







汉语拼音:fēn fēi







  1. 纷纷飞扬。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·胭脂》:“争妇女之颜色,恐失臙脂;惹鷙鸟之纷飞,并托秋隼。” 艾青 《归来的歌·光的赞歌》:“世界要是没有光,也就没有杨花飞絮的春天,也就没有百花争艳的夏天,也就没有金果满园的秋天,也就没有大雪纷飞的冬天。”



  1. It was too early in the year for a heavy fall of leaves, but nevertheless the garden was covered.

  2. Moonlight outline of your figure in flying in the wind, like a distant and Elisha son.

  3. Well, it was a nice snowstorm; a fine sight to see the snow falling so quietly and graciously over so much open country.

  4. Meanwhile snow continues to blanket parts of the upper Midwest. Up to a foot fell on Wisconsin and Minnesota.

  5. A fierce spring storm has dropped snow on parts of the central Plains and spotted at least one tornado in Texas.

  6. Picking up a piece of falling leaves, with a melancholy light, message to you, can you see my heart's missing.

  7. The Napa continued to pull duty, running fuel to ships around Manila Bay under heavy fire, until eventually, the fuel ran out.

  8. Last winter, too, was exceptionally snowy and cold across the Eastern United States and Eurasia, as were seven of the previous nine winters.

  9. It was snowing heavily outside my windows when I began to write this preface for the debut of "On Departing Yunnan" .


  1. 雪片纷飞。

    Snowflakes flutter about.

  2. 细雨纷飞夜

    Light Rain in Drizzling Night.

  3. 大雪纷飞。

    Snowflakes were falling thick and fast.

  4. 正值大雪纷飞。

    It is snowing in great flakes.

  5. 大雪纷飞,江河冰封。

    It is snowing hard, and rivers and streams have frozen over.

  6. 秋风瑟瑟, 落叶纷飞。

    The autumn wind was rustling and the leaves fell in profusion.

  7. 秋风瑟瑟,落叶纷飞。

    The autumn wind was rustling and the leaves fell in profusion.

  8. 白色油桐风中纷飞

    White tungs come in a continuous stream

  9. 雪花纷飞,寒风刺骨。

    Snowflakes were drifting down and the piercing wind chilled me to the marrow.

  10. 白雪纷飞都成空

    White snow blowing in the sky but everything is gone

  11. 黄昏时分,大雪纷飞。

    It came on to snow heavily towards the evening.

  12. 夜色渐渐降临,瑞雪纷飞。

    Snow falling and night falling fast, oh, fast.

  13. 北风凛冽,大雪纷飞。

    The north wind was blowing cold; the snow was falling in thick flakes.

  14. 黄叶纷飞秋风中。

    The yellow leaves are falling in the autumn wind.

  15. 雪在屋顶上空纷飞。

    Snow flew above the roof of the house.

  16. 大雪纷飞, 原野一片迷茫。

    The vast plain was obscured by the falling snow.

  17. 细雨纷飞打湿阴霾的心醉

    Fine raindrop fly, wet my damp and broken heart

  18. 在大雪纷飞中新年来到了。

    The New Year came in with heavy snow storms.

  19. 落叶纷飞,已经是秋意浓了!

    The leaves are falling. Autumn is officially here.

  20. 七月的雨纷飞, 漫天遍野。

    July fiercely, sky filled by the rain.

  21. 他们相恋于战火纷飞的年代。

    Their love affair began against a backdrop of war.

  22. 无论战火纷飞,还是和平安定。

    Regardless the battle fire fall thick and fast, or stabilize peaceably.

  23. 四周依然狂风怒吼, 大雪纷飞。

    The wind and snow still howled around them.

  24. 我想满世界都淫雨纷飞。

    I believe it's raining all over the world.

  25. 当我们在一起时火花纷飞。

    Sparks fly when we are together.

  26. 他们在纷飞的大雪里艰难前行。

    They tramped through the falling snow.

  27. 如注的大雨, 猛烈的冰雹, 纷飞的大雪

    driving rain, hail, snow, etc

  28. 徐风掠过和细雪纷飞。

    The only other sound's the sweep.

  29. 不让人们看见战火纷飞的世界。

    Will not make any people see wars in the world.

  30. 纷飞的大雪吞没了所有的一切声音。

    The snow swallows all sounds.


  1. 问:纷飞拼音怎么拼?纷飞的读音是什么?纷飞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纷飞的读音是fēnfēi,纷飞翻译成英文是 To fly in a large, disorderly quantity.



纷飞 fēn fēi 1.纷纷飞洒飘落 蝴蝶纷飞(纷飞落下) 艾青《归来的歌·光的赞歌》:“世界要是没有光,也就没有杨花飞絮的春天,也就没有百花争艳的夏天,也就没有金果满园的秋天,也就没有大雪纷飞的冬天。” 2.似雪花般飞舞 《东周列国志》第一回:“弓响处血肉狼藉,箭到处毛羽纷飞。” 清·蒲松龄《聊斋志异·胭脂》:“争妇女之颜色,恐失臙脂;惹鷙鸟之纷飞,并托秋隼。” 3.也可指质量轻的物体,在空中随风飘的过程。