




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……



汉语拼音:jiù dì







  1. 顺势,随口。

    《西游记》第三十回:“ 八戒 道:‘师父想你,着我来请你的。’ 行者 道:‘他也不请我,他也不想我……’ 八戒 就地扯个谎,忙道:‘委是想你!委是想你!’”

  2. 在原地。

    赵树理 《三里湾》十七:“负责管场的社员就地参加了打场工作。”



  1. They may, if necessary, list special topics and entrust related representatives to carry out on-the-spot investigations and researches.


  2. The airport has also run out of aircraft fuel, so inbound planes have to carry enough fuel to be able to leave without refueling.


  3. Building a rooftop extension from prefabricated units is less disruptive than constructing it on site, which can take up to a year.


  4. The corpse was nearly on top of him. He dropped to the sand, grabbed a hunk of rock, and rolled.


  5. Opportunities through the UNV Online Volunteering service are available for you to work from your computer, where you are.


  6. Israel had informed us before my press conference that it was now agreeable to proceeding with a standstill cease-fire .


  7. They might have clinched their gains by pressing for that cease-fire in place on October 10.


  8. Cold in-place asphalt pavement recycling is one of the main methods of the transformation of the international road maintenance.


  9. The thermocouples may be calibrated in a separate apparatus or they may be an integral part of the calorimeter and calibrated in place.


  1. 就地嘘嘘呢

    right here in front of everybody?

  2. 低压就地补偿

    low voltage field compensation

  3. 就地取土坑

    local borrow.

  4. 就地无功补偿

    Inactive power compensation on the spot

  5. 就地免职或降职

    be dismissed on the spot or demoted

  6. 就地清洗过程控制

    Controlling of CIP Process.

  7. 灰渣就地回收

    ash residue right on the spot recover

  8. 他们本人要就地枪决。

    They will be summarily shot

  9. 此过程称为就地编译。

    This is called inplace compilation.

  10. 漫天要价,就地还钱

    Extort very high prices but receive extremely counteroffers

  11. 这样,各种弊病就地产生。

    This would let in all soris of evils.

  12. 这鹿突然就地停住。

    The deer stopped dead in her tracks.

  13. 瞒天要价, 就地还钱

    demand exorbitant prices and bargain heatedly

  14. 一挥而就地写了封回信

    threw off a quick response to the letter.

  15. 放下武器,否则就地丧命!

    Drop your weapons, or die where you stand!

  16. 他们就地而坐,谈论梦想。

    And they sit around, and they talk about dreams.

  17. 证据确实者,准许就地逮捕。

    Upon valid evidence, persons so charged may be arrested on the spot.

  18. 所以才没有此刻就地了结你

    from ending you right here, right now.

  19. 那么或许你该把我就地正法。

    Then maybe you ought to shoot me.

  20. 就地编译不能使用此选项。

    This option is not available for inplace compilation.

  21. 关闭部署后, 测试将就地运行。

    When deployment is turned off, tests are run in place.

  22. 漫天要价, 就地还钱。愿买愿卖。

    Dishonest deals involve dishonest prices.

  23. 海盗头子命令将人质就地枪决。

    The pirate chief commanded that the hostages be shot on the spot.

  24. 它立刻就地一滚,重新跳起来。

    Instantly, it rolled over and leaped again.

  25. 祥子没出一声,就地爬起。

    Xiangzi didn't answer but scrambled to his feet.

  26. 协定规定越南全境立即就地停火。

    The Agreement called for an immediate ceasefire in place throughout Vietnam.

  27. 不允许对此选项进行就地编译。

    This option is not allowed for inplace compilation.

  28. 采来的矿石并不就地洗选。

    The extracted ore was not dressed on the spot.

  29. 采来得矿石并不就地洗选。

    The extracted ore was not dressed on the spot.

  30. 山塘养鱼就地饲源利用简报

    Brief report of using local feed materials for aquaculture in the ponds of hilly area


  1. 问:就地拼音怎么拼?就地的读音是什么?就地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地的读音是jiùdì,就地翻译成英文是 on the spot

  2. 问:就地取材拼音怎么拼?就地取材的读音是什么?就地取材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地取材的读音是jiùdìqǔcái,就地取材翻译成英文是 to get materials from local sources; to use...

