


1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……





汉语拼音:chuàng jǔ








  1. 前所未有的举动。

    清 叶廷琯 《鸥陂渔话·白文公生日会》:“虔设牲醪,招邀朋侣,展拜 虎邱 祠下,祭罢饮福,谈讌竟日而散,此实 吴中 创举。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第三二章:“这是历史上--不但 中国 历史上,恐怕也是世界历史上的一次惊人创举。”



  1. The system, which can be used to plan optimum flight schedules up to six years in advance, is unique in the industry.

  2. Even if the Apollo program successors, it will always be a human being, one of the greatest innovation to stay in people's memory.

  3. The company employs very small teams to work on a small number of ideas, some of which may turn into big hits.

  4. This was a policy decision, and I congratulate the Shanghai authorities on setting a precedent.

  5. King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationality's culture has been a qualitative leap.

  6. Model and algorithm design is feasible, the system of research results in the same industry is the only initiative.

  7. This opens the door for completely new therapies, as doctors can safely perform multiple interventions in one session.

  8. I think, this represents our biggest series of innovations or innovation launches in the history of the company at any single event.

  9. Germany's muscular economic recovery is evaporating its own budget deficits, putting it in the best position to lead the initiative.


  1. 前无古人的伟大创举

    great pioneering undertaking never tried before in history

  2. 这是是一项举世瞩目的创举。

    It is pioneering work which an item attracts worldwide attention.

  3. 这是是一项举世瞩目得创举。

    It is pioneering work which an item attracts worldwide attention.

  4. 这是您一生中的一大创举。

    This will be the deed of your life.

  5. 这对澳大利亚来说是个创举。

    That's a notable first for australia.

  6. 这项创举为他赢得艾美奖。

    Everest and for that incredible achievement he received an Emmy Award.

  7. 因为我们各自的创举,我们互相尊重!

    But I respect what they do, and they respect what I do, because they can do things. It's amazing what they can do.

  8. 但他最后的创举经受住了时间的考验。

    But his ultimate creation has stood the test of time.

  9. 他们划船横渡大西洋, 这是史无前例的创举。

    They rowed across the Atlantic, which had never been done before.

  10. 混合动力技术是汽车业的一大创举。

    Hybrid technology is one of the many innovations developed by the automotive industry.

  11. 混合动力技术是汽车业的一大创举。

    Hybrid technology is one of the many innovations developed by the automotive industry.

  12. 他问自己这个莫大的创举是否有意义。

    He was asking himself whether there was any purpose in the vast creation.

  13. 而今天标志着一个革新创举的新时刻。

    Today marks a moment of reinvention.

  14. 上述条款是一项创举, 其依据是丹麦立法。

    This aforementioned provision is an innovation, and is based on Danish legislation.

  15. 这是一个很大的创举, 也是对农民的很大锻炼。

    This is a great innovation, and it is also very good practice for Chinese farmers.

  16. 它是世界建桥史上的一项创举和奇迹。

    It is the world's bridge construction history of an innovation and a miracle.

  17. 而瓷乐则是景德镇人的另一项创举。

    Porcelain music is another creation of Jingdezhen people.

  18. 这是一项政策决定, 我祝贺上海当局的这一创举。

    This was a policy decision, and I congratulate the Shanghai authorities on setting a precedent.

  19. 住房公积金制度是我国城镇住房制度改革中的创举之一。

    Housing Provident Fund System is one of the pioneering work in the system reform of our country's urban housing.

  20. 对农民创举的提升与再造是政治制度创新的客观逻辑。

    It follows logically that to upgrade and reconstruct farmers creative sense is of great importance in the innovation of political system.

  21. 世宗大王的这一创举使韩民族的文化得到了质的飞跃。

    King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationalitys culture has been a qualitative leap.

  22. 关于人力资源管理改革的报告中描述的许多倡议都是创举。

    Many of the initiatives described in the report on human resources management reform had broken new ground.

  23. 主席先生,我还要和其他代表团一起赞赏你的伟大创举。

    I also join other delegations in appreciating your great initiative, Mr. President.

  24. 安圭拉讨论会的一项创举是制定了新的和更集中的议程。

    One of the innovations of the Anguilla seminar was its new and more focused agenda.

  25. 让我们来听听亚历克斯图是如何看待他这一创举的。

    Lets hear what Alex Tew says about his marvel5.

  26. 无论是评论家还是演员均对这一创举反应热烈-动作更象征、更生动;服装鲜艳、精致;中国芭蕾舞演员也介入其中。

    Critics and performers alike enthused about the innovations--more symbolic, animated movement ; bright and elaborate costumes ; Chinese ballet dancers.


  1. 问:创举拼音怎么拼?创举的读音是什么?创举翻译成英文是什么?

    答:创举的读音是chuàngjǔ,创举翻译成英文是 pioneering work




【释义】:从未有过的举动或事业 。

【拼音】:chuàng jǔ
