




1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……



汉语拼音:shǒu chuàng








  1. 创始;创建。

    《东观汉记·李通传》:“上感 通 首创大谋,封 通 少子 雄 为 邵陵侯 。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·泗水》:“ 泗水 西有 龙华寺 ,是沙门释 法显 远出西域,浮海东还,持龙华图,首创此制。” 明 李贽 《读史汇·冯胜》:“此盖上帝之所篤生,天固纵之,使多歷年所以福寿我黎民,原非 汉 、 唐 、 宋 首创诸君假仁义以行者之所得比也。”



  1. Alderman said, the new study is not the only one to find adverse effects of low-sodium diets.

  2. Your company comes out with a new technology initiative that seems to make everyone's lives more complicated.

  3. Skullcandy didn't invent the formula of selling audio gear as if it was fashion.

  4. The power or ability to begin or to follow through energetically with a plan or task; enterprise and determination.

  5. Some of them are legitimate firsts, like the president's online town hall at the White House in May.

  6. They appreciate the cultivation of thinking and individual initiative that takes place in a Waldorf environment.

  7. In addition to braided and fly line, Shakespeare was one of the firsts to manufacture monofilament line from raw materials.

  8. Billy Beane and his staff in Oakland weren't the first to use these methods, but they were extremely effective at it.

  9. The technique, believed to be the first of its kind, also produces clean plastic that can be recycled and used to produce new products.


  1. 八达通首创版

    First Edition Octopus

  2. 首创器官移植的外科医生

    Surgeons who pioneered organ transplants.

  3. 这个理论是他首创的。

    The theory originated with him.

  4. 这一公司首创在职培训。

    This company pioneered onjob training.

  5. 为此,他首创了教学实验室。

    Toward this end, he pioneered the development of the teaching laboratory.

  6. 他首创了新的广告方式。

    The has blazed a trail in new methods of advertising.

  7. 这个理论是王博士首创的。

    The theory originated with Dr. Wang.

  8. 这个理论是王博士首创得。

    The theory originated with Dr. Wang.

  9. 此技术属世界领先,国内首创。

    The technology is the world's leading and an initiative domestically.

  10. 首创了水力鼓风设备水排。

    First the hydraulic drum wind drainage equipment.

  11. 甲骨文巴人首创说补证

    Supplement and Correction of the Theory that the Inscriptions on Bones or Tortoise Shells Were Created by Ancient Ba People

  12. 世界首创的水底观赏馆鹈鹕湾

    Worlds first underwater viewing of pelican feeding, Pelican Cove.

  13. 老板做了同样的事情,是首创。

    When my boss does the same, that is initiative.

  14. 有头脑, 干劲和首创精神的青年

    young men with brains, drive and initiative

  15. 她具有坚定的意志和首创精神。

    She had a strong will, a spirit of initiative.

  16. 其说古未立论,是吕老首创。

    The ancient not said case, is lu old initiative.

  17. 他首创了几条新的测试方法。

    He pioneered several new testing methods.

  18. 他首创了几条新的测试方法。

    He pioneered several new testing methods.

  19. 他是一个有首创精神的年轻人。

    He is a young man of originality.

  20. 他是一个有首创精神的年轻人。

    He is a young man of originality.

  21. 当然,这并不是金斯堡首创的。

    And, of course, this is not at all original to Ginsberg.

  22. 思想活跃, 有首创和改进精神尤佳。

    Being active, creative and innovative a plus.

  23. 光学理论是爱因斯坦首创的。

    The optic theory originated with Einstein.

  24. 思想活跃, 有首创和革新精神尤佳。

    Being active, creative and innonative is a plus.

  25. 在法国,时新的式样都是演员们首创的。

    The actors set the fashion in France.

  26. 你知道量子论是由谁首创的吗?

    Do you know who originated the theory of quantum?

  27. 推出类似的服务在邮轮行业可谓首创。

    Such a system is said to be a cruise industry first.

  28. 首创金丰易居房地产经纪有限公司。

    SCJF Real Estate Brokers Co., Ltd.

  29. 英国是西方世界首创内阁制的国家。

    Britain was the first country in Western world to establish the cabinet system.

  30. 他缺乏首创精神,墨守成规地办一切事情。

    He showed little initiative, handling all matters strictly by the book.


  1. 问:首创拼音怎么拼?首创的读音是什么?首创翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创的读音是shǒuchuàng,首创翻译成英文是 pioneer

  2. 问:首创性拼音怎么拼?首创性的读音是什么?首创性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创性的读音是shǒu chuàng xìng,首创性翻译成英文是 initiativeness

  3. 问:首创专利拼音怎么拼?首创专利的读音是什么?首创专利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创专利的读音是shǒu chuàng zhuān lì,首创专利翻译成英文是 pioneer patent

  4. 问:首创精神拼音怎么拼?首创精神的读音是什么?首创精神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创精神的读音是shǒuchuàngjīngshén,首创精神翻译成英文是 The pioneering spirit.

  5. 问:首创性专利拼音怎么拼?首创性专利的读音是什么?首创性专利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创性专利的读音是shǒu chuàng xìng zhuān lì,首创性专利翻译成英文是 pioneer patent

  6. 问:首创置业股份有限公司拼音怎么拼?首创置业股份有限公司的读音是什么?首创置业股份有限公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:首创置业股份有限公司的读音是Shǒuchuàng zhìyè gǔfèn yǒuxiàn gōngsī,首创置业股份有限公司翻译成英文是 Beijing Capital Land Limited


