


本人,己身:~己。~家。~身。~白。~满。~诩。~馁。~重(zhòng )。~尊。~谦。~觉(jué )。~疚。~学。~圆其说。~惭形秽。~强不息。从,由:~从。~古以来。当然:~然。~不待言。~生~灭。放任~流。假如:~非圣人,外宁必有内……





汉语拼音:zì chí







  1. 自我克制。

    《史记·儒林列传》:“ 宽 为人温良,有廉智,自持,而善著书。” 唐 元稹 《莺莺传》:“非礼之动,能不愧心。特愿以礼自持,毋及于乱。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·后德》:“今上皇后 弘吉剌氏 ……性节俭,不妬忌,动以礼法自持。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十四章:“但他终于能够自持,不曾把爱情向 李静淑 表白出来。”

  2. 自守;自固。

    《商君书·农战》:“国不晨,则与诸侯争权,不能自持也。”《汉书·刘歆传》:“ 歆 数以难 向 , 向 不能非间也,然犹自持其《穀梁》义。” 晋 羊祜 《请伐吴疏》:“ 吴 缘 江 为国,无有内外,东西数千里,以藩篱自持,所敌者大,无有寧息。” 明 余继登 《典故纪闻》卷四:“每旦,星存而出,日入而休,虑患防危,如履渊氷,苟非有疾,不敢怠惰,以此自持,犹恐不及。”

  3. 谓自己掌握或处理。

    《新五代史·吴世家·杨隆演传》:“ 宋氏 之专政也, 隆演 幼懦,不能自持,而 知训 尤凌侮之。” 宋 秦观 《清和先生传》:“然先生遇事多不自持,以待人斟酌而后行。” 宋 文天祥 《指南录·<则堂>诗序》:“ 吴丞相 坚 ,号老儒,不能自持,一切惟 贾餘庆 之命。”

  4. 自己维持;自己坚持。

    《汉书·公孙弘传》:“今事少间,君其存精神,止念虑,辅助医药以自持。” 唐 皮日休 《鹿门夏日》诗:“身外所劳者,饮食须自持,何如便絶粒,直使身无为。” 宋 陆游 《费夫人墓志铭》:“虽有疾,强自持不怠,至疾平,太夫人或终不知。”



  1. We don't expect a girl skilfully driving her car to be demure, we expect her to be dauntless.

  2. This made him very vulnerable to the beckoning call of the dark side.

  3. But this would have been outrageous for a queen who paraded her virginity at her coronation by leaving her hair down.

  4. "Mr. President, " said the four-star general, barely to contain himself, "There's good news &bad news. "

  5. Any country, if it worships force and seeks hegemony and expansion by dint of its power, is doomed to failure.

  6. No one could possibly understand how overwhelmed he was by the memory which flood up as he read .

  7. Expression of a distinct, strong emotions Indicates that people strongly broke down due to discontent increased.

  8. There were tears flowing from the eyes of every person in the crowd.

  9. Jack is overcome with emotion, knowing that he may never see his wife again.


  1. 半自持放电

    semiself maintained discharge.

  2. 自持一个观点

    a lone voice

  3. 非自持放电

    nonselfmaintained discharge

  4. 连锁反应是自持的。

    The chain reaction is selfsustaining.

  5. 他愤怒得难以自持。

    He could scarcely keep in his indignation.

  6. 她全心仰慕他, 难以自持。

    She could not choose but adore him with all her heat.

  7. 他们要么笑的难以自持,要么一点也不笑。

    They would either crease up laughing or just wouldn't get it.

  8. 他们要么笑的难以自持,要么一点也不笑。

    They would either crease up laughing or just wouldn't get it.

  9. 身处那个地方让我激动得难以自持。

    Being there gave me a giddy pleasure.

  10. 这让他对黑暗面的召唤难以自持。

    This made him very vulnerable to the beckoning call of the dark side.

  11. 自持式浮标地磁日变站的系统设计

    The Design of the Autonomous Buoy Base Station Magnetometer System

  12. 我们不能自己选吗?她感觉到自己不能自持。

    Don't we get a choice? She felt her assurance crumble.

