


相距,隔开:距~。太阳是~地球最近的恒星。离开,分开:分~。~别。~家。~散(sàn)。~职。~异。~间(jiàn )。支~破碎。缺少:办好教育~不开教师。八卦之一,符号是“☲”,代表火。古同“罹”,遭受。古同“缡”,妇女的佩巾。〔~~〕形……


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……



汉语拼音:lí fēn






  1. 分离,别离。

    汉 刘桢 《赠五官中郎将》诗之二:“逝者如流水,哀此遂离分。”《戏曲剧本选集·百日缘》:“比目鱼、连理枝成双成对,纵然是海枯石烂也不离分。”



  1. Several pain's entanglement how many dark night struggle, grip tightly both hands to let me and you do not leave again the minute.


  2. For ever, Fortune, will you prove an unrelenting foe to love , and when we meet a mutual heart come in between, and bid us part?


  3. Many times of painful tangling many nights of self thrusting just hold the hands tightly we would never be apart again


  1. 有情人永远不离分。

    Those in love would never be in exile.

  2. 看着爱情走进, 看着爱情离分。

    To see love coming and see love depart.

  3. 紧握双手让我和你再也不离分。

    Tightly will I hold your hands and never loose.

  4. 几经朝换, 烟火间, 神州分分离离。

    Several pass through the dynasty to trade, between fire, divine land separation.

  5. 离分分开分离。

    To part or divide disunite disconnect.

  6. 你总来到中间, 让我们离分?

    Come in between, and bid us part?

  7. 永不离分, 除非死神硬要来拆散他们, 让他们获得彻底的解脱。

    And never separate till death relieved them of their troubles.

  8. 略论脉钨矿床矿物微粒浓差运离分带理论之不能成立

    On the untenability of the theory of transportation zonation due to concentration differences of mineral particles for vein type tungsten deposit

  9. 车站离我家要步行十分钟。

    The station is ten minutes walk from my house.

  10. 安全分离钩

    safety detaching hook.

  11. 果核分离机

    fruit stone extractor.

  12. 茶梗分离机

    stalk extractor.

  13. 层流分离泡

    laminar separation bubble.

  14. 藻酸盐分离剂

    alginate dental separator

  15. 然而枭雄如恺撒, 冒险家如哥伦布, 却又离我的爱好十分之远。

    Nevertheless, I have no liking at all for Caesar the autocrat and Columbus the adventurer.

  16. 薄层色谱分离法

    thin layer chromatography

  17. 客户定单分离点

    customer order discoupling point

  18. 藻酸盐牙用分离剂

    alginate dental sequestering agent

  19. 浆渣分离机的设计与研究

    Studies on the Machine of Asunderring Oar and Sediment

  20. 逐出借离心分离机的运转。

    drive out subject to the action of a centrifuge.

  21. 单分离音箱立体声盒式收录机

    stereo radio cassette recorder with single detachable speaker system

  22. 豆奶分离机差速器的设计

    Design of the differential mechanism of soy milk separating machine

  23. 能折射光而没有谱色分离得。

    Refracting light without spectral color separation.

  24. 分解通过化学反应分离成各组成成分

    Separation into constituents by chemical reaction.

  25. 沮丧着自从俺俩分离得那一天。

    Blue since the day we parted.

  26. 焦油氨水分离槽的失稳失效分析

    Buckling Failure Analysis of Tar and Ammonia Water Separation Hopper

  27. 冷却后,乳状液流入离心分离机。

    After cooling, the emulsion flows into a centrifuge.

  28. 离心分离机开孔转鼓的设计计算

    Design on the Opening Drum of Centrifugal Machine

  29. 采用不锈钢筛分离板, 耐用且分离效果好。

    Using stainless steel sieve, serviceable and separating effect is better.

  30. 分离方法主要有色谱柱分离法,膜分离法,酶法。

    The preparation methods of chitooligosaccharide are chemical process, zymolysis and physical method.