







汉语拼音:zhào bān







  1. 照原样不动地搬用。如:推广先进经验的时候要因地制宜,不能照搬。



  1. He began to see people and places in simple forms and shapes. He no longer tried to make his pictures true-to-life.


  2. Many of Wenzhou's business practices have carried over from China, although Italians disagree about how much lawbreaking is going on.


  3. "The system is all from the Soviet Union but the CCP has taken it to an extreme, " says Yuan Weishi, of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangdong.


  4. He took his PhD at Berkeley, but back in China he was firmly of the opinion that China should follow its own path, not the West's.


  5. After all, the concept of learning strategies comes from the West; a phonetic system of learning strategies cannot be replicated.


  6. Arbitrarily copying Western systems would cause unrest, and that would be very harmful.


  7. At on the market, mimicry with shine on to move the west the phenomenon of the building is always inseparable.


  8. I would have liked to hear what the review writers really think of the book's contents, rather than a dry recitation of facts and figures.


  9. He also chided Western nations for hectoring Myanmar, and acting as if its political system should mirror their own.


  1. 照搬别人的经验

    copy the experience of others

  2. 照搬别国的经验

    mechanically imitate other countries

  3. 机械照搬他人的做法

    copy someone else's method exactly

  4. 全盘照搬人家的经验

    copy indiscriminately the experience of others

  5. 盲目照搬他老师的观点

    slavishly following the views of his teachers

  6. 我们反对样样照搬外国的。

    We oppose copying everything foreign.

  7. 不能照搬, 只能实事求是。

    One should not copy the experience of someone else indiscriminately, but should instead be realistic.

  8. 明天将不会照搬今天!

    Tomorrow will not replicate today!

  9. 明天将不会照搬今天!

    Tomorrow will not replicate today!

  10. 你们能不能照搬我们的制度?

    Can you copy our system?

  11. 我们不能照搬别人的经验。

    We cannot copy indiscriminately the experience of others.

  12. 照搬苏联的模式难道不是错误?

    Wasn't copying the Soviet model a mistake?

  13. 舍姆森也照搬了他得动作。

    Shemsen mirrored the other sea elf's movements.

  14. 舍姆森也照搬了他的动作。

    Shemsen mirrored the other sea elf's movements.

  15. 其中的某些地方我们是照搬过来的。

    In some places we've copied it verbatim.

  16. 绝不照搬西方政治制度的模式。

    We should never copy any models of the political system of the West.

  17. 盲目照搬别人的经验可能导致损失。

    Blindly copying others might lead to losses.

  18. 决不要盲目地机械地照搬洋东西。

    Never copy foreign thing blindly or mechanically.

  19. 以下几乎是照搬考克思的文章。

    The following is taken almost verbatim from Cox's paper.

  20. 很多的处境, 也可以照搬这个道理。

    The same logic applies to many other situations.

  21. 以原词照搬代替汉译现象之探讨

    A Probe into Untranslated Word Translation

  22. 别人的经验可以参考,但是不能照搬。

    We can study the experience of other countries but never copy them.

  23. 东欧国家很想照搬西方的财政制度。

    Eastern European countries are eager to copy the financial institutions of the west.

  24. 遵守停火协定的条款是照搬过去的条文。

    The provision for observation of the ceasefire was boilerplate.

  25. 不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。

    Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.

  26. 若逐词照搬,岂不等于抄袭别人的译文?

    Isn't it plagiarism if copy word by word ?

  27. 我们不能照搬照抄别国的政治制度。

    We should not copy the political system of other countries mechanically.

  28. 或者,更具体地说,重新思考是否要照搬。

    Or, more specifically, about whether to copy it.

  29. 如果硬要照搬, 造成动乱, 那是很不利的。

    Arbitrarily copying Western systems would cause unrest, and that would be very harmful.

  30. 在改革中,不能照搬西方的,不能搞自由化。

    However, in reforming our political structure we must not imitate the West, and no liberalization should be allowed.


  1. 问:照搬拼音怎么拼?照搬的读音是什么?照搬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:照搬的读音是zhàobān,照搬翻译成英文是 to imitate indiscriminately; copy



zhào bān 照原样不动地搬用(现成的方法、经验、教材等)。
