfully driving her car to be demure, we expect her to be dauntless .


  3. At this time the sun seem to have lost the reserved and shy, by the slow gait of the following has become firmly.


  4. The word was once reserved for use by a younger generation. Now it seems as if everyone is in on this awesome action.


  5. and his reserve appeared rather the result of some oppression of spirits than of any natural gloominess of temper.


  6. As soon as he saw Miss T'ang he could tell she was very aloof and without a trace of her usual smile. In her hand was a large paper bundle.


  7. The girl knew as well, and she felt proud, contented. But the look on her face was cool and fastidious.


  8. She baffled me with her serious, reserved manner.


  9. Dignity is like a bra: it supports a woman and makes her look elegant. However, if she knows it intentionally, she just looks vulgar.


  1. 他举止矜持。

    He has a reserved manner.

  2. 她似乎很矜持。

    She seems quite reserved.

  3. 娴静的矜持少言的

    Demure modest and reserved in manner or behavior

  4. 矜持兴贫穷不两立。

    Pride does not consort with poverty.

  5. 她对我态度矜持,敬而远之。

    She kept me aloof by reserved gesture.

  6. 在陌生人面前她行止矜持。

    She fared retiringly with herself before strangers.

  7. 她是个腼腆,矜持的姑娘。

    She was a shy, reserved girl.

  8. 女人生性害羞,且爱故作矜持。

    Women are coy and play hard to get.

  9. 他具有机敏, 轻捷, 矜持的态度。

    He had an incisive, quickmotioned, selfsufficient manner.

  10. 他的文章也许有些矫揉矜持。

    His essay is perhaps a little portentous.

  11. 她严肃而矜持,令我不敢接近。

    She baffled me with her serious, reserved manner.

  12. 英国人的矜持使他们显得傲气。

    The reserved manner of the British people makes them appear arrogant.

  13. 离开,我们虚无的矜持,酒中杯盏。

    The departure, our nihility reservedness, liquor are hit by a cup.

  14. 离开,我们虚无得矜持,酒中杯盏。

    The departure, our nihility reservedness, liquor are hit by a cup.

  15. 我们离城越近他也越发矜持。

    His correctness grew on him as we neared the city.

  16. 他们不再像从前那样羞怯矜持了。

    They are no longer anything like as fey and reserved as they once were.

  17. 你的品牌是否较为沉稳,矜持,保守?

    Are you something that's a little more calm, reserved, conservative?

  18. 她因天性矜持很难交到朋友。

    She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve.

  19. 他身材修长,有一种矜持的优美。

    He was tall and slim. He held himself with a deliberate grace.

  20. 是一个没有女生的矜持,没有女生的善舞的女生。

    Is a no girls missish, no girls dancing girls.

  21. 矜持是重点。矜持是拒绝的最好方式是说不

    Abstinence is key. Abstinence is The best way to not is to not.

  22. 他喝了点酒之後那矜持态度消失了。

    A few drinks broke through his reserve.

  23. 他们逐渐地、机智地消除我的矜持态度。

    They gradually and tactfully broke through my reserve.

  24. 他喝了点酒之后那矜持态度消失了。

    A few drinks broke through his reserve.

  25. 恋爱减少女子的矜持而增加男子的斯文。

    Love lessens a womans delicacy and increases mans.

  26. 英国男人常被认为是矜持而冷漠的。

    British men are often seen as being reserved and unemotional.

  27. 你来了, 带着少女的矜持与神奕。

    You come here with girlish missish expression and glowing look.

  28. 与英国人的矜持密切相关的是他们的谦逊。

    Closely related to English reserve is English modesty.

  29. 如果那么多克拉,我也就不矜持啦。

    Well, for that many carats, yes, I could be that kind of girl.

  30. 英格兰人常常被认为冷淡且矜持的。

    The English are often regarded as being cold and reserved.


  1. 问:矜持拼音怎么拼?矜持的读音是什么?矜持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:矜持的读音是jīnchí,矜持翻译成英文是 reserved



“矜持”是个多义词,它可以指矜持(王菲演唱歌曲), 矜持(李健演唱歌曲), 矜持(汉语词语), 矜持(T,R,Y演唱歌曲)。