


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……





汉语拼音:fān fēi








  1. 飞舞,飘扬。

    三国 魏 曹植 《临观赋》:“俯无鳞以游遁,仰无翼以翻飞。” 晋 陶潜 《游斜川》诗:“魴鲤跃鳞於将夕,水鸥乘和以翻飞。” 唐 王维 《送友人归山歌》之二:“白鷺忽兮翻飞,君不可兮褰衣。” 清 唐孙华 《柳絮》诗:“鹰被桃花笑轻薄,不贪结子只翻飞。” 李大钊 《Bolshevism的胜利》:“赤色旗到处翻飞,劳工会纷纷成立,可以说完全是 俄罗斯 式的革命,可以说是二十世纪式的革命。”



  1. As often as he crossed the pane, I could fancy that a thread of vital light became visible. He was little or nothing but life.


  2. Ear seems to wind on the sound, very slow, washed up the hair on the temples, sometimes rippling in the Pathetic gown.


  3. Juno will spend about a year surveying Jupiter and seeks to look beneath its swirling clouds to explore what lies below.


  4. During a 2008 expedition on the Congo, scientists looked for the "monster" fish upstream and down, to see how far it could travel.


  5. The tree leaves gradually yellow, falling leaves, like a golden bird is only up and down whipped.


  6. Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!


  7. Here he came this minute, a blurred gray shape roaring out of a dive, flashing one hundred fifty miles per hour past his instructor.


  8. Summer was here, the sky was filled with girl's happiness, beautiful skirts were flying everywhere like colourful butterfly.


  9. It's like all of a sudden he let go a million moths all over the dusty furniture and swan-neck shadows and in our bones.


  1. 翻飞未肯下。

    They twist and twirl as if struggling against the breeze.

  2. 黄幡翻飞处

    Home Where the Yellow Banners Fly

  3. 群燕来回翻飞。

    The swallows were dipping back and forth.

  4. 独自静坐让思想翻飞。

    And you sit alone with your thought

  5. 等着我, 直到雪花翻飞

    Wait for me when the snowflakes turn

  6. 秋叶翻飞, 飘落一地。

    The autumn leaves were floating in measure down to the ground

  7. 马蹄翻飞,扬起一片尘土。

    The horses hooves raised a cloud of dust.

  8. 草地化成了无数翻飞的彩蝶。

    The meadow disintegrated into butterflies.

  9. 只能放心去风中翻飞, 尽情欢畅

    Ll have to let go of mind to soar in the wind and smile

  10. 马儿在暖洋洋的春天里四蹄翻飞。

    The horses are flinging up their heels in the warm spring air.

  11. 但他那翻飞的手指决定了门票的收入。

    But his flying fingers definitely sell tickets.

  12. 那些海鸥总是在我们的游轮周围翻飞。

    The seagulls always fly to and fro around our passenger ship.

  13. 那些海鸥总是在我们的游轮周围翻飞。

    The seagulls always fly to and fro around our passenger ship.

  14. 天地却乎变大了,却不适合我翻飞腾跃。

    The world will never become larger, but not for me now prance.

  15. 翻飞鸽飞行中会摇摆或翻转的一种家鸽。

    One of a breed of domestic pigeons characteristically tumbling or somersaulting in flight.

  16. 砾石道的尽头,野草丛生,蜜蜂或是苍蝇们上下翻飞。

    Weeds grow at the edge of the gravel turnaround. Bees or flies buzz around the weeds.

  17. 它四蹄翻飞,蹄声犹如奔雷响彻在大草原上。

    His hooves were galloping, thunder in that prairie grass.

  18. 小小的羽毛球在他们中间上下翻飞,像小白鸽在飞翔。

    Badminton little flying up and down in their midst, like a small white dove in flight.

  19. 麻雀往来,燕子翻飞,这样,无故的诅咒也必不临到。

    Like a sparrow in its fitting, like a swallow in its flying, an underserved curse goes nowhere.

  20. 华美的纸灯笼如硕大的蝴蝶般在狭窄的街道上翻飞。

    Across the narrow streets the gay lanterns of paper flutter like large butterflies.

  21. 嫩绿的波一浪吹过一浪,蝴蝶翻飞,蝴蝶会偷偷的抚摸我。

    Verdant wave a wave swept through a wave of whipped butterfly, butterfly stroke, I will secretly.

  22. 我任清晰地记得故事发生的时候秋叶翻飞,飘落一地。

    I remember quite clearly now when the story happened.

  23. 鼓手们上下翻飞得鼓槌在黑暗中闪耀出整齐划一得红光。

    Drummers rattled in the pitch dark, their neon red sticks flashing in military time.

  24. 鼓手们上下翻飞的鼓槌在黑暗中闪耀出整齐划一的红光。

    Drummers rattled in the pitch dark, their neon red sticks flashing in military time.

  25. 她的裙摆重新在橡皮筋间翻飞, 水泥地在歌谣里开出花儿来。

    When she comes back to the rubber band jumping game, even the cement ground grows flowers.

  26. 吸引着蜂蝶,欢快地飘舞翻飞,点缀花心那一簇带蜜的花蕊!

    Attract bees and butterflies, and happy flying tumble, dotted with honey bother to bring it a bunch of flower!

  27. 砰的一声,风关上了一扇房门,窗帘随风扬起,向屋内翻飞。

    With a slam, the wind closed one door while the curtain fluttered toward the room.


  1. 问:翻飞拼音怎么拼?翻飞的读音是什么?翻飞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翻飞的读音是fānfēi,翻飞翻译成英文是 To turn over and over and fly up and down....



【读音】 fān fēi

【意思】 动:①忽上忽下来回地飞:一群蝴蝶在花丛中翻飞。 ②自上而下地翻动或漂动:雪花翻飞。上下或内外交换位置 ③飞舞,飘扬。

【例句】交织!旋转!凝聚!奔突!辐射!翻飞!升华! ——安塞腰鼓 刘成章