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1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……
汉语拼音:xià dú
It was that the lady was driven to the wall, so she murdered the boss with poison.
是那个女人被逼得走投无路了,她才给她的老板下毒把他毒死的。He too was known for movie- star good looks , until an attempt to poison him on the eve of the 2004 election left him painfully disfigured .
他同样以电影明星般的长相闻名,不过在2004年大选前夕因被人下毒而痛遭毁容。These poisonings would have been used for self-advantageous reasons in every class of the social order.
在社会等级的各阶层中,这些下毒行为都是为了满足一己私欲。He said the new poaching method, poisoning water holes, was incomprehensible in its cruelty.
他说,在水坑下毒这种新盗猎方法的残忍令人费解。My oldest child was, at this point, a teenage girl, and therefore had valid reason to suspect I might want to poison her.
我最大的孩子,在这个时期正是十几岁少女,所以正是有着正当理由可怀疑我可能想要给她下毒。Rumours of a possible animal poisoner were reinforced by claims that a woman was seen near Kim's enclosure shortly before she died.
关于有人给动物下毒的谣言越来越多,有人称看到一个女人在Kim死前一会儿离笼子很近。It seems possible that the actual poisoners did not realise the nature of their weapon.
似乎可能是,事实下毒者并未意识到此化学武器的特性。Yet there is no corroboration of the most intriguing reports, such as an attempt to poison the drinks of NATO troops.
然而对最有趣的报道却没有得到证实,比如,曾有人试图在北约军队的饮料中下毒。After several rounds, Gertrude toasts Hamlet against the urgent warning of Claudius, accidentally drinking the wine he poisoned.