




1. 眯 [mī]2. 眯 [mí]眯 [mī]眼皮微微合拢:~缝双目。笑~了眼。小睡:~一会儿。眯 [mí]尘土入眼,不能睁开看东西:让沙子~了眼睛。……


1. 眯 [mī]2. 眯 [mí]眯 [mī]眼皮微微合拢:~缝双目。笑~了眼。小睡:~一会儿。眯 [mí]尘土入眼,不能睁开看东西:让沙子~了眼睛。……



汉语拼音:xiào mī mī








  1. 形容微笑时眼皮微合的样子。

    老舍 《二马》第一段一:“嘴唇儿往上兜着一点,和他笑眯眯的眼睛正好联成一团和气。” 艾芜 《我的青年时代》二:“ 姜兴发 常常拉拢 万长兴 ,笑眯眯地跟他问长问短。” 杨朔 《模范班》:“ 张治国 心里高兴,脸上就带股笑眯眯的劲儿。”



  1. His lineage is noble , has a pair of bright, sharp, smiling, tempting, able talk sweet words, let me intoxicating.


  2. At this time it is a touch of luck, if the mother is feeling good, smiling that she would give me a piece of the money.


  3. "gradually, " the pig "drum belly up, he was always smiling, looked at me as if to say: " You're terrific!


  4. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her presence.


  5. She smiled at me as she pulled a piece of paper out and showed it at me. She said happily, "Kuan, do you recognize this? "


  6. The female driver smiled and told me that two dollars would be fine, I could reimburse the remaining half dollar on my next ride.


  7. She said, "Today is Harrison Ford day, you guys can ask anything you want about him and I'll try to answer it. "


  8. The old lady sat quietly in the bar stool, leaned back against the wall, smiling at him.


  9. Time flies, all of a sudden the sun would no longer hiding, revealing that it was the smiling face.


  1. 笑眯眯脸蛋在哪里

    Where's the smiling face?

  2. 满屋子笑眯眯的面孔。

    A room of smiling faces.

  3. 她笑眯眯地看着我。

    She was regarding me with smiling eyes.

  4. 你看, 新郎一直笑眯眯的。

    Oh, look! The groom just can not keep a grin off his face.

  5. 她抬头笑眯眯地看着我。

    She looked up at me, smiling.

  6. 反正她成天都是笑眯眯的。

    She always has a smile on.

  7. 她想像自己坐在收款机后面, 笑眯眯的。

    She saw herself seated behind the cash register, smiling.

  8. 出了一点毛病,塔拉斯笑眯眯地说。

    Yes, something did happen, Taras said, with a smile.

  9. 左边第三个门,女售货员笑眯眯地回答。

    Third door on the left. the woman replied with a smile.

  10. 他站在那只顾对着十诫笑眯眯的。

    He stood most amiably beaming at the Ten Commandments.

  11. 两个宝宝正笑眯眯地等着他们的午饭。

    Two smiley babies are waiting for their lunch.

  12. 汤姆笑眯眯坐在那儿, 一副心满意足的样子。

    Tom sat there smiling, as happy as a clam.

  13. 凯莉转过身来, 笑眯眯地紧紧抱住了我。

    Kelly turned back and smiling gave me a big hug.

  14. 凯莉转过身来,笑眯眯地紧紧抱住了我。

    Kelly turned back and smiling gave me a big hug.

  15. 汤姆笑眯眯地坐在那儿, 一副心满意足得样子。

    Tom sat there smiling as happy as a clam.

  16. 汤姆笑眯眯地坐在那儿,一副心满意足的样子。

    Tom sat there smiling as happy as a clam.

  17. 她表面上笑眯眯的, 而实际上性格粗暴甚至无情。

    Beneath her smiling exterior she was tough, even ruthless.

  18. 他们走进教室时,她在那里笑眯眯地哼着小曲儿。

    She was humming and smiling to herself when they entered the room.

  19. 蓓丝躺在她得沙发上,笑眯眯地在跟她得老朋友说话。

    Beth lay on her sofa, talking cheerily with her old friend.

  20. 蓓丝躺在她的沙发上,笑眯眯地在跟她的老朋友说话。

    Beth lay on her sofa, talking cheerily with her old friend.

  21. 他放下听筒,仰靠在椅背上,笑眯眯地望着他的助手。

    He hung up and leaned back, beaming at his assistant.

  22. 祖父么有马上说话,他只是坐在那儿,笑眯眯地看着我。

    GrandfatIT didn't speak right away. He only sat tITe, seeing at me and smiling.

  23. 他朝旁边看了一眼,母亲笑眯眯地看着他,父亲鼓励地点点头。

    He glanced sideways, and his mother smiled at him, and his father nodded encouragement.

  24. 她帮徐曼到了杯水, 坐在对面笑眯眯的看着她吃。

    She aided Xu Man Dao cup water, sit just along the avenue smilingly seeing at her to eat.

  25. 要是碰巧你出门忘记带手绢,她就笑眯眯地递给你一块。

    If you forgot to bring your handkerchief on a tour, she would pass you one of hers with a smile.

  26. 船上躺着一位老船夫, 他正笑眯眯地拍着口袋里的钱。

    The ship lay a Laochuan Fu, he was smiling, patting the pockets of money.

  27. 然后在南瓜上切出一张脸孔, 通常是一张笑眯眯的魔鬼面孔。

    Then, a face is cut into the pumpkin, traditionally a smiling, devil face.


  1. 问:笑眯眯拼音怎么拼?笑眯眯的读音是什么?笑眯眯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笑眯眯的读音是xiàomīmī,笑眯眯翻译成英文是 smiley



