


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu wú








5.所有。 6.古代哲学范畴。有﹐指事物的存在﹐有"有形﹑有名﹑实有"等义;无﹐指事物的不存在﹐有"无形﹑无名﹑虚无"等义。



  1. 亦作“ 有亡 ”。有或无。

    《文选·司马相如<子虚赋>》:“臣 楚国 之鄙人也,幸得宿卫,十有餘年,时从出游,游於后园,览於有无,然犹未能徧覩也。” 李善 注:“览於有无,谓或有所见,或復无也。” 汉 扬雄 《羽猎赋》:“驰弋乎神明之囿,览观乎羣臣之有亡。” 唐 贾岛 《送僧》诗:“言归文字外,意出有无间。”《水浒传》第三九回:“这个不难,只取牢城营文册一查,便见有无。”

  2. 指家计的丰或薄。

    《礼记·檀弓上》:“ 子游 问丧具。夫子曰:‘称家之有亡。’ 子游 曰:‘有亡恶乎齐?’” 陆德明 释文:“有亡……一音无。” 孔颖达 疏:“亡,无也。言各随其家计丰薄有无也。” 宋 范仲淹 《宋故乾州刺史张公神道碑》:“﹝公﹞復常好施,与宗族同其有亡。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我所生长的地方》:“城中人每年各按照家中有无,到天王庙去杀猪,宰羊,磔狗,献鸡,献鱼,求神保佑五谷的繁殖,六畜的兴旺,儿女的长成,以及作疾病婚丧的禳解。”

  3. 指有馀与不足。

    《书·益稷》:“懋迁有无化居,烝民乃粒,万邦作乂。” 孙星衍 疏:“有为有餘,无为不足也。”按,《文选·王融<永明九年策秀才文>之四》引作“有亡”。 唐 韩愈 《原道》:“为之贾以通其有无。” 宋 苏轼 《过云龙山人张天骥》诗:“墟里通有无,垣墙任摧倒。” 沈从文 《从文自传·我所生长的地方》:“商人各负担了花纱同货物,洒脱的向深山中村庄走去,同平民作有无交易,谋取什一之利。”

  4. 所有。

    唐 韩愈 《处士卢君墓志铭》:“其弟 浑 ,以家有无,葬以车一乘於 龙门山 先人兆。” 宋 曾巩 《故太常博士吴君墓碣》:“其丧父也,以家之有无葬,故葬不缓。”

  5. 古代哲学范畴。有,指事物的存在,有“有形、有名、实有”等义;无,指事物的不存在,有“无形、无名、虚无”等义。

    《老子》:“天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已;皆知善之为善,斯不善已。故有无相生,难易相成。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·论说》:“次及 宋岱 、 郭象 ,鋭思於几神之区; 夷甫 、 裴頠 ,交辨於有无之域:并独步当时,流声后代。”



  1. If you find lice on your child's head, examine other family members to see if lice might have spread to them.


  2. And Draco has an endless night to turn that over in his head , as the shadows never fade and the morning never comes .


  3. "It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information, " quipped Oscar Wilde in 1894. He did not know the half of it.


  4. If it decides, in Google's phrase for deceiving or messing around with its customers, to "be evil" then millions feel the effects.


  5. When Daddy was home, we made it a rule to go to the river bank to see if there were some fish on the lines for breakfast.


  6. Mr. Heathcliff, I believe, had not treated him physically ill; thanks to his fearless nature.


  7. Having said this, she led him to a mansion made of precious stones and filled with a myriad of treasures to delight the senses.


  8. And I for seek the dark ahead if I stay .


  9. Just as an orange may be peeled in umpteen ways, so may a globe flattened into a map.


  1. 他们将互通有无。

    They will each try to provide what the other lacks.

  2. 有无目击证人?

    Are there any witnesses?

  3. 有无色差记录

    Are Colour Continuity Records Kept

  4. 有无对比法

    with and without antitheses.

  5. 有无破损和偷换

    any defects and alter

  6. 有无咖啡因的吗?

    Do you have decaf?

  7. 明确有无颈椎损伤

    Clear cspines clinically.

  8. 客观上有无困难呢?

    Were there objective difficulties?

  9. 我们有无试探引诱?

    Have we trials and temptations?

  10. 假期有无接送服务?

    Is there shuttle service in holiday?

  11. 观察有无呼吸困难。

    Observe for respiratory distress.

  12. 有无任何环境审批

    Do you hold any environmental approvals

  13. 有无任何改进措施

    Are there any improvement action apparent

  14. 有无来料检验记录

    Incoming Material Inspection Records Kept

  15. 有无任何数量折扣?

    IS there any volume discount available ?

  16. 这种颜料有无光泽?

    Will this paint give a gloss or a matt finish?

  17. 强制性化验有无作用

    Do mandatory testing exert any effet

  18. 请问有无沙滩遮租?

    Can I hire a beach umbrella?

  19. 触碰检查有无触痛。

    Palpate to detect tenderness.

  20. 我在查看有无错误。

    I'm looking out for mistakes.

  21. 工厂有无分包厂?

    Does the factory subcontract any part of the production?

  22. 有无损坏尚不清楚。

    It is unclear whether there is any damage.

  23. 你方价格有无竞争力。

    Your price is competitive.

  24. 留心看有无抑郁症状。

    Look out for symptoms of depression.

  25. 有无爱得婚姻, 就有无婚姻得爱。

    Where there is a marriage without love, there will be love without.

  26. 有无爱的婚姻,就有无婚姻的爱。

    Where there is a marriage without love, there will be love without.

  27. 检查接头螺纹有无损坏。

    Inspect the fitting threads for damage.

  28. 有无恶意的闲话,就有恶意的闲话。

    Theres harmless gossip and then theres malicious gossip.

  29. 我不得不怀疑有无上帝。

    I was forced to disbelieve in the existence of God.

  30. 调查清楚再信其有无。

    Believe, but check first.


  1. 问:有无法拼音怎么拼?有无法的读音是什么?有无法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有无法的读音是yǒu wú fǎ,有无法翻译成英文是 yes-no method