




行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……



汉语拼音:kuài bù





快步流星 kuàibù-liúxīng 形容走得快。



快步 [快步(Quickstep)也称“快狐步”,是国际标准舞的一种。在@@@@@ 年左右,起源于美国。用比较快的@@@@@/@@@@@拍子音乐,有独特的舞步。之后再分为快狐步舞与慢狐步舞,慢狐步舞就是今天流行的狐步舞,快狐步舞演则变成为现在的快步舞。快步的基本舞步是并合步(Chasse)、波格@@@@@Polka@@@@@、锁步(Lock)和一些华尔滋舞步。快步动作快速、机灵、起伏、弹跳敏捷,舞姿活跃动人,风格高贵优雅,是标准舞中最轻松活泼的舞蹈。#####]
  1. 快步(Quickstep)也称“快狐步”,是国际标准舞的一种。在@@@@@ 年左右,起源于美国。用比较快的@@@@@/@@@@@拍子音乐,有独特的舞步。之后再分为快狐步舞与慢狐步舞,慢狐步舞就是今天流行的狐步舞,快狐步舞演则变成为现在的快步舞。快步的基本舞步是并合步(Chasse)、波格@@@@@Polka@@@@@、锁步(Lock)和一些华尔滋舞步。快步动作快速、机灵、起伏、弹跳敏捷,舞姿活跃动人,风格高贵优雅,是标准舞中最轻松活泼的舞蹈。



  1. Running quickly to an old barrel, he lifted off one of the steel bands. He dashed back and handed it to the hobo.


  2. I didn't have much money with me, just a twenty and some ones, and I thought about "accidentally" dropping my bag and walking away.


  3. Like an up-tempo dance song, Miami and Miami Beach pulse with a constant beat, no matter the hour of the day.


  4. The goodnatured Mole picked up a stick, formed his prisoners up in a line on the floor, gave them the order 'Quick march! '


  5. He flitted away down the path, his head held high, with an air of somewhat jaded jauntiness.


  6. However, it could not be helped, and turning, and bending himself to a rapid walk, he dismissed the subject from his mind.


  7. If life doesn't inspire me to get up and do a little Irish jig every morning before breakfast, what the hell is the point of it?


  8. Walk tall and proud. walk as if you've got somewhere to go and you need to be there now, never run just walk tall and quickly.


  9. " She thanked the aunty and went home quickly. She presented the flower to her mother, and her mother said, " Lili, you've grown up.


  1. 快步飞奔。

    Galloped away at a pelt.

  2. 他快步走。

    He walked at a good pace.

  3. 俄罗斯快步马

    Russian trotter.

  4. 小跑着, 快步地

    at a trot

  5. 他快步走着。

    He was walking with quick steps.

  6. 快步走进办公室

    to speed into the office

  7. 我们快步出发了。

    We set off at a smartish pace.

  8. 奥尔洛夫快步马

    Orlov trotter

  9. 快步二拍子舞厅舞

    Paso doble

  10. 他快步走进大厅。

    He hurried into the hall.

  11. 我快步走出过道。

    I walked swiftly down the hall.

  12. 快步跃舞向黄蜂。

    To dance a jig for the bumblebee.

  13. 老人快步走开了。

    The old man set off at a quick trot.

  14. 快步地翻山越谷

    trot the hills and valleys

  15. 他快步走下楼来。

    He shinned downstairs.

  16. 马突然快步小跑起来。

    The horse broke into a brisk trot.

  17. 我们策马快步出发。

    We set off at a trot.

  18. 她快步走到床边。

    She went quickly to the bedside.

  19. 我骑马快步而行。

    I drove my horse at a round trot.

  20. 然后就快步走开了。

    Then I strode off.

  21. 他们继续快步行进。

    They resumed their march at a quick step.

  22. 她兴奋地快步走开。

    She tore away in great excitement.

  23. 他用快步走了一英里。

    He did a quick mile.

  24. 她快步走出了夜总会。

    She stepped briskly out of the club.

  25. 她急匆匆地快步走来。

    He came trotting along in a great hurry.

  26. 在家附近来个快步走。

    Take a brisk walk around the neighborhood.

  27. 跳舞者快步滑过地板。

    The dancers crossed the floor in a series of glide.

  28. 那匹马快步跑开了。

    The horse went off at a trot.

  29. 他快步行走使身体发热。

    He had heated himself by rapid walking.

  30. 快步行走快速的经济增长

    Set a torrid pace torrid economic growth.


  1. 问:快步拼音怎么拼?快步的读音是什么?快步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步的读音是kuàibù,快步翻译成英文是 walk quickly; half step

  2. 问:快步走路拼音怎么拼?快步走路的读音是什么?快步走路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步走路的读音是Kuàibù zǒulù,快步走路翻译成英文是 to go for a brisk walk

  3. 问:快步走拼音怎么拼?快步走的读音是什么?快步走翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步走的读音是,快步走翻译成英文是 doubled

  4. 问:快步佯攻拼音怎么拼?快步佯攻的读音是什么?快步佯攻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步佯攻的读音是kuài bù yáng gōng,快步佯攻翻译成英文是 appel

  5. 问:快步流星拼音怎么拼?快步流星的读音是什么?快步流星翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步流星的读音是kuàibùliúxīng,快步流星翻译成英文是 Stride fast.

  6. 问:快步麻蜥拼音怎么拼?快步麻蜥的读音是什么?快步麻蜥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步麻蜥的读音是kuàibùmáxī,快步麻蜥翻译成英文是 Eremias velox

  7. 问:快步进行曲拼音怎么拼?快步进行曲的读音是什么?快步进行曲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:快步进行曲的读音是,快步进行曲翻译成英文是 quickstep