




1. 临 [lín]临 [lín]从上向下看,在高处朝向低处:照~。~渊羡鱼(看着深潭里的鱼,很希望得到;喻只作空想,不做实际工作)。到,来:光~。莅~。亲~。遭遇,碰到:~时。面~。挨着,靠近:~近。~街。~终。~危。~阵磨枪。照样子摹仿……



汉语拼音:lì lín








  1. 光临,来临。

    清 黄轩祖 《游梁琐记·王天冲》:“某早闻之,不敢莅临,遣其弟代祭。”如:敬请莅临指导。



  1. How much honored we are that Your Excellency is gracing us with your presence at this very festive event to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

  2. How much influence this buys the Americans is debatable: they tread a fine line between giving advice and appearing to dictate.

  3. All staff sincerely welcome your visit this enterprise inspection and guidance, look forward to working with you to create brilliant!

  4. Welcome to Li Bin visit our company, we would like to sincerely cooperate with you to create a win-win!

  5. Li, chairman of the mine with the staff heartily welcome customers at home and abroad to visit the company guidance, negotiate business!

  6. May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly e tings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.

  7. Distinguished from all over welcome to the company to guidance.

  8. Not the best, only better! We hope we'll be the one of the hardware casting specialist. Welcome to pay a visit to our company.

  9. Our company sincerely welcomes traveling merchants all over the whole world for visit , guidance and cooperation hand in hand !


  1. 恳请莅临视察。

    Inspection is cordially invited.

  2. 敬请莅临视察。

    Inspection is respectfully invited.

  3. 敬请莅临指导。

    Your presence and guidance are requested.

  4. 莅临崭新的国度

    Going to a New Country

  5. 欢迎莅临这次听证会。

    Welcome to our hearing.

  6. 欢迎莅临这次听证会。

    Welcome to our hearing.

  7. 请携同夫人莅临会场。

    Please bring your wife to the party.

  8. 您的莅临是我们的光荣。

    You honor us with your presence.

  9. 女王莅临使我们不胜荣幸。

    The Queen is gracing us with her presence.

  10. 感谢大家今晚拨冗莅临。

    So thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here this evening.

  11. 热烈欢迎全体师生莅临指导。

    All the teachers and students are warmly welcome.

  12. 一片欢呼声欢迎女王莅临。

    Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen.

  13. 今天玛莉莅临是给我们面子。

    Today Mary honored us by her presence.

  14. 欢迎莅临亚太苹果联盟。

    Welcome to MacAsia.org, the AsiaPacific Mac Union.

  15. 我谨热烈欢迎各位莅临香港。

    I would like to extend to you our warmest welcome to Hong Kong.

  16. 他们悬旗以迎接女王的莅临。

    They hung out flags for the Queen's visit.

  17. 我们欢迎您莅临本厂参观指导!

    We welcome you to come visit our factory to guide!

  18. 夏天象征服者一样莅临这个国家。

    The summer came upon the country like a conqueror.

  19. 酋长得传令官用喇叭宣布酋长得莅临。

    The chieftain had a herald who announced his arrival with a trumpet.

  20. 我诚意邀请各位莅临, 亲自体验一下。

    I invite you to come and see for yourselves.

  21. 热烈欢迎驻华使节莅临参观交流。

    A very warm welcome to all diplomatic envoys's exchange visits to china.

  22. 股东可亲自莅临或委托代理人参加。

    Shareholders can participate personally or delegate a representative.

  23. 我们期待您莅临上海的荷兰文化馆。

    Looking forward to welcoming you in the Dutch Culture Centre in Shanghai.

  24. 新人亲友团要向莅临的宾客致意。

    The bridal party will greet guests as they arrive.

  25. 新人亲友团要向莅临得宾客致意。

    The bridal party will greet guests as they arrive.

  26. 多谢您的莅临欣赏并分享我的音乐。

    Hope you all have enjoyed the concert tonight.

  27. 谢谢你今天莅临我们的产品陈列室。

    Thank you for coming to our showroom today.

  28. 大家晚上好, 欢迎各位莅临今晚盛会。

    Good evening and a big welcome and festive gathering.

  29. 热烈欢迎社会各界朋友莅临洽淡, 导。

    Warmly welcome friends from all walks of life come to Hetan guide.

  30. 街道布满了花朵以迎接王室成员莅临。

    The streets were strewn with flowers for the royal visit.


  1. 问:莅临拼音怎么拼?莅临的读音是什么?莅临翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莅临的读音是lìlín,莅临翻译成英文是 arrive



莅临(lì lín)出处,来到;来临,光临。清 黄轩祖 《游梁琐记·王天冲》,光临的意思。