


1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……


行走:~兵。~行(xíng )。徒~。信~。闲~。固~自封。望而却~。踏着别人的足迹走,追随:~韵。~其后尘。~武前贤。行走时两脚的距离:~伐。~测。寸~难行。事情进行的程序、阶段、程度:~骤。初~。中国旧制长度单位,一步等于五尺。古同“埠……



汉语拼音:sàn bù







  1. 随意闲行。

    南朝 梁 刘孝威 《奉和六月壬午应令诗》:“神心重丘壑,散步怀渔樵。” 唐 韦应物 《秋夜寄丘二十二员外》诗:“怀君属秋夜,散步咏凉天。” 宋 宇文虚中 《和高子文秋兴》之一:“散步双扶老,栖身一养和。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第十章:“ 周仆 在一边悠闲地散步。”



  1. Instead, just a solar-powered house, two small beaches and a few walking paths measured in feet, not miles.


  2. All the memories of my youth speak to me as I walk, just as the seashells crunch under my feet on the beach.


  3. Schedule walks on your business calendar. Turn a walk into a brainstorming session with a coworker.


  4. Dick's uncle lived in the country. Once Dick went to stay with him for a few weeks. they often went out for a walk or for a drive in a car.


  5. Seeing their puzzled expressions, he said in a clear and loud voice: "Can't you see his mind is taking a happy walk? "


  6. It was one of the agreeable recollections of the ball, which she walked about the lawn the next morning to enjoy.


  7. One of my fondest memories as a child is gonging by the river and sitting idly on the bank .


  8. Nothing seems to be enjoyable and entertaining in life, even roaming around or having sex with your partner is no longer your passion.


  9. With that, she saunters off with her dirty-faced grandchildren, clad in tattered clothes.


  1. 一起散步。

    Go for a walk with sb.

  2. 每天散步。

    Go for a daily walk.

  3. 与龟散步。

    Take a walk with a turtle.

  4. 独个儿散步

    to walk alone.

  5. 在户外散步

    to stroll abroad.

  6. 到外边散步

    go out for a walk.

  7. 养生的散步

    constitutional walk.

  8. 在公园散步

    to perambulate the park.

  9. 悠闲地散步

    Walk at a leisurely pace.

  10. 在海滩散步

    Take a walk on the beach.

  11. 企鹅在散步。

    A penguin is walking.

  12. 沿水边散步

    stroll along the waterside.

  13. 沿海滨散步

    take a walk along the beach.

  14. 购物散步广场

    shopping promenade.

  15. 我们。一起散步

    We. we go for walks.

  16. 去散步怎么样?

    How abut going for a walk

  17. 公共散步场所

    promenade noun a public place for leisurely walking

  18. 他去散步了。

    He went for a walk.

  19. 也在散步啊。

    We are taking a walk, too.

  20. 你去散步吗?

    Do you often go for walks?

  21. 请陪我散步。

    Please accompany me on my walk.

  22. 去散步好吗?

    What do you say to going for a walk?

  23. 在树林中散步

    a walk in the woods

  24. 轻松地散散步

    go for a smart walk.

  25. 沿步行道散步

    to walk along the prom

  26. 明渠旁散步廊

    nullah side promenade.

  27. 围蔽散步甲板

    enclosed promenade deck

  28. 想不想去散步?

    Would you like to go for a walk?

  29. 在海滩上散步

    to promenade on the beach

  30. 带某人去散步

    to take somebody for a walk


  1. 问:散步拼音怎么拼?散步的读音是什么?散步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步的读音是sànbù,散步翻译成英文是 go for a stroll

  2. 问:散步区拼音怎么拼?散步区的读音是什么?散步区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步区的读音是sàn bù qū,散步区翻译成英文是 pedestrian space

  3. 问:散步场拼音怎么拼?散步场的读音是什么?散步场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步场的读音是sàn bù chǎng,散步场翻译成英文是 promenade

  4. 问:散步的拼音怎么拼?散步的的读音是什么?散步的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步的的读音是sàn bù de,散步的翻译成英文是 meandering

  5. 问:散步路拼音怎么拼?散步路的读音是什么?散步路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步路的读音是sànbù lù,散步路翻译成英文是 Walkway

  6. 问:散步路拼音怎么拼?散步路的读音是什么?散步路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步路的读音是sàn bù lù,散步路翻译成英文是 esplanade

  7. 问:散步道拼音怎么拼?散步道的读音是什么?散步道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步道的读音是sàn bú dào,散步道翻译成英文是 walk

  8. 问:散步鞋拼音怎么拼?散步鞋的读音是什么?散步鞋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步鞋的读音是sànbùxié,散步鞋翻译成英文是 walking shoe

  9. 问:散步场地拼音怎么拼?散步场地的读音是什么?散步场地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步场地的读音是,散步场地翻译成英文是 promenade

  10. 问:散步小径拼音怎么拼?散步小径的读音是什么?散步小径翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步小径的读音是,散步小径翻译成英文是 xyst

  11. 问:散步小路拼音怎么拼?散步小路的读音是什么?散步小路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步小路的读音是sàn bù xiǎo lù,散步小路翻译成英文是 promnard

  12. 问:散步 (梭罗)拼音怎么拼?散步 (梭罗)的读音是什么?散步 (梭罗)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:散步 (梭罗)的读音是,散步 (梭罗)翻译成英文是 Walking