


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……


1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:dāng chǎng







  1. 交手,较量。

    《英烈传》第二四回:“两人便丢下了器械,正要当场,只见 打虎 説:‘将军且慢着,待我换了鞋子好舞。’”

  2. 就在那个地方和那个时候。

    宋 陈亮 《水调歌头·送章德茂大卿使虏》词:“不见南师久,谩説北羣空。当场隻手,毕竟还我万夫雄。” 元 尚仲贤 《气英布》第一折:“拚的箇当场赌命,怎容他遣使求和。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三五回:“这个东西,为甚么还不当场烧了?” 巴金 《军长的心》:“敌人正在河沟另一面棒子地里搜索,搜出人来就当场打死。”



  1. Then the King leaned gracefully down from his saddle, and struck Patroclus with his jeweled sword and knighted him on the spot.


  2. His wife was killed in the crash and his supporters are calling for an investigation and wondering why he wasn't given more police security.


  3. Then his mother, who has a hypertension problem, fainted on the spot. His wife smacked his face and left.


  4. Some men ran off to a carpenter shop, brought nails and began to distribute them among the crowd.


  5. Is sweet hence Weng in the head of a , at present a dark, virtually fall down in the ground by far.


  6. I decided then and there that I was going to be a zoologist, and I had a notebook filled with information about various animals.


  7. The elders quietly reminded me that the men could shoot me at a moment's notice, but I refused to back down.


  8. He'll definitely be going to jail. They caught him red-handed trying to take the jewelry out of the shop.


  9. eg: A famous singer was caught with his pants down when he was having sex with a prostitute in the back of his car last night.


  1. 当场逮捕某人

    take sb. in the act.

  2. 当场查获赃物

    seize the spoils on the spot.

  3. 小偷当场被捕。

    The thief was caught in the act.

  4. 被当场杀死

    killed outright.

  5. 扒手当场被捕。

    The pickpocket was surprised in the act.

  6. 罪犯当场被捕。

    The criminal was caught in the very act.

  7. 被当场捉住

    Be caught at the act.

  8. 出洋相。当场出丑

    Make a spectacle of oneself

  9. 血当场流光了

    The guy bled right out.

  10. 我当场晕倒了。

    Take me to your herat.

  11. 他被当场抓获。

    He was caught red-handed.

  12. 他被当场解雇。

    He was fired on the spot.

  13. 当场修理,立等可取。

    Repairs done while you wait.

  14. 当场制止了他

    stopped him right in his tracks.

  15. 当场逮到偷窃

    Caught in the very act of stealing.

  16. 账目已当场查讫。

    The accounts were checked on the spot.

  17. 这个贼当场捕获。

    The thief was arrested in the act.

  18. 凶手被当场拿获。

    The murderer was caught on the spot.

  19. 窃贼被当场抓获。

    Burglars were caught in the very act.

  20. 大多数人当场死亡。

    Most die on impact.

  21. 杀人犯当场被捕。

    The murderer was overtaken in his crime.

  22. 双方当场和解了。

    The two parties reached a settlement upon the spot.

  23. 她当场付了钱。

    She planked down her money.

  24. 那个骗子当场被捕。

    The swindler had been caught in flagrante delicto.

  25. 我当场发现了她。

    I caught her in the act.

  26. 须当场付款的商品

    prompt goods

  27. 行窃时当场被抓住

    be caught stealing

  28. 那小偷当场被抓。

    The thief was caught dead to rights.

  29. 我们当场聘用了她。

    We hired her on the spot.

  30. 那名男子当场死亡。

    The man was killed instantly.


  1. 问:当场拼音怎么拼?当场的读音是什么?当场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场的读音是dāngchǎng,当场翻译成英文是 there and then

  2. 问:当场毙命拼音怎么拼?当场毙命的读音是什么?当场毙命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场毙命的读音是Dāngchǎng bìmìng,当场毙命翻译成英文是 to be killed outright

  3. 问:当场的拼音怎么拼?当场的的读音是什么?当场的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场的的读音是,当场的翻译成英文是 extempore

  4. 问:当场交付拼音怎么拼?当场交付的读音是什么?当场交付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场交付的读音是dāngchǎngjiāofù,当场交付翻译成英文是 spot delivery

  5. 问:当场交货拼音怎么拼?当场交货的读音是什么?当场交货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场交货的读音是dāng chǎng jiāo huò,当场交货翻译成英文是 spot delivery

  6. 问:当场作成拼音怎么拼?当场作成的读音是什么?当场作成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场作成的读音是,当场作成翻译成英文是 extemporize

  7. 问:当场印象拼音怎么拼?当场印象的读音是什么?当场印象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场印象的读音是dāng chǎng yìn xiàng,当场印象翻译成英文是 present sense impression

  8. 问:当场扣押拼音怎么拼?当场扣押的读音是什么?当场扣押翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场扣押的读音是dāng chǎng kòu yā,当场扣押翻译成英文是 committed in his presence

  9. 问:当场支付拼音怎么拼?当场支付的读音是什么?当场支付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场支付的读音是dāng chǎng zhī fù,当场支付翻译成英文是 pay down

  10. 问:当场试验拼音怎么拼?当场试验的读音是什么?当场试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场试验的读音是dāngchǎngshìyàn,当场试验翻译成英文是 spot test

  11. 问:当场辨认拼音怎么拼?当场辨认的读音是什么?当场辨认翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场辨认的读音是dāng chǎng biàn rèn,当场辨认翻译成英文是 showup

  12. 问:当场交货价拼音怎么拼?当场交货价的读音是什么?当场交货价翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场交货价的读音是dāng chǎng jiāo huò jià,当场交货价翻译成英文是 local

  13. 问:当场辨认证人拼音怎么拼?当场辨认证人的读音是什么?当场辨认证人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:当场辨认证人的读音是dāng chǎng biàn rèn zhèng rén,当场辨认证人翻译成英文是 showup witness



当场 dāngchǎng 正在现场 当场抓住 [on the nail]∶立即 当场付账 在事情、事件发生的现场 当场拒绝了他们的要求 文学例句 交手,较量。《英烈传》第二四回:“两人便丢下了器械,正要当场,只见 打虎 说:‘将军且慢着,待我换了鞋子好舞。’” 就在那个地方和那个时候。

宋 陈亮 《水调歌头·送章德茂大卿使虏》词:“不见南师久,谩说北羣空。当场只手,毕竟还我万夫雄。” 元 尚仲贤 《气英布》第一折:“拚的箇当场赌命,怎容他遣使求和。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三五回:“这个东西,为甚么还不当场烧了?” 巴金 《军长的心》:“敌人正在河沟另一面棒子地里搜索,搜出人来就当场打死。”