  13. 听到坏消息, 她不能自持哭了起来。

    She down and cried when she heard the bad news.

  14. 微空心阴极放电自持的辉光放电的理论及实验

    Theoretical and experimental research of glow discharge sustained by the micro hollow cathode discharge

  15. 一个人到了失去自持的时候是非常可悲的。

    It's very sad when a person loses his grip.

  16. 他们的友善使范妮难以自持而忍不住哭了起来。

    Their kindness quite unmanned fanny, and she broke down and wept.

  17. 你们又知道基督将要再来,因此要谨慎自持。

    You know about Christs return. Hold on to what you know.

  18. 我会一直记着那些来自你们的自持与温暖的笑容。

    I will always remember the support and those warm smiles from you.

  19. 她把这一切全归咎于他情感的丰富,不能自持。

    She imputed the whole to the extravagance or rather ebullient of his passion.

  20. 等到终于收到消息的时候, 她欣喜欲狂, 几乎不能自持。

    When at last the message came she felt sick with the anguish of her joy.

  21. 等到终于收到消息得时候,她欣喜欲狂,几乎不能自持。

    When at last the message came she felt sick with the anguish of her joy.

  22. 作为女王的天堂,她住在地球上,自持的愿望,和完美无暇的。

    As the Queen of Heaven, she lived on earth, untainted by desire, and immaculate.

  23. 那些值班的官员明显不能自持,许多人都流出了眼泪。

    The officers on duty were visibly overcome, many of them in tears.


  1. 问:自持拼音怎么拼?自持的读音是什么?自持翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持的读音是zìchí,自持翻译成英文是 control oneself

  2. 问:自持的拼音怎么拼?自持的的读音是什么?自持的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持的的读音是zì chí de,自持的翻译成英文是 self-sustained

  3. 问:自持单元拼音怎么拼?自持单元的读音是什么?自持单元翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持单元的读音是zì chí dān yuán,自持单元翻译成英文是 self-perpetuating unit

  4. 问:自持机构拼音怎么拼?自持机构的读音是什么?自持机构翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持机构的读音是zì chí jī gòu,自持机构翻译成英文是 self-sustaining gear

  5. 问:自持燃烧拼音怎么拼?自持燃烧的读音是什么?自持燃烧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持燃烧的读音是zì chí rán shāo,自持燃烧翻译成英文是 self-sustained combustion

  6. 问:自持系统拼音怎么拼?自持系统的读音是什么?自持系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持系统的读音是zì chí xì tǒng,自持系统翻译成英文是 self-sustained system

  7. 问:自持速度拼音怎么拼?自持速度的读音是什么?自持速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持速度的读音是zì chí sù dù,自持速度翻译成英文是 self sustaining speed

  8. 问:自持生态系统拼音怎么拼?自持生态系统的读音是什么?自持生态系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持生态系统的读音是zì chí shēng tài xì tǒng,自持生态系统翻译成英文是 self-maintaining ecosystem

  9. 问:自持水下呼吸器拼音怎么拼?自持水下呼吸器的读音是什么?自持水下呼吸器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持水下呼吸器的读音是zì chí shuǐ xià hū xī qì,自持水下呼吸器翻译成英文是 Self-Sustained Underwater Breathing Apparatu...

  10. 问:自持链核式反应拼音怎么拼?自持链核式反应的读音是什么?自持链核式反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持链核式反应的读音是zì chí liàn hé shì fǎn yìng,自持链核式反应翻译成英文是 self maintaining nuclear chain reaction

  11. 问:自持景象进场转子叶片雷达拼音怎么拼?自持景象进场转子叶片雷达的读音是什么?自持景象进场转子叶片雷达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:自持景象进场转子叶片雷达的读音是zì chí jǐng xiàng jìn chǎng zhuǎnzǐ yè piàn léi dá,自持景象进场转子叶片雷达翻译成英文是 Self-Contained Perspective Approach Rotor Bla...




拼音:zì chí