




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:gǔ fēng






  1. 古人之风。指质朴淳古的习尚、气度和文风。

    《文选·谢惠连<祭古冢文>》:“仰羡古风,为君改卜。” 吕延济 注:“《礼记·月令》:‘孟春之月,掩骼埋胔。’此为古风也,谓卜改葬也。” 唐 韩愈 《王公神道碑铭》:“天子曰: 王某 之文可思,最宜为誥,有古风。” 宋 陆游 《游山西村》诗:“簫鼓追随春社近,衣冠简朴古风存。” 金 元好问 《论诗》诗之二七:“百年纔觉古风迴, 元祐 诸人次第来。” 鲁迅 《呐喊·明天》:“原来 鲁镇 是僻静地方,还有些古风:不上一更,大家便都关门睡觉。”

  2. 诗体的一种。即古体诗。

    唐 李白 有《古风》五十七首。 宋 魏庆之 《诗人玉屑·草堂·画山水诗》:“ 少陵 题画山水数诗,其间古风二篇,尤为超絶。”《警世通言·王娇鸾百年长恨》:“当下 娇鸞 写就古风一首。” 姚华 《论文后编·目录中》:“五七言则体有古今, 齐 梁 始兆, 唐 畅厥风,律诗崛起,谓之近体,其由旧者,则曰古风。”参见“ 古体诗 ”。



  1. the model of piety and justice, to whom that AGE of antique reverence looked up, as to a mortal man in fellowship with angels.


  2. High quality product, reasonable prices so that Gufeng Wood as many units the company assured one of the suppliers.


  3. Ordos Basin, China's second-largest gas basin gas reservoirs are developed in Jingbian field at the top of the Ordovician weathering crust.


  4. Every country has its own age-old traditions and rules of etiquette which are suited to its people.


  5. The main controlling factors of reservoir developing are lithology, lithofacies and ancient weathering crust karstification.


  6. Therefore, can be seen everywhere in Anhui traces, and preservation of the most primitive cornices, brick and tile palaeowind relics of.


  7. Unusual shapes, flamboyant colors, elaborate handcraft, and delicate design show its rustic pureness, free romance and ancient culture.


  8. His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity .


  9. retro complex; retro feeling; classical furniture; antique furniture.


  1. 浩叹古风的沉沦。

    lament the passing of old ways

  2. 古风化壳型

    palaeoweathering crusttype.

  3. 保存着浓郁的古风。

    A strong local flavor is felt.

  4. 浩叹古风得沉沦。

    lament the passing of old ways

  5. 客家婚姻与中原古风

    The Hakkas Marriage and the Ancient Customs in the Central Plain

  6. 他们遵守古风俗与习惯。

    They observe ancient custom and habits.

  7. 这座古建非常典雅,颇有古风。

    The pseudo-classical architecture follows the ancient customs and is very elegant.

  8. 拟古主义, 古风古代风格, 性质或用法

    An archaic style, quality, or usage.

  9. 古风时代希腊海外殖民与海上贸易研究

    Research into the Greek colonization and foreign trade in the age of antiquity

  10. 鄂尔多斯高原的第四纪古风成沙

    The Quaternary ancient eolian sands in the Ordos Plateau

  11. 第一部分描述了希腊古风时期的民事程序法。

    The first section describes the ancient Greek procedural law in the archaistic period.

  12. 每个国家都有其纯朴的古风和合适的礼仪

    Every country has its own ageold traditions and rules of etiquette which are suited to its people.

  13. 四川盆地红层古风化壳的地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of the ancient weathered crust in Sichuan Red Basin

  14. 花海湖泊古风成砂的粒度特征及其环境意义

    The Grain Size Characteristics of Aeolian Sand and Its Environmental Significance.

  15. 它是在古风时代初期通过居地统一运动确立的。

    It was established by synoecism early in the Archaic period.

  16. 还没有写好近体的时候,不要写古风。古风是最难的。

    There is no greater inequality than the egual treatment of uneguals.

  17. 还没有写好近体得时候, 不要写古风。古风是最难得。

    There is no greater inequality than the egual treatment of uneguals.

  18. 其舞姿剽悍壮烈, 声慑魂魄, 具有浓重的燕赵古风。

    His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity.

  19. 诗人用许多伊丽莎白时代的词语使她的作品有古风。

    The poet archaized her work with many Elizabethan words.

  20. 舞蹈形象洒脱,矫健,尚保存着骑射民族的勇武古风。

    The dance is free and brisk, imitating the valor of a tribe excelling in horsemanship and marksmanship.

  21. 花海湖泊全新世古风成砂的发现及其古环境解释

    Discovery of Holocene Aeolian Sand in Huahai Lake and Its Environmental Significance.

  22. 这清楚地说明了古风时代希腊人是如何欣赏埃及艺术的。

    This clearly shown how ancient Greeks acquried Egyptian art during the Archaic era.

  23. 四川盆地白垩纪沙漠沉积磁组构特征及其古风向意义

    The magnetic fabrics and palaeowind direction significance of the Cretaceous desert sediments in the Sichuan Basin

  24. 中奥陶系与上侏罗系间古风化壳的判别与分析

    Distinguishing and Analysis for Ancient Crust of Weathering between Ordovician and Upper Jurassic Nearby Kazuo, over the limestone of middle Ordovician, there's an ancient crust of weathering.

  25. 渤海湾盆地南北两侧奥陶系古风壳储层的不同发育模式

    Different Genetic Models of Ordoviclan Carbonate Weathered Crust Reservoirs and Petroleum Exploration Trend in the Bohai Bay Basin

  26. 殷坑组底部存在一层底砾岩及褐铁矿等古风化壳沉积物。

    A layer of conglomerate and ancient residuum sediment, such as limonite is found.


  1. 问:古风拼音怎么拼?古风的读音是什么?古风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古风的读音是gǔfēng,古风翻译成英文是 ancient customs; a form of pre-Tang poetry...

  2. 问:古风土记拼音怎么拼?古风土记的读音是什么?古风土记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古风土记的读音是,古风土记翻译成英文是 Fudoki

  3. 问:古风时期拼音怎么拼?古风时期的读音是什么?古风时期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古风时期的读音是,古风时期翻译成英文是 Archaic Greece

  4. 问:古风野牛拼音怎么拼?古风野牛的读音是什么?古风野牛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古风野牛的读音是,古风野牛翻译成英文是 Bison antiquus

  5. 问:古风风格拼音怎么拼?古风风格的读音是什么?古风风格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古风风格的读音是gǔ fēng fēng gé,古风风格翻译成英文是 noble antique style



“古风”是个多义词,它可以指古风(汉语词语), 古风(著名书画家), 古风(扬州大学文学院教授), 古风(李白诗作系列), 古风(具有古代韵味气息的文化及作品)。