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1. 纶 [lún]2. 纶 [guān]纶 [lún]钓鱼用的线:垂~。古代官吏系印用的青丝带。现用作某些合成纤维的名称:锦~。涤~。纶 [guān]〔~巾〕古代配有青丝带的头巾。(綸)……
汉语拼音:ān lún
The yarn made of triangle polyester and lycra and solution dyed is of beautiful colour, good elastic and fashions.
采用原液染色三角涤纶和氨纶生产出的包芯纱线具有色彩斑斓、塑身保形、时尚新潮的特性。Products are mainly used for knitting, socks, gloves, spandex -coated wire, ribbon and yarn manufacturing and other fields.
产品主要用于针织、袜子、手套、氨纶包覆丝、纱线制造及织带等领域。When the urethane elastic pile loop fabric is knitted on single bed warp loom, at least three guide bars must be used.
单针床氨纶弹力经编毛圈织物的编织,至少要使用三把梳栉。The changing degree of these properties is high as the content of lycra is increasing.
而且这些性能的改变程度随着氨纶含量的增加而变大。The combination of different additives improved the elasticity and fatigue resistance of melt-spun polyurethane fiber to a different extent.
添加剂的并用在一定程度上可改善氨纶丝弹性与耐疲劳性。Elastic urethane fiber core-spunned technology has been a main content in textile industry.
弹力氨纶包芯纱技术已成为纺织行业新技术中的主要内容;A nemesis can be useful: without the Joker, Batman is a rich nutcase with a taste for spandex.
有个劲敌可能是有益的:如果没有小丑(Joker),蝙蝠侠(Batman)只是个有钱、喜欢穿氨纶紧身衣的疯子。It is constructed of fabric ( spandex ) which spans between the four walls and ceiling of the exhibition space pending above the floor.
它是织物(氨纶),其中涵盖的四个墙壁和天花板的展览场地待上述发言。The elastic recovery of melt-spun spandex can be improved by melt spinning self-made terminated polyurethane pre-polymer and spandex resin.