




1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……



汉语拼音:dú chuàng








  1. 独特的创造;独自创造。

    明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·九流绪论下》:“然诸书惟 孝标 一二出自独创,自餘皆聚集一时文学之士奉詔编辑者,非一人手裁也。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·端午节》:“只要看伊近来不很附和,而且常常提出独创意见,有些唐突的举动,也就可以了然了。” 郭沫若 《天地玄黄·今屈原》:“这是独创一格的草书,不仅前无古人,亦恐后无来者。” 张天翼 《新生》:“这些话并不是他独创的见解,叫别人听了会冷笑。”



  1. Yet, despite all this gloom and worry, Kenya is a remarkably resilient country with a vast font of untapped energy and creativity.


  2. it was quite ingenious , but not the sort of thing you usually associate with fighting a war .


  3. She was not an established writer, though some of her early themes showed a certain originality.


  4. does not follow the beaten track, blind imitation, should be able to demonstrate creative designers can be originality.


  5. He was really only interested in the problems of his time, which he thought through perceptively and tried to solve in an original way.


  6. Maybe we'll have to ask about this in relation to other carnivores, where you would expect hyenas to be very curious and innovative.


  7. This tech is supremely innovative, and no doubt is a hugely potent tool for marketing and for some specific use cases.


  8. Now, though, a pair of Canadian engineers have come up with an ingenious way of using the heat of the sun to drive the process.


  9. They could just as well have been the result of individual invention, as of copying.


  1. 独创性独创的特性

    The quality of being original.

  2. 他独创了新的风格。

    He invented this new style all by himself.

  3. 诗风清新独创的诗人。

    a natural underivative poet.

  4. 通俗音乐的本质是独创。

    The name of the game in pop music is originality.

  5. 学古与独创的关系问题。

    The relationship of learning from the ancient and unique invention.

  6. 你的答案不是独创的就是错误的。

    Your answer is either ingenious or wrong.

  7. 国内首家独创, 质量超群绝伦。

    An original creation of unequaled quality in the home market.

  8. 我诚实、勤奋,有毅力和独创精神。

    I'm honesty diligence, perseverance, creativity.

  9. 作品是否包括了新颖的独创的观点?

    Does the piece include interesting and original ideas?

  10. 就这也需要我们有独创的思想。

    And then only if we are very original.

  11. 虽然我们不能保证它们是独创的。

    Eric Adelizzi created the magistrate.

  12. 浮动抵押是英国衡平法的独创。

    Floating charge is the original creation of British equity law.

  13. 独创系列化通用手柄拔插扣,随意拔插。

    Unique seriation of common handle buckle as plugin style separate from the unit.

  14. 而不是随波逐流,有自己的个性独创!

    But is not drifts with the current, has own individuality original creation!

  15. 这篇作品的构思是作者个人的独创。

    The plan of the work is original with the author.

  16. 具有天才和伟大独创能力的雕刻家。

    A sculptor of genius and great originality.

  17. 他用自己独创的方法剪了许多颗心。

    He has his own way of cutting out hearts.

  18. 不要期望从回声中找到独创的东西。

    Dont expect anything original form an echo.

  19. 包装带提线,并具有独创的带标签装置。

    The tea bag has a toting thread and a unique label.

  20. 这样处理有前例可援, 不算咱们独创。

    This is not a creation of ours. There are precedents to be cited.

  21. 这得靠工程师和科学家们的巧思独创了。

    That is down to the ingenuity of our engineers and scientists.

  22. 这一次费舍太太的意见可并非独创。

    For once Mrs.Fisher lacked originality.

  23. 这一次费舍太太得意见可并非独创。

    For once Mrs. Fisher lacked originality.

  24. 感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日。

    Thanksgiving is the original American people, an ancient festival.

  25. 她早期的有些题材显示她有某种独创才能。

    Some of her early themes showed a certain originality.

  26. 独创六角接驳功能点,方便加力使用。

    Originally created hexagon function accessing and is convenient to be used with added force.

  27. 他的成功主要靠独创能力而不是靠适应力。

    He depended for his success more upon the powers of invention than of adaptation.

  28. 硬球是本书独创的一个寓意深刻的概念。

    Hard ball is the original book, the concept of a profound meaning.

  29. 他所选择的实施帮助的形式完全是他自己独创的。

    The form of aid which he chose to administer was entirely original with himself.

  30. 我们独创的智商测试是现在网络上最科学的测试。

    Our original IQ test is the most scientifically valid IQ test available on the web today.


  1. 问:独创拼音怎么拼?独创的读音是什么?独创翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创的读音是dúchuàng,独创翻译成英文是 invent by oneself

  2. 问:独创性拼音怎么拼?独创性的读音是什么?独创性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性的读音是dúchuàngxìng,独创性翻译成英文是 Being unique and original.

  3. 问:独创的拼音怎么拼?独创的的读音是什么?独创的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创的的读音是,独创的翻译成英文是 ingenious

  4. 问:独创作品拼音怎么拼?独创作品的读音是什么?独创作品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创作品的读音是dú chuàng zuò pǐn,独创作品翻译成英文是 original work

  5. 问:独创意的拼音怎么拼?独创意的的读音是什么?独创意的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创意的的读音是,独创意的翻译成英文是 original

  6. 问:独创标准拼音怎么拼?独创标准的读音是什么?独创标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创标准的读音是dúchuàngbiāozhǔn,独创标准翻译成英文是 originality standard

  7. 问:独创程序拼音怎么拼?独创程序的读音是什么?独创程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创程序的读音是dúchuàngchéngxù,独创程序翻译成英文是 original programs

  8. 问:独创性原则拼音怎么拼?独创性原则的读音是什么?独创性原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性原则的读音是dúchuàngxìngyuánzé,独创性原则翻译成英文是 principle of originality

  9. 问:独创性商品拼音怎么拼?独创性商品的读音是什么?独创性商品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性商品的读音是dú chuàng xìng shāng pǐn,独创性商品翻译成英文是 original goods

  10. 问:独创性条件拼音怎么拼?独创性条件的读音是什么?独创性条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性条件的读音是dúchuàngxìngtiáojiàn,独创性条件翻译成英文是 requirement of originality

  11. 问:独创性标准拼音怎么拼?独创性标准的读音是什么?独创性标准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性标准的读音是dúchuàngxìngbiāozhǔn,独创性标准翻译成英文是 standard of originality

  12. 问:独创性水准拼音怎么拼?独创性水准的读音是什么?独创性水准翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性水准的读音是dúchuàngxìngshuǐzhǔn,独创性水准翻译成英文是 level of originality

  13. 问:独创性测试拼音怎么拼?独创性测试的读音是什么?独创性测试翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性测试的读音是dúchuàngxìngcèshì,独创性测试翻译成英文是 originality test

  14. 问:独创性表达拼音怎么拼?独创性表达的读音是什么?独创性表达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性表达的读音是dúchuàngxìngbiǎodá,独创性表达翻译成英文是 original expression

  15. 问:独创性贡献拼音怎么拼?独创性贡献的读音是什么?独创性贡献翻译成英文是什么?

    答:独创性贡献的读音是dúchuàngxìnggòngxiàn,独创性贡献翻译成英文是 original contribution



词目:独创 读音:dú chuàng

注音:ㄉㄨˊ ㄔㄨㄤˋ 基本

解释: [original creation] 独自制造,也指独特的创造。