  3. 问:就地正法拼音怎么拼?就地正法的读音是什么?就地正法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地正法的读音是jiùdìzhèngfǎ,就地正法翻译成英文是 to execute on the spot

  4. 问:就地交货拼音怎么拼?就地交货的读音是什么?就地交货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地交货的读音是jiù dì jiāo huò,就地交货翻译成英文是 delivery on field

  5. 问:就地休战拼音怎么拼?就地休战的读音是什么?就地休战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地休战的读音是jiù dì xiū zhàn,就地休战翻译成英文是 standstill truce

  6. 问:就地保护拼音怎么拼?就地保护的读音是什么?就地保护翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地保护的读音是jiù dì bǎo hù,就地保护翻译成英文是 in situ conservation

  7. 问:就地修理拼音怎么拼?就地修理的读音是什么?就地修理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地修理的读音是jiù dì xiū lǐ,就地修理翻译成英文是 spot reconditioning

  8. 问:就地停火拼音怎么拼?就地停火的读音是什么?就地停火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地停火的读音是jiù dì tíng huǒ,就地停火翻译成英文是 Inplace Cease Fire

  9. 问:就地免职拼音怎么拼?就地免职的读音是什么?就地免职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地免职的读音是jiùdìmiǎnzhí,就地免职翻译成英文是 relieve sb.; of his post then and there

  10. 问:就地协议拼音怎么拼?就地协议的读音是什么?就地协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地协议的读音是jiù dì xié yì,就地协议翻译成英文是 standstill agreement

  11. 问:就地取土拼音怎么拼?就地取土的读音是什么?就地取土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地取土的读音是jiù dì qǔ tǔ,就地取土翻译成英文是 local borrow

  12. 问:就地培训拼音怎么拼?就地培训的读音是什么?就地培训翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地培训的读音是jiù dì péi xùn,就地培训翻译成英文是 local training

  13. 问:就地安置拼音怎么拼?就地安置的读音是什么?就地安置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地安置的读音是jiù dì ān zhì,就地安置翻译成英文是 local settlement

  14. 问:就地定居拼音怎么拼?就地定居的读音是什么?就地定居翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地定居的读音是jiù dì dìng jū,就地定居翻译成英文是 local settlement

  15. 问:就地审判拼音怎么拼?就地审判的读音是什么?就地审判翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地审判的读音是jiùdìshěnpàn,就地审判翻译成英文是 on-site trial

  16. 问:就地审计拼音怎么拼?就地审计的读音是什么?就地审计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地审计的读音是jiù dì shěn jì,就地审计翻译成英文是 site audit

  17. 问:就地建造拼音怎么拼?就地建造的读音是什么?就地建造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地建造的读音是jiù dì jiàn zào,就地建造翻译成英文是 on-site construction

  18. 问:就地惩罚拼音怎么拼?就地惩罚的读音是什么?就地惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地惩罚的读音是jiù dì chéng fá,就地惩罚翻译成英文是 punish on the spot

  19. 问:就地收购拼音怎么拼?就地收购的读音是什么?就地收购翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地收购的读音是jiù dì shōu gòu,就地收购翻译成英文是 on-the-spot collection

  20. 问:就地枪决拼音怎么拼?就地枪决的读音是什么?就地枪决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:就地枪决的读音是jiùdìqiāngjué,就地枪决翻译成英文是 shoot on the spot



详细解释 1、顺势,随口。 《西游记》第三十回:“八戒道:‘师父想你,着我来请你的。’行者道:‘他也不请我,他也不想我……’八戒就地扯个谎,忙道:‘委是想你!委是想你!’”《东周列国志》第七回:“瑕叔盈只道考叔为守城军士所伤,一股愤气,太阳中迸出火星;就地取过大旗,一踊而上,绕城一转。大呼:‘郑君已登城矣!’” 2、在原地。 赵树理 《三里湾》十七:“负责管场的社员就地参加了打场工作。” 3、地面。 山东省临沂市部分地区方言称"地面"为"就地"。