




1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……



汉语拼音:kāi chuàng








  1. 亦作“ 开剏 ”。开辟;开拓。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《山居赋》“南山则夹渠二田”自注:“南山是开创卜居之处也。” 元 郑光祖 《伊尹耕莘》第一折:“自古三皇五帝,开创乾坤……其功德不小也。” 李季 《周总理啊大庆儿女想念你》诗:“ 毛主席 开创的革命道路,我们一定要走到底!”

  2. 指创建国家。

    宋 秦观 《治势上》:“昔 汉 之 文 景 承 高祖 开创之后,接 吕氏 蹀血之餘,除诽谤,去肉刑,减笞法,定箠令,可谓宽矣。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·科场二·开国第一科》:“是时, 刘基 、 宋濂 、 章溢 、 王禕 辈,俱 浙 人,一时同为开创名臣,宜其声气之相感也。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十三:“然 赵 、 岳 、 梁 三家立功于开创之初,而 遇春 奋跡于承平之后,尤遭遇所难。”

  3. 泛指创业。

    元 关汉卿 《单刀会》第三折:“那时节天下荒荒,恰 周 秦 早属了 刘 项 ,分君臣先到 咸阳 。一箇力拔山,一箇量容海,他两箇一时开剏。”《水浒传》第八二回:“自从 王伦 上山开创之后,却是 晁盖 上山,今至 宋江 ,已经数载。” 康有为 等《上清帝第二书》:“窃以为今之为治,当以开创之势治天下,不当以守成之势治天下。”



  1. He said it is an extremely difficult undertaking to found a new tradition.

  2. we seek to build upon a strong tradition of engagement by presidents and secretaries of state of both parties across many decades.

  3. It was the kind of pioneering spirit she was to display when building her own companies.

  4. The dark cloud of the financial crisis will disperse. Let us work together for a more splendid future.

  5. Jia hoped that both sides will continue efforts to become a fine example of regional cooperation between the two countries.

  6. The Libyan intervention feels like a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age.

  7. But the outlook for these families is changing to a more hopeful one thanks to groundbreaking research like this new project to save sight.

  8. Cuba is ready to continue working with China for a brighter future of friendly relations between both countries.

  9. The head of motor racing's governing body, Jean Todt, has said his organization is trying to create new events for electric cars.


  1. 开创新纪元

    create a new era

  2. 开创航天时代

    to birth the space age.

  3. 真有开创精神。

    There's a historical marker.

  4. 开创一个新纪元

    to inaugurate a new era

  5. 他开创了新事业。

    He established a new business.

  6. 智者开创, 愚人模仿。

    What the fool do in the end the wise man do at the begin.

  7. 智者开创,愚人模仿。

    What the fool do in the end the wise man do at the begin.

  8. 开创新世纪的庆典

    a celeBration to usher in the new century.

  9. 他们开创了国家公园。

    And they created national parks.

  10. 开创广播发展新时代

    Usher In a New Era of Radio Development

  11. 瓦特开创了蒸汽时代。

    Watt inaugurated the age of steam.

  12. 对外工作开创新局面。

    New prospects have been opened up in our external work.

  13. 为某事而开创先例。

    Create a precedent for sth.

  14. 政治家必须有开创精神。

    A statesman must display initiative.

  15. 开创经济繁荣的新纪元

    inaugurate vt. a new era of economic prosperity

  16. 开创无线电管理新局面

    To inaugurate a new phase of the radio management

  17. 放下因而开创新局。

    I let go and open all possibilities.

  18. 你可以在家中开创。

    You could establish out of your home.

  19. 宣告,展示介绍开始,开创

    usher To precede and introduce inaugurate.

  20. 开创防震减灾新局面

    To Open Up a New Prospect of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction

  21. 但它的确开创了先河。

    But this did establish a precedent.

  22. 开创地下管线管理新纪元

    To usher in A New Epoch in Underground Piping Management

  23. 我们要开创社会新风尚。

    We should initiate a new social custom.

  24. 开创科学化的耕作系统

    inauguration of scientific systems of tillage

  25. 开创月饼包装的新潮流。

    Inaugurate tidal current of moon cake box.

  26. 他扩大他父亲开创的事业。

    He enlarged on the work his father had begun.

  27. 新技术先锋开创新鲜未来

    Automation Pioneers Inaugurate Brighter Future.

  28. 开创芯片设计方案的新纪元

    Open a New Age of Chip Design

  29. 来开创电影成就的新纪元。

    To create a new era of cinematic achievement.

  30. 颜真卿开创了深厚雄

    Yan created a majestic and monumental style.


  1. 问:开创拼音怎么拼?开创的读音是什么?开创翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开创的读音是kāichuàng,开创翻译成英文是 initiate

  2. 问:开创先例拼音怎么拼?开创先例的读音是什么?开创先例翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开创先例的读音是Kāichuàng xiānlì,开创先例翻译成英文是 to establish/ set a precedent

  3. 问:开创性拼音怎么拼?开创性的读音是什么?开创性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开创性的读音是kāichuàngxìng,开创性翻译成英文是 Original and primitive nature and significanc...

  4. 问:开创者拼音怎么拼?开创者的读音是什么?开创者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开创者的读音是,开创者翻译成英文是 inaugurator

  5. 问:开创阶段企业拼音怎么拼?开创阶段企业的读音是什么?开创阶段企业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开创阶段企业的读音是kāi chuàng jiē duàn qǐ yè,开创阶段企业翻译成英文是 development stage enterprise



开创,指创立,开拓创建。语出南朝 谢灵运 《山居赋》“南山则夹渠二田”自注:“南山是开创卜居之处也。”