




1. 创 [chuàng]2. 创 [chuāng]创 [chuàng]开始,开始做:~造。~制。首~。开~。~立。~演。~议。创 [chuāng]伤:~伤。~口。~巨痛深(喻遭受重大的损失)。……



汉语拼音:chū chuàng







  1. 草创;开创。

    《文选·潘岳<为贾谧作赠陆机>诗》:“肇自初创,二仪烟煴。” 张铣 注:“初创,犹草创也。”《小说月刊》1981年第8期:“海岛初创之期,来队家属诸多不便,她深夜让铺的事就多了。”



  1. The long term for a startup is a year--get used to this mentality.


  2. If the number of startups increases dramatically, then the people whose job is to judge them are going to have to get better at it.


  3. Reid assembled the founding team, drawing largely from his prior startups, with a few other folks he'd known for a long time.


  4. The main takeaway from the summit for me was that China's social gaming startups are just beginning to go into overdrive.


  5. Growing up listening to Scott Joplin's rags, James P. Johnson was one of the originators of the stride piano style.


  6. A Web start-up named Storify, which opens to the public Monday, aims to help journalists and others collect and filter all this information.


  7. What often kills an early-stage business is excessive personal drawing of money by the owner, draining the company of vital working capital.


  8. Silicon Valley's annual coming-out season for tech start-ups is about to turn into a stampede.


  9. And today, Melinda tells me that she's probably going to accept an offer from a startup that's made her an offer she can't refuse.


  1. 处于初创阶段

    to be in its infancy

  2. 这是一家初创的企业。

    This is a newly established enterprise.

  3. 旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。

    Tourism was then still in its infant stage.

  4. 燃料节约工作仍在初创阶段。

    Fuel conservation measures are still in their infancy.

  5. 这八个初创网页服务公司在24小时之内

    Each one of them found this.

  6. 初创企业家习惯于低估创业所需的资金。

    Entrepreneurs chronically underestimate how much money theyll need to start a business.

  7. 再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大, 遍。

    Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.

  8. 部分初创公司投资人也注意到了这一点。

    Some startup investors have taken note of this.

  9. 从社会角度来看, 初创公司似乎更加格格不入。

    Startups seem to go more against the grain, socially.

  10. 通常, 有希望得初创企业是由程序员发现得。

    Promising new startups are often discovered by developers.

  11. 通常,有希望的初创企业是由程序员发现的。

    Promising new startups are often discovered by developers.

  12. 试论一政治思维对秦帝制初创之影响

    On the Impact of Political Thinking Oneness on the Early Qin Autocratic Monarchy Establishment

  13. 一些初创企业成功地取得了突破,然后成了大型企业。

    Some manage to break through and go on to become big businesses.

  14. 睿芯远见科技有限公司是一个早期的初创公司。

    Transvision Microsystems is an early stage startup company.

  15. 他说,对方的律师肯定从未经手过初创公司交易。

    He says the other lawyer must never have worked on a startup deal before.

  16. 苹果保持胜绩的原因是它是一个巨大的初创公司。

    Apple keeps winning because it's a giant startup.

  17. 我更想看到多一些风险投资和贷款型的初创事业。

    I would much rather see more venture capital and loan type initiatives.

  18. 为了自己的初创公司, 我们将整个生活和生计都押上了。

    We put our entire life and livelihood at risk for the startup.

  19. 但是品牌广告对新生的初创企业来说是一件困难的事情。

    But brand advertising can be a tough thing for scrappy startups.

  20. 国家支助和培养女企业家的制度目前正处于初创阶段。

    The system of State support and development of female entrepreneurship is currently in an initial stage of creation.

  21. 不幸的是,初创企业家谈到还债并不能总是底气十足。

    Unfortunately, when you're an entrepreneur, you don't always find yourself in a position of strength when it comes to paying off debts.

  22. 他表示,迪斯尼将考虑投资和收购加速器项目中的初创企业。

    Disney will consider investments and acquisitions of the startups in the accelerator, he said.

  23. 两家位于硅谷帕罗奥图的初创公司希望能解决上述麻烦。

    Two Palo Alto startups want to fix that.

  24. 初创公司的流动性越高,再建一个新的硅谷的可能性就越低。

    The more mobile startups get,the harder it would be to start new silicon valleys.

  25. 初创企业的孵化整个过程分为三个阶段接纳, 培育与毕业。

    The whole incubation flow of pioneering business is divided into three stages admission, cultivation and graduation.

  26. 在耶和华造化的起头, 在太初创造万物之先, 就有了我。

    The LORD made me as the start of his way, the first of his works in the past.


  1. 问:初创拼音怎么拼?初创的读音是什么?初创翻译成英文是什么?

    答:初创的读音是chūchuàng,初创翻译成英文是 startup; newly established



词目:初创 : 基本

解释: [newly established] 初创时期