


1. 吐 [tǔ]2. 吐 [tù]吐 [tǔ]使东西从口里出来:~痰。吞~。~刚茹柔(吐出硬的,吃下软的;喻欺软怕硬)。放出,露出:高粱~穗。~故纳新。说出:~话。一~为快。吐 [tù]内脏里的东西从口里涌出:呕~。上~下泻。把吞没的东西……








  1. "What the. . . , " and the next thing, he is spitting wool out of his mouth.


  2. in summer, birds do not know where to hide somewhere; vegetation had bowed his head; the dog hot spit out the tongue was panting.


  3. "I hate to break the news to you, " she said coldly. "But I'd never date a wolf like you. "


  4. The doctor shook his head and said a pathetically, dragging out each word.


  5. I stared at him scornfully, stamped my feet and shouted vicious abuse.


  6. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double -edged sword.


  7. He said these last words clearly and carefully. They seemed to have a special meaning. The stranger put his hand quickly on his pistol.


  8. It was fall 2000, and Wolovitz felt a bit stunned himself as the fateful words tumbled out of his mouth.


  9. When he said the word "species, " he was revealing his worldview.


  1. 吐出心里话

    to say one's piece

  2. 烤肉店吐出。

    Rotisserie spit.

  3. 吐出西瓜子

    spat out the watermelon seeds.

  4. 呕吐喷出吐出

    heave regurgitate throw up spew retch

  5. 吐从嘴里吐出吐出

    To eject from the mouth spit.

  6. 玫瑰花吐出芬芳。

    The rose gives out a sweet smell.

  7. 您吐出的是什么?

    What did you bring up ?

  8. 它吐火和金属吐出。

    It breathes fire and metal spits.

  9. 他从鼻孔吐出烟。

    He exhaled cigarette smoke from his nostrils.

  10. 他缓缓地吐出烟雾。

    He slowly exhaled another cloud.

  11. 婴儿吐出了一点奶。

    The baby sicked up a little milk.

  12. 烟囱吐出一片烟雾。

    The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke.

  13. 恶人的口, 吐出恶言。

    But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil.

  14. 恶人的口,吐出恶言。

    But the mouth of the wicked pours out evil.

  15. 就吐出了不老浆。

    It disgorged the Yanbue.

  16. 工厂的烟囱吐出浓烟。

    The factory chimneys puffed dense smoke.

  17. 吐出谎言的, 施行诡诈。

    But one who utters lies is a betrayer.

  18. 我吐出嘴里得头发。

    And I spat out hair.

  19. 我吐出嘴里的头发。

    And I spat out hair.

  20. 他嗫嚅着吐出几个字。

    His lips framed a few words.

  21. 吐出最后一个烟圈

    Disgorge the last circle of smoke

  22. 他吐出断了的牙齿。

    He spit out the broken tooth.

  23. 那贼被迫吐出脏物。

    The thief disgorged his plunder.

  24. 吐出, 喷出排出或吐出所有物

    To discharge or pour forth contents.

  25. 狗吐出吞下得骨头。

    The dog disgorged the bone it had swallowed.

  26. 狗吐出吞下的骨头。

    The dog disgorged the bone it had swallowed.

  27. 蜘蛛丝蜘蛛吐出的单根丝

    A single thread spun by a spider.

  28. 高高的烟囱喷吐出黑烟。

    Tall chimneys vomit forth black smoke.

  29. 恶狗总能吐出好骨头。

    Into the mouth of a bad dog often falls a good bone.

  30. 在翕动中吐出甜美叹息。

    And move and breathe delicious sighs.


  1. 问:吐出拼音怎么拼?吐出的读音是什么?吐出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吐出的读音是,吐出翻译成英文是 regorge

  2. 问:吐出物拼音怎么拼?吐出物的读音是什么?吐出物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吐出物的读音是,吐出物翻译成英文是 expectoration

  3. 问:吐出管拼音怎么拼?吐出管的读音是什么?吐出管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吐出管的读音是tǔ chū guǎn,吐出管翻译成英文是 discharge pipe